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  1. Lucene - Core
  2. LUCENE-5465

Solr Contrib "map-reduce" breaks Manifest of all other JAR files by adding a broken Main-Class attribute


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 4.7
    • 4.7, 4.8, 6.0
    • None
    • None
    • New, Patch Available


      The addition of the Solr map-reduce contrib created a new "main.class" property, which is used by the jarify task. Currently only the map-reduce plugin actually set this property, soall other generated JAR files contain the following line:

      Main-Class: ${main.class}

      This happens because the ANT property "main.class" is undefined for most modules. Maybe this was added for one of the modules (I assume that the Solr-Morphline JARs use this attribute?). We should add some if/then/else structure to the <jarify/> task that only sets this property, if it is actually defined. Otherwise remove it (I think ANT does this automatically if its empty, means string-empty, have to try out)

      This leads to an error if the file is double-clicked or started via java -jar:

      C:\Users\Uwe Schindler\Desktop>java -jar lucene-core-4.7.0.jar
      Fehler: Hauptklasse ${main.class} konnte nicht gefunden oder geladen werden

      I opened this issue in LUCENE, because jar files from LUCENE and SOLR are affected.


        1. LUCENE-5465.patch
          6 kB
          Steven Rowe
        2. LUCENE-5465.patch
          1 kB
          Uwe Schindler



            sarowe Steven Rowe
            uschindler Uwe Schindler
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