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  1. Lucene - Core
  2. LUCENE-2657

Replace Maven POM templates with full POMs, and change documentation accordingly


    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 3.1, 4.0-ALPHA
    • 3.1, 4.0-ALPHA
    • general/build
    • None
    • New, Patch Available


      The current Maven POM templates only contain dependency information, the bare bones necessary for uploading artifacts to the Maven repository.

      The full Maven POMs in the attached patch include the information necessary to run a multi-module Maven build, in addition to serving the same purpose as the current POM templates.

      Several dependencies are not available through public maven repositories. A profile in the top-level POM can be activated to install these dependencies from the various lib/ directories into your local repository. From the top-level directory:

      mvn -N -Pbootstrap install

      Once these non-Maven dependencies have been installed, to run all Lucene/Solr tests via Maven's surefire plugin, and populate your local repository with all artifacts, from the top level directory, run:

      mvn install

      When one Lucene/Solr module depends on another, the dependency is declared on the artifact(s) produced by the other module and deposited in your local repository, rather than on the other module's un-jarred compiler output in the build/ directory, so you must run mvn install on the other module before its changes are visible to the module that depends on it.

      To create all the artifacts without running tests:

      mvn -DskipTests install

      I almost always include the clean phase when I do a build, e.g.:

      mvn -DskipTests clean install


        1. LUCENE-2657.patch
          214 kB
          Steven Rowe
        2. LUCENE-2657.patch
          203 kB
          Steven Rowe
        3. LUCENE-2657.patch
          202 kB
          Steven Rowe
        4. LUCENE-2657.patch
          232 kB
          Steven Rowe
        5. LUCENE-2657.patch
          217 kB
          Steven Rowe
        6. LUCENE-2657.patch
          220 kB
          Steven Rowe
        7. LUCENE-2657.patch
          220 kB
          Steven Rowe
        8. LUCENE-2657.patch
          194 kB
          Steven Rowe
        9. LUCENE-2657.patch
          198 kB
          Steven Rowe
        10. LUCENE-2657.patch
          198 kB
          Steven Rowe
        11. LUCENE-2657.patch
          198 kB
          Steven Rowe
        12. LUCENE-2657.patch
          233 kB
          Steven Rowe
        13. LUCENE-2657.patch
          228 kB
          Steven Rowe
        14. LUCENE-2657.patch
          227 kB
          Steven Rowe
        15. LUCENE-2657.patch
          229 kB
          Steven Rowe
        16. LUCENE-2657.patch
          222 kB
          Steven Rowe
        17. LUCENE-2657-branch_3x.patch
          217 kB
          Steven Rowe
        18. LUCENE-2657-branch_3x.patch
          206 kB
          Steven Rowe

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