Optimizing Care Delivery for Clinicians

2022 Research Stories

A Clinical Decision Support Tool for Preventing Falls

Tools like ASPIRE that integrate fall prevention clinical decision support and patient resources may better support patient self-care and adoption of evidence-based recommendations.

Closing the Communication Gap Between Prescribers and Pharmacists to Decrease Medication Safety Risks

Implementing CancelRx, an e-prescribing tool to electronically communicate medication discontinuation orders between electronic health records and pharmacies, showed an immediate and persistent reduction in prescriptions that were dispensed after discontinuation.

Decision Support in the Emergency Department to Improve Medication Safety for Older Adults

Using the clinical decision support system Enhancing Quality of Prescribing Practices for Older Adults Discharged from the Emergency Department significantly reduces the prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications in the emergency department setting.

Previous Research Stories


Choosing What Clinicians See in an Electronic Health Record Can Reduce Cognitive Burden and Improve Decision Making

Giving clinicians the ability to customize the patient electronic health record display reduces cognitive burden, saves time, and supports decision making in busy clinical environments.


Designing Digital Healthcare Technology to Support Cognitive Team Work in Pediatric Trauma Settings

Understanding of the cognitive process of pediatric care teams advances knowledge of design elements for digital healthcare solutions that support these teams, essential to increasing team coordination and improving patient safety.

doctor with tablet

Designing Intelligent Systems to Support Cognitive Work of Clinical Providers in Emergency Departments

The use of cognitive engineering systems methodology helps to better understand the interactions of the cognitive and workflow processes of frontline emergency medicine providers by affording new strategies for the design of health information technology (IT) solutions. These strategies not only strive to improve the effectiveness of clinical work in high-intensity medical environments, but also provide a guide to improve health IT implementations in the future.


Improving Electronic Health Record Usability for Patient Safety

Analysis of patient safety event reports showed an association between electronic health record (EHR) usability and patient safety in both adults and children and led to development of an EHR assessment tool that healthcare facilities can use to identify usability and safety issues.

patient visiting doctor

Low-Cost Screening in the Emergency Department Helps Address Social Determinants of Health

The use of an emergency department referral infrastructure including an electronic assessment of patients’ social needs (e.g., transportation, food, and housing assistance) can facilitate referrals for those in need and monitor population health post-discharge, which shows the potential of such infrastructure to improve health outcomes and reduce inappropriate emergency department usage.


Patient-Facing Clinical Decision Support to Improve Blood Pressure

Translating hypertension guidelines into a patient-facing clinical decision support tool can engage patients in blood pressure management.

doctor with tablet

User-Centered Decision Support Tools for Chronic Pain

By characterizing common patterns in information availability, information use, and care planning by primary care providers during patient visits for chronic pain, researchers created new electronic health record-based decision support tools to guide clinicians’ perceptions and judgments of noncancer pain to increase use of guideline-based patient assessment and treatment.


Visual Learning: Displaying the Data for Hypertension Management

A clinical decision support tool helps patients and physicians use at-home measured blood pressure data to better understand hypertension control and inform shared treatment decisions.