View allAll Photos Tagged sun

Still waiting for the sun.......

The start of a beautiful Autumn day here in sunny Herefordshire - with a hint of chill - just what makes Autumn a magical season. Have a good week ahead all xx

Lake of Varese, Italy


THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your comments, favs, views and opinions which I really appreciate :-)

"Yeah, tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun"


Another in this series! I did this with a mirror sunk in some water to get the reflection, the grass stem was placed in a tub with earth to hold it up and sprayed with water to get the droplet for those of you that are interested in such things! with the aid of PS as well! I have had a few inquires about if the sun is real in this series of shot and the answer is yes the sun is real and as it was on taking the shot!


#The Sun Between The Mountains


Bon Iver


Thanks for your recent visit ,comment, fav and invite, always all much appreciated...: )


All rights reserved. Image can not be inserted in blogs, websites or any other form, without my written permission.

Am Starnberger See bei St. Heinrich


I appreciate your visits, faves, constructive comments and invites! Thank you!




Cambria, California

A lovely sunset at St Andrews State Park, FL.

Female Mallard Duck

My textures created with Procreate, iColorama and JixiPix Pastello


I swear this ducky girl was smiling as she soaked up the early Spring sunshine.


Thank you for checking this out!

Over London the Sahara sand whipped up by recent storms turned the sun orange and the afternoon really dark.




Thank you all for support!

~Hugs you all ♥

Sunset at the Fraser deck Richmond BC 長焦的菲莎河落日余輝

*All Items Avalaible at @ Cosmopolitan Event (until April 16th) *



↝ Wanderer 〜 Blonde 〜 New 〜 No Match

Rigged Mesh Hair, 2 Styles




↝ Top Tacked & Denim Short〜 Joudy Set 〜 Adorsy

Fit for Maitreya Lara and Petite, Legacy, Kupra 〜 Marketplace

Top Tacked comes in 75 Colors ( 40 Basic + 35 Prints)

Fabric Short comes in 40 Colors

Denim Shorts comes in 45 Colors ( 25 Basic + 20 Prints)

Shoes comes in 40 Colors



↝ Flea Glasses 〜 BONDI

Unrriged, Resized

6 Colors, 4 Lens


* More Info In Alexandra Sunny Styles*

Dedicada a David Gorgojo y a Diana Bas!

sky above the golden Wörthersee © All rights reserved

'cause of my "little" girl, the sun shines a lot more often again (even if nothing works anymore) ;-)))


Seen on the crossing from Baltrum back to Neßmersiel

A photo from my archives.


Sun Moon Lake is a lake in Yuchi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan. It is the largest body of water in Taiwan. The area around the lake is home to the Thao tribe, one of aboriginal tribes of Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake surrounds a tiny island called Lalu. The east side of the lake resembles a sun while the west side resembles a moon, hence the name.

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