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AKERUKA mesh head LOLA

Skin Applier by Essences IAN ( yes, male skin, but look good) Hope will be soon female !!!

Collar..Bauhaus Movement

Lions : Black Bantam


Routemaster London bus on Tower bridge

Sørumsand is an agricultural area in Akershus with 4609 inhabitants per 1 January 2013 . Strongman Jan Olav Granli is one of them.



new cosmetics for Shiny Shabby March.

Which opens 20 March - 15 April.


- The Batiste eye makeup pack includes 12 colours for Omega and Lelutka appliers.


- The Vadoma lips pack includes 16 colours with Omega, Lelutka and Catwa appliers.



Unfortunately the sun was so strong that morning. And I over exposed the shot. So I had to do a heavy treatment to make this picture look even somewhat reasonable. But I think at least you can see the framing I was trying to achieve. :)

Best wishes and happy Christmas time for all my friends from Flickr.

retour sur mes albums d'Iran que je vais compléter dans les jours prochains...


bonne soirée à vous !

Our trip to California has been delayed for a few days, so I thought I'd post a few more South Haven Lighthouse photos before we leave. As is evident on this photo, this is a popular place for people to visit, even in winter!



Head: ..::SAMURAI HQ::.. Jeffrey Mesh Head





Disclaimer: The scene shown has nothing to do with real life or secondlife is just a picture taken without any other purpose but enjoying the fact of taking it and get a new profile picture too (winks).

New blog post and credits here ---->

Thank you to all for u support ♥


I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed

Get along with the voices inside of my head

You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath

And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

its been years since we last took a proper picture together.


i love you, slutfaise

Nikon D7100

Sigma DC 18-250 Macro HSM OS

Flowers trees and a Glacier. Piz Bernina and the Morteratsch Glacier (romansh: Vadret da Morteratsch) . No. 8255.


La cabane de Boval (en romanche der Chamanna da Boval, en allemand der Boval-Hütte) se situe en Haute-Engadine, dans le canton des Grisons.


Elle est située à 2 495 m d'altitude. La cabane est équipée de matelas et de couvertures mais n'est pas chauffée1. Pour s'y rendre, l'accès se fait depuis le parking du glacier Morteratsch. De la cabane on peut atteindre les sommets suivants :


Die Bovalhütte (rätoromanisch: Chamanna da Boval) ist eine 2'495 m ü. M. hoch gelegene Schutzhütte in den Schweizer Alpen. Sie liegt im Morteratschtal, oberhalb des Morteratschgletschers. Im Westen erheben sich über der Hütte der Piz Boval und der Piz Morteratsch. Die bewirtschaftete Hütte gehört der Sektion Bernina des Schweizer Alpen-Clubs.


"The Morteratsch Glacier (romansh: Vadret da Morteratsch) is the largest glacier by area in the Bernina Range of the Bündner Alps in Switzerland.


It is, just after the Pasterze Glacier and Gepatschferner, the third largest and by volume (1.2 km3) the most massive glacier in the eastern alps. The Morteratsch Glacier is a typical valley glacier with a pronounced ice front. The accumulation zone lies between the peaks of Piz Morteratsch, Piz Bernina, Crast' Agüzza, Piz Argient, Piz Zupò and Bellavista. From Piz Argient to the ice front in the Val Morteratsch, its horizontal extent is about ~7 km (4.3 mi), with an altitude difference of up to 2,000 m (6,600 ft). Together with the Pers Glacier, originating at Piz Palü, which joins the Morteratsch just below the rock formation Isla Persa ("Lost Isle"), it covers an area of about 16 km2 (6.2 sq mi). The volume of the ice is estimated to be about 1.2 km3. The Morteratsch Glacier drains through Inn River and Danube into the Black Sea.


In spring, depending on the snow conditions, a 10-km-long ski-run accessible to skilled skiers is marked on the glacier. It leads from the Diavolezza aerial tramway terminus to the Morteratsch inn and has an altitude difference of 1,100 m (3,600 ft). The RhB Station Morteratsch used to be situated directly at the ice front of the glacier. The ice front has receded over 1,800 m (5,900 ft) in the meantime, and cannot be seen from the station today.


Yearly length change measurements have been recorded since 1878. For the period to 1998, the overall retreat was over 1.8 km (1.1 mi) with a mean annual retreat rate of approximately 17.2 m (56 ft) per year. This long-term average has markedly increased in recent years, receding 30 m (98 ft) per year from 1999–2005. Substantial retreat was ongoing through 2006 as well.[1]


During the time that measurements have been taken, the glacier has advanced a few meters in only four years. Since the large glaciers react slowly to short-term climate changes, these advances cannot be accounted for by increased precipitation in the accumulation zone. On the high moraines to the left and right of the ice front, which are still nearly free of overgrowth, the enormous quantities of ice which were still being pushed down here at the end of the "Little Ice Age" in the middle of the 19th century can be seen.


Der Morteratschgletscher (rätoromanisch Glatscher dal Morteratsch oder Vadret da Morteratsch) ist ein Alpen-Gletscher in der Berninagruppe im Kanton Graubünden in der Schweiz. Zusammen mit dem Persgletscher ist er mit einem Volumen von rund 1,2 Kubikkilometern der volumenstärkste Gletscher der Ostalpen. Seit Beginn der systematischen Beobachtungen im Jahr 1878 hat der Gletscher 2,2 Kilometer an Länge eingebüsst, er ist heute noch rund 6,4 Kilometer lang und damit der drittlängste Gletscher der Ostalpen, nach Pasterze und Gepatschferner in den österreichischen Alpen.


Die beim Gletscherrückgang im Gletschervorfeld hinterlassenen Spuren gelten als typisch für die Alpen. Ein Gletscherlehrpfad erklärt an 20 Stationen Glaziologie, Geomorphologie und Vegetation. Entlang dieses Wanderweges stehen darüber hinaus Schilder zur Dokumentation des Gletscherrückgangs. Im Frühjahr führt eine Skiroute von der Diavolezza über den Gletscher.


Le glacier Morteratsch (en romanche : Vadret da Morteratsch) est le plus grand glacier de la chaîne de la Bernina. Il se situe dans le canton des Grisons en haute-Engadine.


Il a une longueur maximale de 7 km avec un dénivelé de 2 000 m et se termine au plus haut sur le Punta Perrucchetti à 4 020 m. Il couvre avec le glacier Pers environ 16 km2.


Entre 1878 et 1998, le glacier a reculé de 1,8 km avec une moyenne annuelle d'environ 17,2 mètres. Le recul s'est accéléré ces dernières années avec une moyenne de 30 mètres par an de 1999-2005.


À la confluence avec le glacier Pers, le glacier Morteratsch se comporte comme un barrage naturel bloquant les eaux de ruissellement et à l'origine d'un petit lac."


This informations was found at Wikipédia.

We are currently living in a globalized world, but with the feeling that many human values ​​are being sidelined.


* I'm grateful for visit, faves and comments of my photo.

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Zibska Seraphine Accessories includes collar and headpiece with HUD for seven colours at The Liaison Collaborative.


Lipstick - Zibska - Shashi Lip Applier

Eyeshadow - Zibska - Sumiko -

at Shiny Shabby

suite de la série de détails.

Amsterdam - Niederlande


Die Erde soll früher mal ein Paradies gewesen sein. Möglich ist alles. Die Erde könnte wieder ein Paradies werden. Alles ist möglich.


Erich Kästner


The earth once should have been a paradise. Everything is possible. The earth could become a paradise again. Everything is possible.


Erich Kaestner



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* خالد الباتلي



* ما شاء الله

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