View allAll Photos Tagged garden

I visited Sydney's Chinese garden recently. As it's in winter, trees lost a lot of leaves. This one is from the end of autumn. Full of leaves and sun coming through.


Chinese Garden of Friendship - Darling Harbour, Sydney NSW

I believe colors will be more intense in the next coming days

Reflections of the mirrored ceiling in Covent Garden

This year my Oregon Grape cultivar 'Charity' gave me a wonderful surprise. It produced grapes, after several years with none. I had assumed that I would enjoy it for its awesome yellow candelabra flowers alone, which cheered me up each year in the depths of winter. Surprise! This year it produced beautiful but sour grapes in abundance. :)


"My extravagance is my garden - it's the first thing that I look at every morning when I wake up. It gives me so much pleasure."

~ Ina Garten


That's the question


I'm being a bit Shakespearian this evening


I found the perfect house, it might need some decorating and cleaning up tho, but that's ok


Sometimes I really think that hibernating must be pretty nice


You set your life on hold

You can pause a bit

Think and Dwell

Check if this addiction is ruling your life



Perhaps thinking isn't always the answer

Sometimes it gets all messed up if you think too much

Sometimes you are supposed to just float along



It surely isn't always easy

All these thoughts

You are worried

You are left out

You are too far away

You can't do so much about anything


But you care


I guess

You just need the time to go


Letting him go


Either the addiction goes away or not

God knows

I don't


Sadness can not blow away the spring....... I will never be cheerful again as long as Russia wages this heinous war against the people of Ukraine.


Spring in Bloom. HBM

Have a great week.


Challenge Theme: Slide That Image


Edited in Topaz Studio

The European rabbit is a genus of the hares and rabbits family. It is the only species in the genus Oryctolagus. The lagomorphs still have 2 small teeth behind their upper incisors, the pin teeth, the lower teeth wear against this. Rodents do not have these extra teeth. So contrary to popular belief…..a rabbit is not a rodent !!

Dunrobin Castle is the most northerly of Scotland's great houses and the largest in the Northern Highlands with 189 rooms. Dunrobin Castle is also one of Britain's oldest continuously inhabited houses dating back to the early 1300s, home to the Earls and later, the Dukes of Sutherland. The Castle, which resembles a French château with its towering conical spires, has seen the architectural influences of Sir Charles Barry, who designed London’s Houses of Parliament.

View across the zen garden of Kinkaku-ji temple, Kyoto.

nuthatch in our garden...

☼My works are often BEST VIEWED LARGE





Photo shop and Nature ARTISTS:

Multi Group Contest/ Gallery Directory

New contests on the 1st and 15th


a colorful conversation

Visit this location ~ Devins Eye

Longing Melody - Where to belong

Sometimes all we need is the sound of the waves, the song of birds, the scent of the sea salt mixing with spring bloom and a wind to stoke out cheeks lovingly. Just (be)longing.


Secret Garden - Song From A Secret Garden


Special thanks to my love Joy♪


Dedicated to Joyce Corey on her birthday. You can check out her beautiful photostream here:

A studio version of a Japanese Rose grown in the early Spring.

Texture was created in Corel Painter.

A hibiscus and a rose sit gently in the late afternoon light.


Post in ON1. Texture and effects created in Impresso Pro.

The last year of operation for this beautiful garden. Chilliwack, BC Canada. Closed in 2013.

UBC Botanical Garden, at the University of British Columbia, was established in 1916 under the directorship of John Davidson, British Columbia's first provincial botanist. It is the oldest botanical garden at a university in Canada.


the things I loved :-)

Jerry Uelsmann


Justice Matters! No one is above the law!


tulips, wral gardens, raleigh, north carolina

Pose & Scene

Garden View - Lyrium




Maddie's Cardigan - Tres Blah ON SATURDAY SALE!

High Rise Shorts - Tres Blah



Metropolis - Stealthic

Thüringer Strauchpappel

Lavatera thuringiaca


Botanischer Garten der Universität Wien


Flower Garden

Petersburg Kentucky

Atlanta Botanical Garden




Many thanks to all those who fave or comment always very much appreciated

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