Search syntax reference

This site offers an advanced search function as well the quick search function direct from the search box. Below is a table that describes basic syntax form and examples of how these can be used.

3. Search combinations 

TITLE:pancreatitis IN_EPMC:y Finds citations in Europe PMC with word pancreatitis in title
AUTH:frossard TITLE:acute pancreatitis Finds citations from author Frossard with acute pancreatitis in the title
TITLE:panc* AUTH:frossard Finds citations from author Frossard where a word in the title starts with 'panc' i.e pancreatic, pancreas, PANCEA (A question mark represents a wildcard for one position, the star any number of positions)
JOURNAL:lancet AUTH:frossard Finds citations in journal The Lancet from author Frossard
ISSN:0140-6736 AUTH:frossard "acute pancreatitis" Finds citations from journal The Lancet (ISSN 0140-6736) with author Frossard and phrase "acute pancreatitis"
AUTH:frossard AUTH:steer HAS_ABSTRACT:yFinds abstracts by authors Steer and Frossard
GRANT_ID:058922 IN_EPMC:y Finds citations in Europe PMC with grant 058922 attached
GRANT_ID:"058992" AUTH:noor Finds citations containing author Noor with grant 058992 attached
GRANT_ID:05* AUTH:amin Finds citations containing author Amin and a grant starting 05 (A question mark represents a wildcard for one position, the star any number of positions)