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Patiente Ngangu, MSF nurse


More than 232 million children around the world last year suffered from malnutrition. It is the underlying contributing factor in nearly half of the deaths of children under five years of age.

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Medical issues


Unsafe abortion is one of the main causes of maternal death globally, and the only one that is almost entirely preventable.

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Medication abortion pills in Haiti

Access to medicines

Today, one fourth of the world's population lacks access to essential medicines. In the poorest parts of Africa and Asia this figure rises to half of the population.

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Cassandre Saint-Hubert MSF nurse (from Haiti) treats a patient at a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) mobile clinic in the village of Nan Sevre, in the mountains north of Port-à-Piment.

Antibiotic resistance

Resistance to antibiotics has become a global health crisis, complicating the treatment of bacterial infections and endangering lives around the world.

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Dr Wardak Abdul Qayoum assists the expat microbiologist in supervising the team and carrying out isolation, identification and sensitivity testing of the 3000 bacterial strains expected. He uses a plastic loop to take a colony of bacteria from the culture plate.


Cholera is preventable and easily treated, yet it infects millions of people each year and causes up to 143,000 deaths worldwide.

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MSF staff treat people for cholera


MSF works around the world to combat COVID-19 and adapt our programs so we can continue safely providing essential care.

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COVID-19 response in Intensive care unit of HUG


Ebola is rare but deadly, spreading fear and panic. Caring for infected patients and affected communities is crucial for a response to be effective.

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An MSF health worker carries a child suspected of having Ebola.


Nearly 700,000 people died from HIV-related causes, while 1.5 million people became newly infected with the HIV virus in 2020.

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Kala azar

Kala azar, or visceral leishmaniasis, is the second deadliest parasitic disease in the world—only malaria kills more people.

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Kala Azar treatment in Fulbaria


Malaria is the world’s most deadly parasite, killing hundreds of thousands each year—the vast majority in Africa.

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MSF hospital in Agok


More than 232 million children around the world last year suffered from malnutrition. It is the underlying contributing factor in nearly half of the deaths of children under five years of age.

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Patiente Ngangu, MSF nurse

Maternal health

An estimated 99 percent of women who die in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications live in developing countries. Most of these deaths are preventable.

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Providing maternal health in Uganda


Measles remains a leading killer of young children in parts of the world, even though an effective, low-cost vaccine has been available for decades.

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MSF staff member gives a measles vaccination to a young girl


Meningococcal meningitis is a highly contagious bacterial from of meningitis—a serious inflammation of the meninges—the thin lining that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

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MSF staff provides comfort while a child receives meningitis vaccination

Mental health

Where we work, we may see people with a mental illness or confronting distressing situations, such as violence, loss, or displacement. Mental health support can be crucial to help people cope.

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Social psychologists from MSF work with children and adolescents in Mexico in 2018.


Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a contagious viral disease that can be especially serious for children, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems. Increased access to vaccines is critical to prevent its spread.

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Mpox, or monkeypox, in Mbaiki

Obstetric fistulas

Obstetric fistula is a preventable but devastating injury that can affect women living in poor, remote areas without access to skilled maternal care.

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Patients in Fistula unit.

Sexual and gender-based violence

Sexual violence is a medical emergency, but there is often a dire lack of health care services for victims.

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An MSF medical worker works to establish trust with a survivor of sexual violence.

Sleeping sickness

This neglected tropical disease, also known as Human African trypanosomiasis, puts 65 million people at risk across sub-Saharan Africa.

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Lab technicians, who are part of a mobile HAT Team in the Democratic Republic of Congo, execute the second step of a test for sleeping sickness.


This hidden health crisis affects at least 2.7 million people each year.

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Aguek Deng, a snakebite patient in the post-op ward


Tuberculosis is the world’s leading infectious disease killer, accounting for 1.5 million deaths worldwide each year.

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Primrose and her child Panashe as doctors confirm the seven-year-old boy is suffering from TB.


Vaccines are one of the most effective public health interventions available, but at least 1.5 million children still die each year from vaccine-preventable diseases.

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A woman prepares a polio vaccine

Yellow fever

One shot of a vaccine gives long-lasting immunity, but low coverage in parts of the world leads to periodic epidemics.

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An MSF staff member vaccinates a child in Democratic Republic of Congo.

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