Economic Prosperity Strategy

What does economic prosperity in Banff mean to you?

Economic prosperity can mean many things, and to achieve it for the community, we must come together to develop a shared definition. 

Your neighbours, friends and colleagues explored ideas in facilitated discussion groups in 2012. Their ideas helped form the questions on a survey to further refine a shared definition. A further 157 residents completed the online survey. Their thoughts and ideas have helped crystallize Banff’s vision of a prosperous community, the first step in mapping out a strategy that will ensure Banff’s long-term success.
Town of Banff in Summer

Council received the final report of the first step at their meeting on May 13, 2013. View the report (PDF).

They directed staff to proceed with the second phase of the development of a strategy and authorized a budget expenditure of $75,000. This phase will include a data collection and analysis of key analytics like key economic sectors, economic and demographic trends, planning/development opportunities and limitations and our competitive position, identification of key themes and strategic goals, and a community steering committee.

On August 18, 2014, council accepted the Economic Prosperity Study as information, and asked staff to bring back the recommendations presented in the study for considered during the 2015 service review.