Building Permits

The Town issues building permits. Other permits involving plumbing, gas and electrical inspections are the responsibility of the builder.

You must obtain a permit before you begin your project. In most cases, both a development permit and building permit are required. In some cases, only a building permit is required. To confirm whether your project requires a building permit, please contact the Planning and Development department.

Complete and submit your form to Planning and Development along with two sets of detailed construction drawings. Building permit application forms are downloadable below:

Zero Waste Requirements for Building Permits

All construction projects must appropriately manage and dispose of construction waste. Construction projects will be required to submit a Zero Waste Plan and Compliance Report along with a performance bond beginning in 2024. Please email if you have any questions about the process.

New Home Buyer Protection Act (NHBPA)

The NHBPA came into force on February 1, 2014. As of that date, all new homes in Alberta must be built with a home warranty in place. The Act applies only to new homes constructed under a building permit and states that the proposed new home has been registered with the Registrar, and (a) has the required home warranty coverage (b) will be built by an owner builder who has a valid authorization, or (c) is otherwise exempted from having the required home warrant coverage.

More information about the new warranty standards and warranty providers in Alberta is available through the Home Warranty website.

View a copy of the Permit Issuers Training Guide for New Home Buyer Protection Act (PDF).

Residential Building new information required for any addition up to 600 meters squared

Any addition to your home or building a new home - you are required to provide an Energy Efficiency Project Summary.  

View the form for Energy Efficiency Project Summary

Building Inspections

If constructing a new residential or commercial building, you will need a building inspection at some point during the construction process. Review the inspection requirements for your project.