Commuter Challenge

Commuter Challenge

Join the National Commuter Challenge from June 2 - 8, 2024 for your chance to win some great prizes! 

This week is intended to celebrate active and sustainable transportation in our community.  You can join the challenge as an individual, with your registered workplace or school. Participants can log trips and distances for travel to and from work that are taken by transit, cycling, walking, rolling or carpooling.  

Prizing will be awarded in the following categories for Banff and Canmore residents commuting in or to Banff for work or school: 

  1. Workplace
  2. Elementary Student
  3. High School Student
  4. Local Active Champion
  5. Local Transit/Carpool Champion

Current prize sponsors: Bactrax, Banff Tea Co, Saltlik, Coyotes, Rocky Mountain Soap Co.

How it works

  • You register your workplace before the Commuter Challenge week (June 2 – 8, 2024) and yourself any time before the end of the challenge 
  • You walk, cycle, carpool, take transit or telecommute during the event week
  • To be included in the final results you need to make at least one sustainable commute during Commuter Challenge week; of course you can commute sustainably every day
  • You log your commute by first signing-in. Login once your workplace is registered or sign-in as an individual/unaffiliated
  • Registration and logging will be accepted until Saturday, June 16, 2024
  • On your log page, you will see your impacts adding up
  • As a workplace coordinator, you will see all of your workplace results and impacts
  • Tracked impacts are emission reduction, calorie consumption, distance and fuel cost savings
  • Results are updated daily so you can see which workplaces and cities have the highest percentage of healthy commuters

Business Sign-Up Instructions 

  • Provide a point of contact to for your workplace. We will then provide information on how to set up the workplace account and instructions on how staff can register
  • We will provide posters and other promotional collateral in early May for staff newsletters, staff rooms, etc. 
  • If you are interested in donating prizes, please send us an email

Individual Sign-Up Instructions 

  • Sign yourself up any time before the end of the challenge
  • You log your commute by first signing-in. Login once your workplace is registered or sign-in as an individual/unaffiliated