Banff Community Plan Steering Committee

Central Park in the Fall

The Town of Banff has selected four public members to join the Banff Community Plan Steering Committee. Committee members will guide the review and update of the Banff Community Plan and will ultimately help shape policy as the vision and plan progress. The committee’s input, along with broad public consultation, will enable a planning process that is open, transparent, and meaningful to the community. The input the community shares will be incredibly important to help shape the plan.

Committee members were appointed by council and will be part of the process for the duration of the project, which is expected to take approximately 12 – 16 months. The committee will meet on an as-needed basis but not more than twice per month. Membership selection was about reflecting the diversity of the community with varying degrees of experience, knowledge, and expertise in any of the subject areas to be addressed in the community plan.

Steering Committee Members

  • Member at large – Allan Buckingham
  • Member at large – Dr. Vamini Selvanandan
  • Member at large – Stavros Karlos
  • Member at large – Leslie Taylor
  • Member of Banff Town Council   Mayor Corrie DiManno
  • Member of Banff Town Council Coun. Grant Canning
  • Representative of Banff Field Unit assigned by Parks Canada – Sheila Luey. Alternative, Kendra Van Dyk 
  • Representative of Business/Tourism NGO Wanda Bogdane, Banff Lake Louise Hospitality Association
  • Representative of Environment NGO Jess Harding, Bow Valley Naturalists 
  • Town of Banff Planning and Development Representation 

What is the Banff Community Plan

The Banff Community Plan (PDF) is the Town’s primary long-range planning document and is a statement of the goals, objectives, principles, and planning philosophy for the community’s future. The plan guides future decisions in the Town of Banff. The plan must conform with the Town of Banff Incorporation Agreement, the Banff National Park of Canada Management Plan and Canada National Parks Act, and must also meet criteria listed in the Municipal Government Act for municipal development plans. The last Community Plan was finalized in 2008.

The primary objectives for the review and update of the Banff Community Plan of the are to: 

  • Create the workplan for updating the Community Plan; Provide the public with information about what the purpose of a community plan is and how it will be used;
  • Create a public input process to compile challenges, opportunities and aspirations for Council’s consideration;    
  • Review the current vision and strategies of the community plan to determine if updates are required for desired community outcomes; and
  • Provide Council with an updated Community Plan for review and approval. 

Banff Community Plan Scope of Work (PDF)

Purpose of the Steering Committee

The Banff Community Plan Steering Committee is made up of citizens who are passionate about their community. Their role is to guide the process to update the Banff Community Plan. The committee will provide general guidance on matters such as information for the public, draft materials, draft vision and draft plan sections. The committee’s guidance, along with broad public consultation, will enable a planning process that is open, transparent, and meaningful to the community. Committee members will also serve ambassadors, helping to champion the process. Members will be responsible to:

  • Review background informational materials on a broad range of topic areas to be addressed in the Banff Community Plan;
  • Provide guidance on a public input plan that is inclusive and that all people affected by the plan are invited to participate;
  • Encourage the public to provide input through formal and informal networks;
  • Assist in communicating with and educating the public with respect to the process and the content produced by the public input process; 
  • Consider issues and priorities for the full range of interests from public consultation; and
  • Provide guidance and recommendations for the review and update of the plan based on research and stakeholder input.

Steering Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)