
Looking to Rent

View of houses

Looking to Buy

Front of house

Future Housing Developments

Banff Avenue Housing Location

Landlord and Tenant Information

Information for tenants

Need-to-Reside Criteria

parks canada logo

Community Housing Strategy

Town of Banff Housing Strategy sm.jpg

Homeless to Housing Coalition

H2HC logo.jpg

Renting in Banff

Ti'nu Affordable Apartment Complex

Ti'nu is an affordable apartment complex on Coyote Lane operated by the Banff Housing Corporation. Occupancy was July 1, 2018. Rental applications are available.

Other Sources

Note: The Town of Banff does not endorse or monitor the content of services linked below, which are provided to increase the available resources individuals commonly use when seeking housing in Banff. People who use the resources below do so at their own risk.

Some Links to Rental Listings

In a small town like Banff, word-of-mouth is still one of the best ways to find a place. Tell everyone you meet you’re looking to rent, and have them spread the word. Some landlords won’t advertise their rentals, preferring instead to rent to someone they know, or someone recommended to them.

Some real estate agents in Banff also manage rental properties, and it’s worth it to check with each if they have anything available, or if they maintain a waiting list. You’ll be asked to show proof of employment in Banff to ensure you meet the need-to-reside, and many require references from past landlords before showing properties. To ensure a smooth process, have contact information from past landlords available when you’re looking for an apartment.

Staff Accommodation

Many businesses in town have housing available for staff, and this is generally the best way to find a place to live when you’re new to town. They’re often less expensive than renting on your own and most staff accommodations are already furnished. When applying for a job, ask about the availability of staff housing.

Future Housing Developments

Tatanga Ridge
The Town is developing a plan that proposes about 250 homes in a complex at the entrance to the town of Banff on Banff Avenue. Work is underway to determine feasibility of a roadway, unit size, parking requirements, etc. 

Buying a House

Banff Housing Corporation

The Banff Housing Corporation (BHC) is an arm’s length, non-profit organization of the Town of Banff. Its mission is to help the town maintain a healthy and balanced community by offering both price restricted and equity share home ownership.

In order to buy a BHC home, you must first be on the Registered Resale List. The list awards points to potential buyers and those with the most points are contacted first when a property becomes available. A non-refundable administrative fee of $50 must be paid when submitting your application.

Real Estate Agents

There are several Banff-based real estate agents who can help you find listings on the open market. 

Landlord and Tenant Information

Legal Rights

Landlord and tenant rights in Alberta can differ from other provinces and countries. As a tenant, you should educate yourself on your rights and responsibilities when renting a home or apartment.

Landlord Tips

Roommate and Subletting Agreements

Health and Safety

There are a number of health and safety standards for housing in Alberta. The following are from Alberta Health Services to educate both tenants and landlords as to their rights and responsibilities.

Need-to-Reside Criteria

Parks Canada Opens in new window In order to live in Banff, you need to work in Banff. It’s a Parks Canada regulation to make sure housing is available to the people who work in the community, so it isn’t used as vacation properties or second homes.

Parks Canada rules: Parks Canada’s Eligible Residency Requirements

According to the National Parks Lease and License of Occupation Regulations an eligible resident is defined as: 

(a) an individual whose primary employment is in the park, 

(b) an individual who operates a business in the park and whose presence at the place of business is necessary for the day-to-day operation of the business, 

(c) a retired individual who resides in the park and who, for five consecutive years immediately prior to retirement, 

(i) was employed primarily in that park, or

(ii) operated a business in that park and whose presence at the place of business was necessary for the day-to-day operation of the business, 

(d) a retired individual who resided in the park at the time of the individual’s retirement and who resided in that park on July 30, 1981, 

(e) an individual who is a student in full-time attendance at an educational institution that is located within the park and registered under the Income Tax Act or applicable provincial legislation relating to education, 

(f) an individual who is a lessee of public lands in the park and who

(i) was the lessee of those public lands prior to May 19, 1911, or

(ii) is a descendant, by blood or adoption, of an individual who was the lessee of those public lands prior to May 19, 1911, or

(g) the spouse or common-law partner or a dependent of an individual referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (f).

Enforcement of "need to reside"

Eligible residency will be enforced by Parks Canada to ensure that those living in the community have an established need to reside here. Enforcement is accomplished by:

  • requiring statutory declarations from all lessees at time of mortgage or sale
  • requiring statutory declarations on demand from all lessees, based upon complaints or investigations
  • requesting lessees to complete statutory declarations on behalf of their tenants
  • It is a criminal offense to make a false statutory declaration of eligible residency.

Questions or complaints:

H2HCHomeless to Housing Coalition

The Bow Valley Homeless to Housing Coalition, (H2HC) is a dynamic group of agency partners across the Bow Valley. Their vision is to ensure that the supports to help individuals who are in housing crisis are in place within the Bow Valley.

H2HC has been conducting surveys to better understand the nature and extent of homelessness in the Bow Valley so they can take steps towards their vision. Agency partners have been seeking out homeless individuals in the community to complete surveys.

If you require more information, please call Tara at 403.678.7130 or Sachiho at 403.760.3200.