Tyrion Lannister

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House Lannister.svg Tyrion Lannister.svg Second Sons.svg Tyrion Lannister
the Imp
Tyrion lannister Sebastian Giacobino.jpg
Tyrion holding a golden dragon, by Sebastian Giacobino © Fantasy Flight Games

Culture Westermen
Born 273 AC[8][16]
Casterly Rock, the westerlands[17]
Father Lord Tywin Lannister
Mother Lady Joanna Lannister
Lover Shae
Personal arms A golden hand in a circle of golden lions on red[18]
(Gules, a hand or, environed by lions or)

Played by Peter Dinklage
TV series Game of Thrones:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Tyrion Lannister is a member of House Lannister and is the third and youngest child of Lord Tywin Lannister and the late Lady Joanna Lannister. His older siblings are Cersei Lannister, the queen of King Robert I Baratheon, and Ser Jaime Lannister, a knight of Robert's Kingsguard.

Tyrion is a dwarf; because of this he is sometimes called the Imp and the Halfman. He is one of the major POV characters in the books.

In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, Tyrion is portrayed by Peter Dinklage.[19]

Appearance and Character

Tyrion is a dwarf with stunted legs,[20] stubby fingers,[21] and a jutting forehead.[20] He has mismatched eyes of green and black,[20] so rumors spread that he has an "evil eye".[7] Tyrion's thin hair is fair and flaxen,[22][23] so blond it can appear white.[20] He has some strands of black hair,[24] however, and if he grows a beard it is yellow, white, and black.[25] Tyrion's unique stare has been said to make people uncomfortable, which he tries to use to his advantage.[7]

Tyrion is intelligent, well educated, and a ferocious reader. He is sharp of wit and tongue. Even though he is no warrior, he has been trained at arms[26] and shows great bravery in battle.[27][5][18] Moreover, he knows some tumbling tricks, despite walking with difficulty.[20][10][13] Tyrion has stated that what he lacks in size and strength he makes up for in mental acuity.[28]

Tyrion generally receives little respect and is often mocked. His deformity is the cause of many problems and persecution, although mitigated to some extent by his high social standing and his family's wealth and power. He craves for love and respect from his family, but does not have a good relationship with all his family members. His deformity and the fact that his mother Joanna died at his birth are two of the reasons that his father Tywin and sister Cersei despise him.[29][10] Tywin has never forgiven him for Joanna's death.[29] Unbeknownst to Tyrion, Cersei also despises him largely because of a prophecy made to her when she was a young girl. The prophecy claimed that a valonqar (High Valyrian for "little brother")[30] would eventually end her life.[12] Cersei has always identified Tyrion as her valonqar and has thus been determined to rid herself of him ever since.[30] Tyrion's older brother Jaime was the only one who ever treated Tyrion with love and affection and for this Tyrion believed he would forgive his brother for anything.[31]

At a young age, Tyrion married Tysha, a commoner, but eventually Jaime told him the girl was a whore he had paid to take Tyrion's virginity. Tyrion was crushed, and the memory of her has long haunted him.[23] Believing that no girl could ever truly love him for who he was,[32][33][34] he began to seek his pleasure with prostitutes.[35] Tywin felt this brought more shame on their house,[29] further deteriorating their relationship.



Tyrion was born in 273 AC as the third-born child to Lord Tywin and Lady Joanna Lannister. Joanna died giving birth to him, and as a result his father blames him for her death.[29] Tales about Tyrion were spread immediately after his birth; At Oldtown, it was said that Tyrion was a monster, with a tail, monstrous huge head, thick black hair, a beard, an evil eye, lion's claws, with teeth so long he was not able to close his mouth, and both male and female genitals.[7] It was said that Tyrion's birth was an omen to famine, plague and war,[7] and the smallfolk named him "Lord Tywin's Doom" and "Lord Tywin's Bane".[8] King Aerys II Targaryen stated that Tyrion was a punishment for Tywin's arrogance,[8] and the same was said by begging brothers in Oldtown, stating that Tywin had made himself greater than the king, which was only allowed by a god.[7]

Shortly after Tyrion's birth, the Princess of Dorne arrived with her consort and two younger children, Elia and Oberyn Martell. Tyrion was kept out of sight during the visit of the Martells, though he could sometimes be heard howling. Cersei and Jaime showed Tyrion to Elia and Oberyn the day before the Martells left, with Cersei claiming the infant would die soon. Lord Tywin, having refused to betroth Princess Elia to his heir Jaime, offered Tyrion as a betrothed to Elia instead, which the Martells took as an insult.[36][7][6]


Tyrion, by Amok ©

During most of Tyrion's childhood, his father Tywin served as Hand of the King to King Aerys II Targaryen in King's Landing, and as a consequence was absent from home for longer periods of time.[10] As a child, Tyrion was lonely.[37] His brother Jaime left Casterly Rock to serve as a squire at Crakehall in 277 AC,[N 1] while his sister Cersei left for the court of King's Landing in 278 AC.[8] At the age of six or seven, his uncle Gerion taught him tumbling, which he happily did for half a year at Casterly Rock, until Tywin returned from King's Landing and forbade it.[10][13]

As a child, Tyrion used to dream of owning a dragon.[28] He once even asked his uncles for a dragon as a name day present, "little, like I am", whereupon he was informed that the last dragon had died a century before.[37] He used to start fires in the bowels of Casterly Rock, and stared at them for hours, pretending they were dragonflame,[28] while he himself was a lost Targaryen princeling, or a dragonlord from Valyria.[37] Sometimes, he imagined that he saw his father or sister burning in the fires.[37] As he grew older, Tyrion would seldom ever dream of dragons, though he would always remain fascinated by them.[28] When Cersei married King Robert I Baratheon in 284 AC,[N 2] Tyrion came to King's Landing for the wedding, where he sought out the dragon skulls which had decorated the throne room during the Targaryen dynasty, but which had been taken down by Robert.[28]

In 281 AC, when Tyrion was eight years old, his father Tywin Lannister had been discussing a betrothal between Tyrion's brother Jaime and the youngest daughter of Lord Hoster Tully, Lysa. However, Jaime was named to the Kingsguard, making him unavailable for marriage. Tywin offered Tyrion as a replacement, only to be told by Lord Hoster that his daughter required a "whole man".[36] Tywin later tried to offer Tyrion to Lords Yohn Royce and Leyton Hightower, but they took it in a similar fashion as the Princess of Dorne had done years before. Around 286 AC or 287 AC,[N 3] Tywin even offered Tyrion as a husband to Delena Florent, who had been deflowered by King Robert I Baratheon, but Ser Colin Florent preferred to marry his daughter to Ser Hosman Norcross instead.[36]

Knowing he would never be a knight, as a child Tyrion thought he could become the High Septon instead, as the crystal crown added a foot to one's height. As such, he studied the holy books.[37]


At the age of thirteen, around 286 AC, Tyrion fell in love, and that quickly replaced the thoughts of priesthood. He and his brother Jaime rescued a common girl, Tysha, from some bandits near Casterly Rock. While Jaime went after the bandits, Tyrion took care of Tysha. To his amazement Tysha liked him, and they eventually made love. Tyrion became so enamored by her, that he bribed a drunken septon and married her in secret.[3] They lived in a little cottage by the sunset sea, and spent whole days in bed. They would kiss and make love, and Tysha would sing the Myrish song "The Seasons of My Love" for him.[39]

However, their marriage lasted only two weeks, until the septon sobered up and confessed to Lord Tywin. When Tyrion's father learned about the wedding, he commanded Jaime to say that Tysha was a prostitute whom Jaime had hired to take Tyrion's virginity. Because the "whore" had presumed to marry a Lannister, Tywin had his guards rape Tysha for a silver coin each, and then made Tyrion rape her as well, paying a gold coin, stating that a Lannister was worth more.[3] Afterwards, Tywin had the marriage undone, and the septons said it was as if Tyrion and Tysha had never been wed.[33]

Recent History

Tyrion, by Aleksander Karcz © Fantasy Flight Games

As a young boy, Tyrion had committed to learn all sixteen of the wonders described by Lomas Longstrider to memory, and occasionally recited them during feasts. For years, he dreamed that one day he could travel the world and see them himself. In 289 AC, when he became a man at sixteen, he wanted to take a tour of the nine Free Cities, as his uncles Gerion and Tygett had done. Tywin forbade him to go, claiming he was irresponsible because of his marriage to Tysha, and instead gave him charge of all the cisterns and drains at Casterly Rock.[9] When Tyrion was eighteen, in 291 AC,[N 4] his uncle Gerion left on a journey for Valyria to recover the ancient Valyrian steel greatsword Brightroar which had once belonged to House Lannister. Lord Tywin forbade Tyrion to go on this journey as well.[9]

For his twenty-third name day, Tyrion received a mare from his brother Jaime.[27] He keeps a suit of plate armor crafted for his atypical body at Casterly Rock.[5]

Recent Events

A Game of Thrones

Tyrion goes north to Winterfell as part of King Robert I Baratheon's royal procession,[1] and he visits the castle's Library Tower.[31] After Bran Stark's fall from the First Keep, Tyrion makes Prince Joffrey Baratheon offer his sympathies to Bran's parents, though his nephew only obeys after Tyrion hits him. Suspicious of the accident, Tyrion takes notice of his siblings' reactions to the news that Bran is expected to survive.[31]

When the royal family leaves Winterfell, Tyrion rides north to see the Wall before returning south, with Lord Eddard Stark allowing him to borrow a few rare books from the library.[28] Tyrion joins the First Ranger, Benjen Stark, and new recruit Jon Snow for the journey and is accompanied by two guards, Jyck and Morrec.[28] Tyrion reads about a book about the history and properties of dragons.[28]

While at the Wall, Tyrion sees firsthand the poor state of the Night's Watch;[28][40] it is dwindling in numbers, ranging parties are going missing more often than usual, and wildlings are fleeing south like never before. He is implored by Jeor Mormont, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, to make King Robert and his father, Lord Tywin Lannister, aware of the Watch's needs.[41]

Tyrion befriends and advises Jon Snow during his time at Castle Black. Tyrion sees himself as an outcast on similar ground as the bastard-born Snow and helps Jon cope with his identity and lot in life. Before Tyrion leaves the Wall, Jon asks him to help his brother Bran in the same way that he helped Jon, which Tyrion promises to do.[41]

Tyrion is taken captive at the crossroads inn, by Michael J. Williams © Fantasy Flight Games

On his way back south, Tyrion stops at Winterfell. Despite initially receiving a hostile welcome from Robb Stark and an attack from the Stark direwolves at his arrival, Tyrion gives Maester Luwin plans for a special saddle that will allow Bran to ride a horse despite his disability. Tyrion declines an offer for a room at Winterfell, choosing to stay at an inn in the nearby winter town.[42]

On his way back to King's Landing Tyrion encounters Catelyn Stark at the inn at the crossroads. Unknown to Tyrion, Catelyn was told by the master of coin, Lord Petyr Baelish, that the Valyrian steel dagger used in Bran's failed assassination attempt belonged to Tyrion. As a result, Catelyn, with the help of some of her father’s bannermen present at the inn, arrests Tyrion and takes him to the Eyrie to be tried.[43][27] On their way, they are attacked by the clansmen of the Vale, and Tyrion finds himself fighting in his first battle.[27]

Tyrion in the sky cells at the Eyrie, by Michael Komarck ©

Once they reach the Eyrie, Lysa Arryn accuses Tyrion of killing her husband, Lord Jon Arryn. Tyrion is tried for both Jon's murder and Bran's attempted murder, though he is innocent of both. To break him, Lysa locks him up in the sky cells. Tyrion thinks it possible that his siblings were responsible for the crimes he is accused of, but that Bran's assassination attempt seems too clumsily done to be Jaime's or Cersei's work. Tyrion eventually manages to bribe his gaoler, Mord, into telling Lysa that he is ready to confess. When Lysa summons the complete court of the Vale to hear his confession, he demands a trial by combat.[44] Tyrion's champion, the sellsword Bronn, kills Lysa's champion, Ser Vardis Egen, securing Tyrion's freedom.[45]

Tyrion and Bronn leave the Eyrie on the dangerous high road, and along the way they are surrounded by men of the mountain clans, led by Shagga. Tyrion uses his quick wits and words to win over the clansmen by promising them weapons, armor, and glory.[3] More clansmen join Tyrion on his way to the riverlands. The group rides out of the mountains, eventually reaching the Lannister host led by his father, Tywin, who has invaded the riverlands following Tyrion's capture. Tywin hangs Masha Heddle because Tyrion had been captured at her inn.[4]

Tywin places Tyrion and his clansmen in the front for the upcoming battle with the Stark forces and Tyrion is given a number of new servants including a new squire, Podrick Payne. That night, he sends Bronn looking for a female companion for him, and Bronn brings back a young camp follower named Shae, whom Tyrion takes an immediate liking to and takes into his service. The next day, he fights in the battle on the Green Fork against Stark forces commanded by Lord Roose Bolton.[5] The battle is won, though afterward the Lannisters learn it was only a diversion. While Tywin had been marching north, Jaime was captured in the Whispering Wood and his host was then defeated at Riverrun in the Battle of the Camps.[46]

At the crossroads inn, before he moves his host to Harrenhal, Lord Tywin sends Tyrion to King's Landing to act as Hand of the King in his stead. Tywin does not trust the "jackanapes" on the small council: Baelish, Grand Maester Pycelle, and Varys, the master of whisperers. He wants Tyrion to rein in his newly crowned nephew and prevent further mistakes by Joffrey like Lord Eddard Stark's execution and Ser Barristan Selmy's dismissal, but forbids Tyrion from taking Shae to court. Tyrion disobeys his father as much as he dares and brings Shae to King's Landing with him in secret.[46]

A Clash of Kings

Tyrion with Shagga and the mountain clansmen, by Amok ©

Tyrion, along with his mountain clansmen, Shae, and Bronn, arrives at King's Landing during the tourney on King Joffrey's name day and presents Tywin's letter which names him Hand in his father's absence, much to Cersei's dismay. She threatens to name it a forgery and throw him in the dungeon, but Tyrion promises to help her get Jaime back and Cersei concedes. She also admits she needs help and agrees to ally herself with Tyrion, though they both have no intention of keeping it. This leads to a power struggle between the two. Tyrion takes up residence in the Tower of the Hand and as his first act of business removes the heads of the executed Stark household from the walls of the Red Keep.[32] He also grows a beard of blonde and black hair.[47]

Tyrion forges an alliance with Varys who helps him to replace Lord Janos Slynt with Ser Jacelyn Bywater as Commander of the City Watch and sends Slynt and a few of his cronies to the Wall.[35] Next he concocts a plan to identify Cersei's informants on the small council. He tells Petyr Baelish, Varys, and Pycelle each different plans that he has for Myrcella and Tommen.[48] When Cersei confronts him about the plan that he divulged to Pycelle, Tyrion knows that Pycelle is the informant.[14] Tyrion's true plan is to send Myrcella to Dorne to be betrothed to Prince Trystane Martell. To further garner Dornish support, he offers Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne, a seat on the small council and promises to turn over the men that murdered Doran's sister Elia.[48][14] For his part in giving Cersei private information, Pycelle is confined to the black cells beneath the Keep.[2] Tyrion tries to protect Sansa Stark from Joffrey's cruelties.[49]

With his place at court secure and successfully outsmarting Cersei at every turn, Tyrion begins a series of initiatives to prepare the city for the siege, commanding the construction of fishing boats. He also opens the kingswood for hunting and sends gold cloaks out to forage, but this is still not enough to feed the overcrowded city. He commands the blacksmiths around the city to begin construction on a giant chain which will allow him to close the Blackwater Rush.[50] He also has Hallyne of the Alchemists' Guild synthesize a large quantity of wildfire.[14] Eventually, he sends his clansmen to the kingswood to snuff out outriders and scouts loyal to Stannis Baratheon.[21]

Tyrion sets Shae up in a manse near the Iron Gate to keep her existence in King's Landing a secret.[35] Varys, however, knows her location, and helps Tyrion use Chataya's brothel as a front. Once inside the brothel, Tyrion passes through a tunnel that takes him to a location where he can safely travel to Shae's manse without being followed.[50] She is restless there, however, and wishes to see more of court. Following the riot of King's Landing, Tyrion moves Shae to the Red Keep for her safety in the guise of Lollys Stokeworth's maid.[33]

Tyrion at the Battle of the Blackwater © 2012 John Picacio

Tyrion's cousin, Ser Cleos Frey, brings peace terms from Robb Stark, asking that Sansa and Arya Stark be released (although Arya is not, in fact, held at King's Landing) in exchange for all captives save Jaime, and that Joffrey renounce all claims to the north and riverlands.[51] Tyrion deems the terms unacceptable[14] and sends Cleos back with the counter-offer that he will release Sansa and Arya along with a number of captive Stark bannermen in return for Robb’s fealty and Jaime’s release, setting up an escape plan for Jaime to be orchestrated by men in Cleos's party.[2] Tyrion is also visited by Ser Alliser Thorne of the Night's Watch, who has brought with him the severed hand of a wight from the Wall, but it rots away before he can present it. Alliser is mocked by Tyrion and the court, but is promised his pick of the city's dungeons as recruits.[48][2] Tyrion's plot to free Jaime fails at Riverrun.[52]

When Renly Baratheon is murdered at Storm's End, Tyrion seizes the opportunity to bring the Tyrells to the Lannister cause. He sends Petyr Baelish to treat with the Tyrells and offers Joffrey in marriage to Renly's widow, Margaery Tyrell.[53] Tyrion continues to thwart Cersei's plans, including one to send a disguised Tommen to Rosby to remove him from the reach of the mobs and Tyrion.[33] On one occasion Tyrion drugs her so that she will not be able to attend the small council.[48][2] In retaliation Cersei has Alayaya, whom she believes is Tyrion's whore, seized and beaten, offering her freedom in return for custody over Tommen. Tyrion is furious and swears to take from Cersei everything she cares about.[54]

When Stannis's forces attack King's Landing in the Battle of the Blackwater, Bronn raises the chain which traps many ships of the rival royal fleets in the Blackwater Rush. The wildfire commissioned from the alchemists is then launched at the ships and they are trapped in the river to burn, unable to reach the safety of Blackwater Bay.[55]

During the battle, Tyrion is forced to lead a sortie out past the city walls because Sandor Clegane, terrified of fire, refuses to do so.[18] Tyrion heads his men in a wedge formation dispersing the men assaulting the King's Gate. He then continues with his men to hold the men crossing over a makeshift bridge made of the sinking galleys of Stannis's fleet in the river. During the battle, Ser Mandon Moore of the Kingsguard turns on Tyrion and tries to kill him, slicing off his nose, but Tyrion is saved by his squire, Podrick Payne, before Mandon can kill him.[56] Tywin's father, Lord Tywin, arrives with Lord Mace Tyrell, and Stannis is forced to retreat.[57]

Tyrion wakes up in bed sometime after the battle, suffering from serious facial wounds and the loss of most of his nose.[39] The wounds are treated by Maester Ballabar, but Tyrion asks for him to be replaced with Maester Frenken, whom Tyrion is more familiar with.[39][29] Tyrion suspects that Cersei was behind Mandon's assassination attempt.[39]

A Storm of Swords

After the Battle of the Blackwater, Tyrion is left with a grisly facial scar.[29] He recovers some time later, only to learn that his father has taken all the glory. Lord Tywin has assumed his role as Hand of the King, greatly diminishing Tyrion's power. He is eventually named master of coin as Lord Petyr Baelish's replacement.[36]

Tyrion's loveless marriage to Sansa Stark, by algesiras ©

In an attempt to prevent the Tyrells from marrying Sansa Stark to the heir of Highgarden, Willas Tyrell, Tywin tells Tyrion that he has to marry Sansa, so the Lannisters can claim Winterfell.[36] Tyrion and Sansa marry, though Tyrion refuses to consummate the marriage, saying he will not touch her unless and until she wants him to. His father pushes him to consummate the marriage with Sansa for the good of House Lannister, but Tyrion never does - a decision that earns him scorn and jest in court.[58] Tyrion's marriage brings him no joy, as Sansa is repulsed by him and Shae remains indifferent.[59] Shae desires to attend the feast for King Joffrey I Baratheon's upcoming wedding to Margaery Tyrell, but Tyrion feels it is not safe.[25] Having written a song about Tyrion and his mistress, Symon Silver Tongue blackmails Tyrion by threatening to sing it for Tywin or Queen Cersei.[59] When Symon refuses Tyrion's suggestion to leave the capital for the Free Cities, Tyrion has Bronn murder the singer,[6] who ends up in a bowl of brown.[34]

On the morning of Joffrey's wedding, Tyrion gives the king a rare book, Lives of Four Kings. Shortly after receiving Tyrion's gift, however, Joffrey carves the book up with his new Valyrian steel sword, Widow's Wail.[60] Tyrion becomes convinced that Joffrey sent the catspaw to assassinate Bran Stark. Tyrion and Sansa attend the royal wedding at the Great Sept of Baelor.[34]

At Joffrey's wedding feast, the king offends Tyrion by telling him to joust with performing dwarfs. Tyrion insults Joffrey in response, so the king upends his wedding chalice over Tyrion and names his uncle as his new cupbearer. When Joffrey chokes to death while drinking wine from the chalice and eating pigeon pie, Tyrion empties the chalice of the remaining wine. Cersei accuses Tyrion of having poisoned Joffrey and has her brother arrested by the Kingsguard.[34]

Sansa vanishes from King's Landing,[61] having been taken to the Vale of Arryn by Petyr Baelish. Littlefinger reveals to the girl that he had plotted Joffrey's death with Olenna Tyrell.[62]

Tyrion is imprisoned in a tower cell of the Red Keep, where he prepares his defense for the trial and tries to summon witnesses that could help his case. During the trial, numerous witnesses are presented, and each testimony condemns him further. Cersei brings Ser Osmund Kettleblack to the stand, who lies that Joffrey believed Tyrion meant to murder him; Grand Maester Pycelle claims that Tyrion stole several poisons from him and that the strangler was used on the king; and Shae testifies that Tyrion and Sansa plotted the murder together. After Prince Oberyn Martell visits Tyrion's cell and offers to serve as his champion, Tyrion demands a trial by combat.[63] Oberyn battles against Ser Gregor Clegane and manages to mortally wound him, but Gregor eventually has the upper hand and kills Oberyn.[6]

Tyrion preparing to confront Tywin, by Sidharth Chaturvedi © Fantasy Flight Games

Oberyn's death condemns Tyrion to the black cells and death, but the night before he is to be executed, he is freed from his prison cell by his brother Jaime, with the assistance of Varys, who is to take Tyrion to the Free Cities. Jaime reveals that Tysha had not been a prostitute. She had genuinely loved Tyrion, but Tywin had forced Jaime to lie about it. Furious, Tyrion swears retribution on Jaime, Tywin, and Cersei. He also torments Jaime by telling his brother of Cersei's repeated infidelities, and falsely claims responsibility for Joffrey's death.[64]

While following Varys through the tunnels of the Red Keep, Tyrion recognizes a secret tunnel leading to the Tower of the Hand. He asks Varys for directions, and climbs up to Tywin's chambers. There, he finds Shae in Tywin's bed. He strangles her, and then confronts his father about Tysha, whom Tywin remembers as Tyrion's "first whore". Tyrion warns him not to call her a whore again and demands to know what happened to her. When Tywin does answers she went "wherever whores go", Tyrion slays his father in fury, shooting him with a crossbow.[64]

A Feast for Crows

Cersei offers a lordship to anyone who brings her the vanished Tyrion.[65] Her bounty results in the killing of a number of innocent dwarfs and children; Cersei refuses to publicly punish anyone who does so, for fear it will discourage other such bounty hunters and allow Tyrion to escape.[66]

Feeling abandoned by Tyrion, an anguished Podrick Payne, Tyrion's squire, joins Brienne of Tarth in search of Tyrion's wife, Sansa Stark.[67]

A Dance with Dragons

Tyrion is attacked by stone men, by Joshua Cairós © Fantasy Flight Games

Tyrion flees across the narrow sea, pondering his options and considering himself a kinslayer. Tyrion arrives drunk and despondent at the manse of Magister Illyrio Mopatis in Pentos.[68] There Illyrio tells Tyrion of Daenerys Targaryen and her three dragons.

Illyrio sends Tyrion, along with retainers Griff, Young Griff, Ser Rolly Duckfield, Septa Lemore, and Haldon, called Halfmaester, aboard the ship Shy Maid to Volantis. During the trip, Tyrion assumes the aliases Yollo and Hugor Hill.[37] Griff forces Tyrion into recuperation from his increasingly heavy drinking. The companions plan to meet Daenerys in Volantis to strengthen her cause. En route, Tyrion deduces that Griff is the exiled lord Jon Connington and Young Griff is Prince Aegon Targaryen, saved from the Sack of King's Landing. When the boat is ambushed by stone men in Chroyane, Jon rescues Tyrion from the Rhoyne.[69]

While in Selhorys, Tyrion (under Haldon's direction) plays a game of cyvasse with Qavo Nogarys, a customs official, to gain information. Tyrion is then captured in a brothel by Ser Jorah Mormont[70] and brought to Volantis, as Jorah plans to bring Tyrion to Daenerys to regain her favor. Jorah takes him to the widow of the waterfront to try and arrange passage out of Volantis. There Tyrion meets a female dwarf performer named Penny who, upon learning that Tyrion was indirectly responsible for her brother Oppo's death, tries to kill him.[71] Penny joins the pair as they travel to Meereen by sea aboard the Selaesori Qhoran, where the crew take to calling him No-Nose, to reach Daenerys. On the ship Penny eventually befriends Tyrion.[11]

While aboard the Selaesori Qhoran, Tyrion makes the acquaintance of Moqorro, who sees visions in flames.[11] Tyrion, Penny, and Jorah are captured by a Yunkai'i slaver and bought by Yezzan zo Qaggaz. They are instructed by his overseer, Nurse, on how to treat their new master.[24] Tyrion and Penny are forced to perform a mock joust in the fighting pits of Meereen, not knowing that they were to be eaten by lions at the end of the show. Daenerys Targaryen, for whom the show was staged, learns of their impending fate and stops the lions from being released.[72]

After their new master dies of the bloody flux the trio escapes. Tyrion arranges for the three to join a sellsword company, the Second Sons under the command of Brown Ben Plumm, by promising the company the wealth of Casterly Rock.[73][74] While the Sons' current contract is to fight Daenerys, Tyrion hopes to win them to her side.

The Winds of Winter

This information has thus far been released in a sample chapter for The Winds of Winter, and might therefore not be in finalized form. Keep in mind that the content as described below is still subject to change.

While in the Second Sons, Tyrion attempts to sway Brown Ben Plumm's mind over a game of cyvasse, in order to rejoin Daenerys. News of the Iron Fleet entering Slaver's Bay reaches the encampment. While the Sons are preparing for the battle that rages around them, a meeting of their officers occurs in which a Yunkish commander demands they fight. After the Yunkishman is killed by Jorah, a white dragon cyvasse piece falls at Tyrion's feet, and it is declared the Second Sons will rejoin Daenerys.[75]

Quotes by Tyrion

Tyrion and Jorah Mormont, by jamga © Pygmalion

Tyrion: Let me give you some counsel, bastard. Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.

Jon: What the hell do you know about being a bastard?

Tyrion: All dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes.[20]

—Tyrion and Jon Snow

My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind... and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. That’s why I read so much, Jon Snow.[20]

—Tyrion to Jon Snow

Varys: Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less.

Tyrion: So power is a mummer's trick?

Varys: A shadow on the wall, yet shadows can kill. And ofttimes a very small man can cast a very large shadow.[35]

Varys and Tyrion

When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.[50]

—Tyrion to Cersei Lannister

Tyrion: Next?
Bronn: A lordling down from the Trident, says your father's men burned his keep, raped his wife, and killed all his peasants.Tyrion: I believe they call that war.

—Tyrion to Cersei Lannister

I have never liked you, Cersei, but you were my own sister, so I never did you harm. You've ended that. I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.[76]

—Tyrion to Cersei Lannister

It all goes back and back. To our mothers and fathers and theirs before them. We are puppets dancing on the strings of those who came before us, and one day our own children will take up our strings and dance on in our steads.[63]

—Tyrion's thoughts

I am malformed, scarred, and small, but... abed, when the candles are blown out, I am made no worse than other men. In the dark, I am the Knight of Flowers. I am generous. Loyal to those who are loyal to me. I’ve proven I’m no craven. And I am cleverer than most, surely wits count for something. I can even be kind. Kindness is not a habit with us Lannisters, I fear, but I know I have some somewhere. I could be... I could be good to you.[62]

—Tyrion to Sansa Stark

You poor stupid blind crippled fool. Must I spell out every little thing for you? Very well. Cersei is a lying whore, she's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know. And I am the monster they all say I am. Yes, I killed your vile son.[64]

—Tyrion to Jaime Lannister

Tyrion: Someone told me that the night is dark and full of terrors. What do you see in those flames?
Moqorro: Dragons. Dragons old and young, true and false, bright and dark. And you. A small man with a big shadow, snarling in the midst of all.[11]

—Tyrion and Moqorro

Quotes about Tyrion

Peter Dinklage as Tyrion in Game of Thrones

Tyrion Lannister, the youngest of Lord Tywin's brood, and by far the ugliest. All that the gods had given to Cersei and Jaime, they had denied Tyrion. He was a dwarf, half his brother's height, struggling to keep pace on stunted legs. His head was too large for his body, with a brute's squashed-in face beneath a swollen shelf of brow. One green eye and one black one peered out from under a lank fall of hair so blond it seemed white. Jon watched him with fascination.[20]

Jon Snow's first impression of Tyrion

Bowen: You have great thirst for such a small man.
Aemon: Oh, I think Lord Tyrion is quite a large man. I think he is a giant come among us, here at the end of the world.[41]

He is a bigger man than he seems, I think.[58]

Jaime, sweetling, I have known you since you were a babe at Joanna's breast. You smile like Gerion and fight like Tyg and there's some of Kevan in you, else you would not wear that cloak... but Tyrion is Tywin's son, not you. I said so once to your father's face, and he would not speak to me for half a year.[77]



Behind the scenes

According to George R. R. Martin, Tyrion has similarities with Richard III of England.[78]

His name may be a reference to Tirion, an Elvish town from The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien. It may also be a reference to Tyrian, a character from the 1981 film Dragonslayer, which Martin has cited as one of his favorite movies.


  1. Jaime Lannister went to Crakehall to serve Lord Sumner Crakehall as a squire at the age of eleven. He served as Sumner's squire for four years[38] and received his knighthood in 281 AC. This places the start of his service at Crakehall in 277 AC.
  2. See the calculation for Cersei Lannister's wedding to Robert I Baratheon.
  3. See the calculation for Stannis Baratheon's wedding to Selyse Florent.
  4. See the Gerion Lannister calculation.

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 4, Eddard I.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 25, Tyrion VI.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 42, Tyrion VI.
  4. 4.0 4.1 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 56, Tyrion VII.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 62, Tyrion VIII.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 70, Tyrion X.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 38, Tyrion V.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 The World of Ice & Fire, The Targaryen Kings: Aerys II.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 8, Tyrion III.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 14, Tyrion IV.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 33, Tyrion VIII.
  12. 12.0 12.1 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 36, Cersei VIII.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 40, Tyrion IX.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 20, Tyrion V.
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Winds of Winter, "Mercy"
  16. The World of Ice & Fire, The Westerlands: House Lannister Under the Dragons.
  17. George R. R. Martin's A World of Ice and Fire, Tyrion Lannister.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 59, Tyrion XIII.
  19. HBO.com: Game of Thrones Cast & Characters
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 5, Jon I.
  21. 21.0 21.1 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 49, Tyrion XI.
  22. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 35, Eddard IX.
  23. 23.0 23.1 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 29, Tyrion VII.
  24. 24.0 24.1 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 47, Tyrion X.
  25. 25.0 25.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 12, Tyrion II.
  26. So Spake Martin: Tyrion's Training (May 09, 1999)
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 31, Tyrion IV.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 13, Tyrion II.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 4, Tyrion I.
  30. 30.0 30.1 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 39, Cersei IX.
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 9, Tyrion I.
  32. 32.0 32.1 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 3, Tyrion I.
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 44, Tyrion X.
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 60, Tyrion VIII.
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 8, Tyrion II.
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 19, Tyrion III.
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 5, Tyrion II.
  38. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 11, Jaime II.
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 67, Tyrion XV.
  40. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 19, Jon III.
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 21, Tyrion III.
  42. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 24, Bran IV.
  43. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 28, Catelyn V.
  44. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 38, Tyrion V.
  45. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 40, Catelyn VII.
  46. 46.0 46.1 A Game of Thrones, Chapter 69, Tyrion IX.
  47. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 2, Sansa I.
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 17, Tyrion IV.
  49. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 32, Sansa III.
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 15, Tyrion III.
  51. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 7, Catelyn I.
  52. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 39, Catelyn V.
  53. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 36, Tyrion VIII.
  54. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 54, Tyrion XII.
  55. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 58, Davos III.
  56. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 61, Tyrion XIV.
  57. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 65, Sansa VIII.
  58. 58.0 58.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 28, Sansa III.
  59. 59.0 59.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 32, Tyrion IV.
  60. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 59, Sansa IV.
  61. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 61, Sansa V.
  62. 62.0 62.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 68, Sansa VI.
  63. 63.0 63.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 66, Tyrion IX.
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 77, Tyrion XI.
  65. A Feast for Crows, Chapter 7, Cersei II.
  66. A Feast for Crows, Chapter 17, Cersei IV.
  67. A Feast for Crows, Chapter 9, Brienne II.
  68. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 1, Tyrion I.
  69. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 18, Tyrion V.
  70. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 22, Tyrion VI.
  71. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 27, Tyrion VII.
  72. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 52, Daenerys IX.
  73. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 57, Tyrion XI.
  74. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 66, Tyrion XII.
  75. The Winds of Winter, Tyrion II
  76. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 56, Theon V.
  77. A Feast for Crows, Chapter 33, Jaime V.
  78. So Spake Martin: Boskone (Boston, MA; February 17-19) (February 17, 2006)
Preceded by Acting Hand of the King
299 AC
Served under: Joffrey I Baratheon
With: Tywin Lannister
Succeeded by
Preceded by Master of coin
299300 AC
Served under: Joffrey I Baratheon
Succeeded byas lord treasurer
Titles in pretence
Preceded by — TITULAR —
Lord of Casterly Rock
300 AC–present
Reason for succession failure:
Casterly Rock held by Cersei Lannister