30 for 2030

A youth network of gender equality champions driving dialogue, action and positive change.


The Story

Today, the world is home to 1.8 billion young people, the largest generation of youth in history. Youth in the Asia-Pacific Region make up 60 per cent of the world’s youth population, or 750 million young persons aged 15 to 24 years. It is a region facing the challenges of extreme poverty, climate change, and gender inequality but also a region where young people are more interconnected than ever before, and many are leading political, social and economic change in their communities and societies.

UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) recognizes that young people are positive agents of change and that they represent an immense and valuable potential that governments and institutions should nurture and invest in. At the same time, it recognizes that young people are facing great challenges and risks, disproportionately affecting girls and young women in many parts of the world. Today’s pressing problems present an opportunity for youth leadership to build a better future across sectors and boundaries.


UN Women ROAP launched the first era of the 30 for 2030 Network in July 2022; as a youth leadership network that brings together young decision-makers, eminent civic and business innovators, feminists, entrepreneurs, technology pioneers, educators, activists, artists, journalists, and more. The 30 for 2030 thought leaders and experts are determined change makers to accelerate progress toward the 2030 Agenda from a feminist perspective, break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence. The network acts as a voluntary advisory community and an accelerator of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change for a gender equal world.

The 30 for 2030 initiative puts young people central to solution building, policy-making and sustainable change. The network supports young representatives to develop innovative gender equality solutions and engage with a broader range of stakeholders. Members provide expertise on youth and gender issues, design innovative solutions and campaigns, encourage the mobilization of young people and facilitate the dissemination of information to networks and organizations around the region.

The 30 for 2030 also has an advisory and advocacy role to support UN Women more specifically to:

  • Provide strategic perspectives on advocacy issues and UN Women’s thematic priorities.
  • Assist in strengthening UN Women’s engagement with the civil society, including formal and informal youth groups and initiatives.
  • Offer new ideas for advocacy campaigns and recommendations for transformative solutions to promote gender equality in the region with special focus on:
    • Ending violence against women and girls.
    • Women, Peace and Security, Humanitarian Action and Preventing Violent Extremism.
    • Women’s economic and political empowerment and leadership.
    • Engagement of men and boys in promoting gender equality.
    • Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, Innovation, and ICTs for Gender Equality.
    • Climate Change.
    • Women with disabilities or AIDS/HIV, rural young women, and women and girls IDPs and refugees.
    • Post Generation equality Forum engagement
  • Promote the participation and priorities and voices of young people in national, regional and global convenings and policy making processes.
  • Support UN Women and key partners including the GEF Action Coalition Leaders and Commitment Makers, design and lead on global advocacy initiatives.
  • Launch collaborative initiatives, campaigns and projects.
  • Mobilize young people and governments to make pledges in support of gender equality.

Members will benefit from the following:

  • Mentorship sessions from UN Women staff and external experts to build their capacity on gender equality issues, awareness of the international gender equality and sustainable development frameworks and in skills such as networking, strategic innovative design and advocacy;
  • The opportunity to engage and be part of an extraordinary group of young leaders from all over the region to exchange knowledge and best practices and collaborate in the development of large-scale initiatives;
  • Official nomination to attend high-level meetings to share youth perspectives;
  • Invitation to attend UN Women regional office and country offices activities and opportunities to test new tools and practices;
  • Advice on career development;
  • Opportunity to share experiences and success stories through UN Women’s communications channels and knowledge platforms.

The cohort will be comprised of approximately 30+ youth volunteers between the ages of 18-35 with demonstrated expertise and experience of working on and advocating for young people, including youth-led organizations, private sector, youth movements, media and academia. Such individuals should have demonstrated leadership and activism and should be able to consult with and reach out to a larger constituency. The candidate must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Be a national of a Member State within the UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific area of responsibility (Afghanistan, Australia, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji Multi-Country Office, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Lao PDR, Maldives, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nauru, Nepal, New Zealand, Niue, Pakistan, Palau, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Korea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Viet Nam)
  • Aged between 18 and 35.
  • Awarded inventors, scientists and entrepreneurs
  • Recognized feminists, human rights defenders, climate change activists
  • Girl child leaders.
  • Men and boys' engagement champions.
  • Candidates should be leaders or members of a CSO, youth-led or youth-servicing organizations or remarkable informal youth initiatives or have access to wide youth networks.
  • Youth representative with a record of accomplishment in areas related to gender equality and women’s empowerment.
  • Candidates should have access to, and be reasonably proficient in, communication technologies.

Candidates can nominate themselves or through organizations who wish to nominate individuals must fill out the “Candidate application”:

Deadline:  Ongoing recruitment

* Nomination does not guarantee selection of nominees. Only accepted nominees will receive a formal invitation to join the 30 for 2030 network. Nominees may be invited to an interview as part of the selection process.