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Violência contra a mulher, criança e adolescente. Violência doméstica. Foto: Freepick
Human Rights

Brazil recorded one rape every six minutes in 2023

Cases of rape and statutory rape totaled 83,988, up 6.5% from 2022. Women are the majority of victims and the aggressors are most often inside the home.

São João do Polêsine (RS), 17.07.2024 - Trabalho de preparação do fóssil de São João do Polêsine. Foto: Rodrigo Temp Müller/Divulgação.

Fossil found in Brazil should cast light on the origin of dinosaurs

In May, after heavy rains brought floods and destruction to Rio Grande do Sul state, specialists from the Federal University of Santa Maria found an almost complete fossil of a dinosaur estimated to be 233 mi years old.

merenda escolar, SEDUC AM
Human Rights

Brazil proposes global alliance to combat hunger and poverty

The proposal was presented by members of the Brazilian government at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at the United Nations in New York, USA.

Lançamento da campanha

Associations launch campaign for more black people in parliaments

The Black Coalition for Rights, which brings together over 200 organizations, is working to influence this year’s municipal elections in Brazil in a bid to increase the number of black mayors and councilors committed to fighting racism.

Operação Pantanal 2, combate ao incêndio na região

Pantanal: 96% of fires extinguished or under control

Environment Minister Silva emphasized the importance of mobilizing firefighting teams, noting that a heatwave is expected to begin soon, increasing the risk of new fires.

Palácio do Itamaraty na Esplanada dos Ministérios

Brazil’s ambassador to Argentina called to Brasília for consultations

“The ambassador’s trip to the federal capital aims to discuss the main issues in the relationship between Brazil and Argentina in depth and personally with his interlocutors in the Brazilian government,” the official note reads.

Brasília (DF), 15/07/2024 - O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e o presidente da Itália, Sergio Mattarella, durante cerimônia de assinatura de atos e declaração à imprensa, no Palácio do Planalto. Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Lula: Unilateral EU measures undermine Mercosur agreement

Approved in 2019 after over 20 years of negotiation, the agreement between Mercosur and the EU faces resistance from countries like France, delaying its implementation.