Published June 11, 2024 | Version 1.16.0
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Dependency Changes

  • PypeIt now only supports python versions >=3.10, numpy>=1.23, and ginga>=5.1.0

  • sphinx-rtd-theme updated to 2.0, along with relevant dependencies

Functionality/Performance Improvements and Additions

  • Allow the selection of a secondary filter option for all spectrographs that need it; see new filter2 parameter.

  • When dealing with bkg_redux reduction (i.e., A-B), a sky model (called bkg_redux_skymodel) is generated using the A frame, while the existing skymodel is generated using the A-B frame. This allows to have an actual 1D extracted sky spectrum and to perform the flexure correction for bkg_redux reduction.

  • Various improvements in the flexure correction and added the possibility to use a modeled archive sky spectrum generated with pypeit.wavemodel.nearIR_modelsky() to perform the flexure correction.

  • Updated the list of available CALSPEC standard star with the latest version from the CALSPEC website.

Instrument-specific Updates

  • Improvements for SOAR/Goodman

    • Added WAVMODE header keyword to configuration keys and raw header cards.
  • Added example of improved wavelength solution for GEMINI/GMOS

  • Introduces reduction pipeline for high-resolution modes of Keck/NIRSPEC

  • Expanded the template for shane_kast_red and the 1200/5000 grating

  • Fixed and improved the wavelength template magellan_fire_long

  • Updated Gemini/GMOS-S with the new detector parameters for the Hamamatsu CCDs replaced on 2023-12-14

Script Changes

  • When interactively fitting a single peak with the pypeit_identify script (i.e. using the i command), line centroids can now be both updated and added interactively.

Datamodel Changes

  • Spec2DObj now has an additional image, called bkg_redux_skymodel, which is the "actual" sky model in the case of bkg_redux reduction (i.e., dithered observations). This image is not generated if bkg_redux is False. In any case, the skymodel is always generated.

Bug Fixes

  • The subpixel algorithm used to resample datacubes that are generated by pypeit_coadd_datacube produced error cubes that were not properly propagating the noise. The error cubes of the NGP algorithm were unaffected. The error cubes are now regularly inspected with vet tests to ensure the error cubes are reliable.

  • Fix a bug (introduced in a recent PR) that was generating an error if less than 2 spec1d files were used with pypeit_coadd_1dspec. Now the script can be run with only one file (as it was before).

  • Allow spec_flex_shift() to take as input either the name of an archive sky spectrum or directly a sky spectrum. This fixes a bug in the flexure correction for SlicerIFU.

  • The --show option of the pypeit_coadd_1dspec script was not properly displaying the x-axis of the plot. Both the top and bottom panels now scale together.

  • Fix a bug in pypeit_sensfunc that was causing the script to crash because par['fluxcalib'] was not being passed to sensfunc.SensFunc.get_instance().


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