Published September 22, 2023 | Version 1
Journal article Open

data for "Country-specific net-zero strategies of the pulp and paper industry"

  • 1. Fudan Tyndall Center and Shanghai Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Particle Pollution and Prevention (LAP3), Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 3. Watershed Carbon Neutrality Institute, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, China
  • 4. Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Knoxville, USA
  • 5. State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
  • 6. Universidade Paulista, UNIP R. Dr. Bacelar, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 7. Institute of Blue and Green Development, Shandong University, Weihai 264209, China
  • 8. Gokongwei College of engineering, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
  • 9. School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • 10. The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London, London WC1E 7HB, UK
  • 11. Fudan Tyndall Center and Shanghai Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Particle Pollution and Prevention (LAP3), Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; IRDR International Center of Excellence on Risk Interconnectivity and Governance on Weather, Shanghai, China; Shanghai Institute for Energy and Carbon Neutrality Strategy, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; Institute of Eco-Chongming (SIEC), Shanghai, China


This file contains the following data:

  • Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data for the pulp and paper industry of 30 countries,  from 1961 to 2019, broken down by stages and processes.

  • Net GHG emissions data for the pulp and paper industry of 30 countries under 2160 different scenario combinations.

  • Forest carbon emissions data caused by pulpwood production in 1961-2019 for 30 countries.


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