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Yahoo Homepage H

Welcome to our Yahoo Homepage feedback forum!

This is a place for you to help shape the Yahoo Homepage experience. We review the most popular, feasible ideas from this forum to make positive changes to your Yahoo Homepage.

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2039 results found

  1. "The root" is racist

    Please stop posting racist news pieces from these racist news outlets. If it says "black twitter" or anything black ony IT IS RACIST! ANY BLACK ONLY INSTITUTIONS ARE RACIST!

    265th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  2. Have more unbiased news. Real facts, not propaganda

    Have more unbiased news. Real facts, not propaganda

    192nd ranked
  3. Stop posting about the Kelce's constantly!


    242nd ranked
  4. Do the Kardashians have stock in yahoo because it seems as if they can't change their clothes without yahoo making a story of it.

    Stop with the Kardashian fascination. There is more to tgis world than a non talented family of women who sleep around to stay relevant. Enough is enough. Time for me to let yahoo go.

    242nd ranked
  5. Explain why Yahoo welcomes a multitude of "progressive" and left-wing sites, like Salon, Slate, New Republic, and Huff Post among others,,

    Explain why Yahoo welcomes and promotes a number of "progressive" and left-wing sites like Salon, Slate, Nerw Republic, and Huff Post, among others, with little attention given to opposing points oif view.

    218th ranked
  6. Actually read these ideas

    Why would Yahoo include a section for ideas and suggestions, if they are not planning on using it?
    I have spent the last couple of hours sifting through some of these great ideas for improvement, but have only seen one reply from Yahoo.
    Your suggestion box is full. Read some of them!

    682nd ranked
  7. 242nd ranked
  8. Here’s an idea, every time I click into an article let’s not have an advertisement blocking the entire article

    Here’s an idea, every time I click into an article let’s not have an advertisement blocking the entire article

    175th ranked
  9. 204th ranked
  10. Stop claiming that I have stepped aside and then accessing and interfering with my email: I did not "step aside."

    Stop claiming that I have stepped aside and then accessing and interfering with my email: I did not "step aside."

    1168th ranked
  11. maybe report the actual news


    265th ranked
  12. Too much Taylor Swift

    Too much Taylor Swift

    184th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  13. 361st ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  14. How can I block ALL Taylor Swift content?

    There must be a way to block unwanted content from yahoo home page but I cannot find it. I would love to block all Taylor swift content please.

    286th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  15. Yahoo Weather app is discriminating

    In weather app Kosovo the state were I am born is part of serbia and this is a big discrimination and insult for all us Albanians because Kosova is indenpendent from 17.02.2008 and you still in the 90's. You have to do this update and as fast as possible please

    591st ranked
  16. Less HuffPost and Salon

    Less openly liberal terrorist supporters like HuffPost and Salon

    229th ranked
  17. 30th ranked
  18. Your new Yahoo Finance website is terrible!

    Text appears overwritten on images. The website slowly loads. Yahoo old finance website had all the information I needed in a form easy to read.

    320th ranked
  19. 1168th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  20. Could you make it possible to change the background of your news page to dark?

    The white background is quite ******* my eyes, and a dark background with white fonts would help my sight very much.

    1168th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  • Don't see your idea?

Yahoo Homepage H


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