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About Miracle Living Today

Have you ever asked for a miracle in your life? Many people have experienced the miraculous intervention of God. Join hosts Gordon Robertson and Ashley Key as they share inspirational true stories of people who have encountered the life-changing power of God. And learn more as you explore the biblical spiritual laws that provide access to God’s supernatural power in your life. 



GORDON ROBERTSON is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Christian Broadcasting Network, as well as a member of CBN’s Board of Directors. He is also President of Operation Blessing, CBN’s humanitarian organization; and Chancellor of Regent University. 

The son of Pat and Dede Robertson, Gordon graduated from Yale University in 1980 and earned his Juris Doctor degree from Washington and Lee University in 1984. He then practiced law in Norfolk, Virginia, for 10 years.

In 1994, Gordon had a profound encounter with the Lord and moved to the Philippines, where he established CBN Asia



CBN 700 Club and 700 Club Interactive Talent and Multimedia Producer | Ashley grew up in Suffolk, Virginia and attended James Madison University for her bachelor’s degree in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations and minor studies in Theater.

After graduating from JMU in 2015, Ashley started her career at CBN as a Social Media Marketing Producer for The 700 Club. Not only did she assist in creating daily content for the The 700 Club’s social media platforms, but she and her colleague at the time were known as the “Social Sistas” and would provide exclusive interviews of 700

Recent Episodes

July 20 - Miracle Living Today - July 20, 2024
Becky tells the story of her dying husband after initial diagnosis of Ebola, then malaria and how prayer changed everything.
July 13 - Miracle Living Today - July 13, 2024
Madelyn Mire was born premature at 23 weeks, her health complications included spinal meningitis, a hole in her heart, and a brain bleed. Prayers were answered and doctors were amazed when she went home with her parents at just 37 weeks and ... ...
July 06 - Miracle Living Today - July 6, 2024
Chet Chaffin was diagnosed with Covid and almost died. After long grueling medical procedures including being on a vent and after many prayers, he was healed.

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