Releases by subject

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Filtered results

All subjects 2514

Agriculture and food 120

Business and consumer services and culture 88

Business performance and ownership 147

Children and youth 100

Construction 49

Crime and justice 178

Digital economy and society 45

Economic accounts 253

Education, training and learning 187

Energy 64

Environment 103

Families, households and marital status 69

Government 53

Health 417

Housing 65

Immigration and ethnocultural diversity 181

Income, pensions, spending and wealth 160

Indigenous peoples 108

International trade 76

Labour 346

Languages 67

Manufacturing 59

Older adults and population aging 55

Population and demography 146

Prices and price indexes 104

Retail and wholesale 34

Science and technology 46

Society and community 464

Statistical methods 98

Transportation 76

Travel and tourism 40

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