Brazil Receives Nearly 6 million Foreign Tourists in 2023, the Highest Level since 2019

The result also exceeded the World Tourism Organization's projections for the country by 3%

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Last year, Brazil welcomed a total of 5,908,341 foreign visitors, a level 62.7% higher than in 2022 and slightly below the pre-pandemic 2019 figure when 6.3 million foreign tourists visited the country.

These figures are from Embratur, the Ministry of Tourism, and the Federal Police. The result also exceeded the World Tourism Organization's projections for the country by 3%.

According to the data, Argentina led the list of countries sending the most tourists to Brazil, with 1.9 million visitors, or 32% of the total.

The United States, with 668,500, Chile with 458,500, Paraguay with 424,500, and Uruguay with 334,700 complete the top five tourist-sending nations. São Paulo recorded the highest number of tourist arrivals, with 2,107,179. Rio de Janeiro had 1,192,814, while Rio Grande do Sul received 1,000,909. The main mode of entry was by air, with 3,794,260 arrivals, followed by land, with 1,923,243.

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