Ronnie Lessa Says He Would Earn up to $20 Million for Councilor Marielle Franco's Murder

Confessed murderer of the councilor stated in a plea bargain that, with the crime, he would become a partner in land development and create a militia in Rio

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São Paulo

The former military police officer Ronnie Lessa revealed in his plea bargain that the agreement made with the brothers Domingos and Chiquinho Brazão to kill councilor Marielle Franco (PSOL) would yield him up to $20 million. The statement is in a video of the plea bargain, obtained by TV Globo and shown on Fantástico this Sunday (26). According to him, in exchange for the crime, he and his accomplice Edimilson de Oliveira — murdered in 2021 — would become partners in two illegal land developments in the west zone of Rio.

Ronnie Lessa says he would earn up to $20 million for Marielle Franco's murder - Reprodução/TV Globo

He then mentions two different amounts for the crime, $10 million and $20 million.

"Nobody gets an offer of $10 million just to kill someone. So, I wasn't hired to kill Marielle as a hitman. I was called for a partnership," he says.

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