Not all the bells chime for Brexit

That’s it, at 12.00 am Saturday February 1 Brussels time, we leave the European Union.

Or 11 pm Friday January 31 UK time if we must.

Or to be more accurate, the UK leaves the political structures of the EU at the appointed hours, but remains a member of the single market, obeying the rules and paying our dues without influence, until 2021, or later still, possibly, if we cannot agree what Brexit finally means before the transition period runs out.

And that’s the thing … only time will tell what Brexit finally means for such a disunited kingdom – in which the Northern Irish Assembly, Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly all voted vehemently against the withdrawal agreement legislation – in the end.

And whether Brexit rings your bell – Big Ben Bongs and little Mark Francois notwithstanding – or chimes contrarily with the ever-present clanging of remainers who won’t go away – unless via secession forsaking the union of the UK in favour of EU membership – it’s difficult to see such a split nation uniting in such divisive circumstances still.

But no matter, we’ve left … sort of, for now … the democratic mandate of the people in 2016 having been honoured and upheld to their satisfaction presumably.

Which, of course, means that it’s now it’s quite acceptable to agitate for EU membership in the scheme of things democratic throughout our political system without accusations of toerags and traitors … uniting doesn’t come into it.

If you voted leave, you won, get over it.

Ding dong!

John Haran
Leigh on Sea

I am no less angry than I was almost four years ago about the lies and illegal activity in the 2016 referendum.

I am no less concerned at the government’s refusal to release any clear impact assessments or indeed the potentially crucial Russian Report. 

I am no less disgusted at the xenophobia, racism and hate that has been released and somehow justified in some people’s minds since the referendum result. 

I am no less disappointed to discover this side of my country which I previously had not seen. 

And I am no less sad that Britain is walking away from a project that holds at it’s heart respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, not to mention unity and peace.

I am no closer to understanding why anyone would want to remove their own rights to freedom of movement and a seat at the table of a union which values all these things which I previously believed were also important to people of Britain.

The last votes in Parliament leave me with little faith in our government to do the right thing, when they seem to have no problem voting to take away rights of refugee children to reunite with family members and for EU citizens to have physical documentation as proof of their right to remain in the UK.

Good luck to all those out celebrating next Friday; I hope Brexit lives up to all your expectations.  And I would like to send love to all those, particularly from other EU countries that have made Britain their home, who will have no cause to celebrate this week.

I’m afraid Mr Johnson, it will not be so simple to brush Brexit aside and assume all divisions will be healed; you have failed to realise just how much many value our EU membership and how the Brexit project is not one they will ever unite behind.

P.S: That is just the most recent Brexit lie – Brexit will not be ‘done’ on Friday…it is now merely the beginning of the really difficult bit.

Katy Treverton