What is a grand jury in Pennsylvania?

Portrait of Dylan Segelbaum Dylan Segelbaum
York Daily Record
In this file photo from Aug. 14, 2018, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro outlined the findings of a landmark grand jury report into widespread sexual abuse in six Catholic dioceses.

For about two years, a grand jury in Pennsylvania heard from dozens of witnesses and reviewed half a million pages of documents before issuing a landmark report into widespread abuse in the Catholic church.

But what exactly is a grand jury? The York Daily Record/Sunday News reviewed the law, looked at information from the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts and spoke with experts.

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What is a grand jury? >>

A grand jury is a group of citizens that’s tasked with investigating potential criminal activity. They’re initially composed of 23 people. That’s different than a jury in a criminal case, which is usually made up of 12 people.

The proceedings aren’t open to the public. Prosecutors lead them.

In Pennsylvania, the current law dates to 1980.

Grand juries can have as many as 15 alternates but no fewer than seven. Fifteen members are considered a quorum.

They can vote to issue a presentment, which is a formal recommendation that law enforcement charge someone with a crime. Or they can vote to adopt a report about organized crime, public corruption or recommendations for legislative, executive or administrative action that’s in the public interest.

Grand juries here typically don’t issue indictments, or formal charges, themselves. But in 2012, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court updated procedures to allow prosecutors to seek approval to use an indicting grand jury — if a case involves witness intimidation. That’s instead of holding a preliminary hearing.

The concept of a grand jury isn’t new.

It’s an English institution. The early colonists brought the idea to the United States. In fact, the right to indictment by a grand jury is enshrined in the Fifth Amendment. (The U.S. Supreme Court later held that provision doesn’t extend to the states.)

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How is a grand jury started in Pennsylvania? >>

On the county level, a prosecutor can submit an application to the president judge for an order to summon a grand jury.

In York County, a grand jury was used to investigate and bring charges in the long unsolved murders of Lillie Belle Allen and York City Police Officer Henry Schaad in the York race riots.

Meanwhile, the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office can ask the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to convene a multi-county grand jury that has jurisdiction in several places or throughout the entire state.

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How long do grand juries last? >>

In Pennsylvania, grand juries are initially convened for 18 months, though members can vote to finish sooner if they determine that its business is finished.

On the other hand, members can also vote to extend the duration for an additional six months.

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What’s the advantage of using a grand jury? >>

Jonelle Harter Eshbach, a civil practice and criminal defense attorney at Eveler & DeArment LLP in York County. She supervised the grand jury investigation into former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky while at the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office:

Eshbach said grand juries are a great investigative tool. They can subpoena records and compel witnesses who might otherwise be unwilling or afraid to speak to law enforcement to testify under oath.

“It’s very effective,” said Eshbach, who added that she’s investigated corruption involving police and public officials, cases in which it’s difficult to voluntarily get information.  “When you have the power of a grand jury investigation, you can get to the bottom of things that are otherwise very difficult to investigate.”

She said it’s also a way for prosecutors to test their evidence, though there’s no cross-examination of witnesses.

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What are criticisms of grand juries? >>

Peter Vaira, a white collar defense attorney who serves as special counsel to Greenblatt, Pierce, Funt and Flores LLC. He served as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania from 1978 to 1983:

If a grand jury determines that there’s probable cause to charge someone with a crime, that’s only the first step, Vaira said. The person will eventually have his or her day in court.

But once a grand jury issues a report, he said, that’s it.

“They have no power to put anything else in,” Vaira said. “The report process is not a full due process.”

Under the law, the supervising judge can allow a person who’s criticized in a report but not charged with a crime to submit a response to the allegations. The judge can decide to permit the response to be attached to the report before it’s made public.

In 2017, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court formed a task force to review investigating grand juries.

“It is good policy to periodically evaluate operations and make updates and improvements where warranted,” Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor said in a statement. 

“As a comprehensive review of Pennsylvania’s investigating grand juries has not taken place in recent memory, the Supreme Court has formed this task force to prepare a public report detailing current operations of grand juries and advancing proposals for possible improvement.”

RELATED:Why doesn't due process apply in the Pa. grand jury report?

(The story continue after the form):

Can people talk about what happened in a grand jury? >>

Grand jurors are sworn to secrecy. They can’t talk about the proceedings — even when their work is done.

What about witnesses? Well, it depends.

Witnesses typically can disclose their testimony. But prosecutors can ask the judge to issue a gag order.

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How much are grand jurors paid? >>

People who are serving in a multi-county investigating grand jury are compensated $40 each day they report for service.

The law outlines provisions for travel allowances and meals as well.

Do grand jurors receive counseling? >>

If any grand juror sought any kind of counseling, it would be provided, according to Cambria County President Judge Norman A. Krumenacker III, who supervised the investigation into the six Catholic dioceses.

Contact Dylan Segelbaum at 717-771-2102.

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