New Spring Grove school superintendent charged with DUI days before starting job

York Daily Record

Joseph A. Bradley, the new superintendent for the Spring Grove Area School District, was charged with driving under the influence days before he started his new position.

According to a news release from state police, Bradley, 51, was arrested on June 28 after police encountered him at 2:38 a.m. in the 100 block of South Forney Avenue in Hanover.

An affidavit of probable cause filed by state police stated that a state trooper on patrol encountered a male slumped over the wheel of his vehicle, which was parked along the curb with its lights on and engine running.

In the affidavit, the trooper stated that he knocked on Bradley's window several times before Bradley awoke, appearing "extremely disoriented and lethargic."

When the window was lowered, the trooper "immediately detected a strong odor of intoxicants."

Bradley told the trooper he had "not a lot" to drink, the affidavit states, and had slurred speech throughout the interaction.

When the trooper requested Bradley exit the vehicle to conduct a field sobriety test, Bradley then told the trooper he had a "couple beers," according to the affidavit.

Bradley displayed multiple signs of impairment during the field sobriety test, the affidavit states, and a breath sample indicated his blood alcohol content was 0.193%. The legal limit in Pennsylvania is 0.08%.

While being placed under arrest, Bradley twice refused to consent to a blood draw and requested to speak with an attorney, the affidavit states.

Bradley started work as Spring Grove's superintendent July 1.

Reported earlier:Spring Grove Area School District announces new superintendent

The school board issued a statement that Bradley immediately made members aware of the arrest.

"The Board is gathering more information at this time," said the statement.

The board also released a statement from Bradley, printed in full below:

“On Thursday, June 27th, I made a regretful error in judgment while dealing with personal turmoil. I take responsibility for that decision. As a school employee and, more importantly, as a father, I am disappointed in my actions. I remorsefully acknowledge the impact my choices had on others.

"I apologize to the entire Spring Grove community for my actions. I vow to do better and rebuild the great trust given to me by this District's Board and families. I intend to address these charges in a forthright manner and will accept any appropriate consequences for my actions.

"I apologize to my family for the stress and embarrassment I have caused them. I am hopeful the empathy and understanding of this loving community, which I have witnessed first hand in my time at Spring Grove, will be afforded to me and my family during this time.

"While addressing this matter I am going to focus on the future. I intend to use the resources afforded through our Employee Assistance Program and honestly address any and all issues that drove me to exercise poor judgment and act in a manner which is wholly inconsistent with my core values, character and reputation.”