Ex-York cop searched 'What disease is it called when you enjoy hurting a child': testimony

Portrait of Lena Tzivekis Lena Tzivekis
York Daily Record

A former York City Police officer charged with sexually abusing a 1-year-old girl while off-duty appeared before Magisterial District Judge Rebecca Jo Margerum during a preliminary hearing in Dauphin County this afternoon.

Steven K. Cugini, 28, of the first block of Camelot Arms in Springettsbury Township, faces charges including rape of a child, aggravated indecent assault of a child and aggravated assault — attempts to cause serious bodily injury or causes injury with extreme indifference, according to court records.

A York City Police officer charged with sexual abusing a 1-year-old girl while off-duty, appeared before Magisterial District Judge Rebecca Jo Margerum during a preliminary hearing in Dauphin County this afternoon.

Defendant searched: 'What disease is it called when you enjoy hurting a child'

During the hearing, Senior Deputy Prosecutor Jennifer Gettle called Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Investigator Trooper Tavin Davis to the stand.

Davis was initially contacted by the director of the daycare the child attended on April 15 at around 8 a.m., after the child was dropped off by her mother.

Through his recommendation, the child was then taken from the daycare to Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center by ambulance.

That evening, Davis spoke with Cugini over the phone on a recorded line, where he asked the defendant about his time spent with the child.

"He mentioned the incident in the bathroom and that there was a fall. He also mentioned that when (the child) fell, she didn't cry, she looked as if she was out of breath," Davis said.

Davis stated that the defendant's story changed during an in-person interview. He claimed to be in sole care of the child on Friday morning, and that the dogs in the home had knocked the victim over and made the mother of the child aware of the injury.

“He mentioned that he was locked in the bathroom while he was providing a bath to the victim, by himself," Davis said, noting Cugini told officers the bathroom door remained closed to prevent the other 5-year-old child in the home from interrupting bath time.

More:York officer resigns after being charged with sexually abusing a 1-year-old while off-duty

Davis said the defendant's story changed from "never providing care such as changing diapers and bathing" to "always bathing." Cugini also allegedly told officers he always locked the door when he bathed the child he had only known for four months.

During the investigation, officers obtained a search warrant to access Cugini's cell phone.

According to Davis, text messages included a lengthy apology from Cugini to the victim's mother, where the defendant claimed to be responsible for the child's injuries and that he would be a better parent in the future.

A search of Cugini's web search history also found that the defendant searched 'What disease is it called when you enjoy hurting a child?' as well as questions asking about the charging elements for indecent assault.

Cugini's attorney, Erin E. Kraska, questioned Officer Davis about the possibility that the child's injuries could have been inflicted by the mother or another person. Kraska also claimed the mother of the victim had been previously investigated by Children and Youth Services.

Davis said he could not say for sure who the victim was left in the care of after Cugini had left Sunday morning.

He said Cugini claimed to have spent time with the victim from Thursday, April 11 to the morning of Sunday, April 14.

A pattern that states 'sexual assault'

Gettle also called as a witness Dr. Lori D. Frasier of Penn State Hershey, who specializes in child abuse pediatrics.

According to Fraiser, the child was brought into the ER on Monday, April 15, where she witnessed several injuries to the child's body, including substantial bruising of her genitals, bruising on the inner thighs, abrasions on her chest, a bruised hymen, a broken tibia and fibula on her left lower leg, and bruising on her ankle.

Photographs of the child's injuries taken by Dr. Frasier on April 15 were displayed and explained to the attorneys and the judge.

X-rays of the child were taken, as well as collections using swabs of the mouth and vaginal area for a child to determine if a rape took place.

"I decided that, based on all the information, that I should do a rape kit on (the child)," said Fraiser.

In terms of what could have penetrated the child to cause injuries, Fraiser claimed the injuries were "too severe" to be caused by a finger, and alleged an object may have been used.

A medical injury history was provided to Fraiser by the child's mother, which provided that the child had fallen in the bathtub and fell on her buttocks.

“She told me Saturday night that the child had fallen in the bathtub, and the bruises got worse the next day," Fraiser said. “She told me it happened at her home in Elizabethville, and he (Cugini) left Sunday morning.”

Fraiser said the mother also said that the child had a history of diaper rashes, though the particular state of the child on April 15. According to Dr. Fraiser, the injuries did not appear to be from a diaper rash, but rather "trauma.

A creatine phosphokinase (CPK) blood test was also performed and indicated that the child was suffering from a deep muscle injury rather than a skin injury.

"I have never seen accidental trauma that involves the extent of this − you have to look at the totality of the picture,” she said. During her testimony, Fraiser claimed this pattern of injury is a result of sexual injury.

Cugini, who has two children of his own, is set for formal arraignment on July 12, at 8:30 a.m. before Judge Scott A. Evans.