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Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

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70 Years since the Kristallnacht Pogrom - December 2008

Welcome to the 14th issue of Teaching the Legacy. This issue focuses on the Kristallnacht pogrom, as we commemorated its 70th anniversary year. Translated as the “Night of Broken Glass,” this night and the following day – November 9-10, 1938 – marked a watershed moment in the escalation of Nazi antisemitic policy, which eventually led to the Holocaust. Our newsletter features an article on teaching the subject and some of its lessons in the classroom, an interview with a Holocaust survivor who recalls the Kristallnacht pogrom period, and a ceremony that may be used with students to commemorate the event. Also included are our regular updates on activities at the International School, within Yad Vashem, and book reviews. We hope you find this issue interesting and resourceful, and we look forward to your feedback.

Re-Examining the Tipping Point

Re-Examining the Tipping Point

IntroductionThis article, written on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Kristallnacht pogrom, gives a brief historical account of this watershed event and discusses methods for classroom discussion on the subject. In an effort to assist teachers in engaging their students in the subject of the Holocaust in general, and the Kristallnacht pogrom in particular, this article provides varied sources and ideas meant to help students gain a deeper understanding of the event. Additionally, teachers can use different types of resources to facilitate discussions that focus on larger...
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Interview with Miriam Ron, Witness to the Events of Kristallnacht

Interview with Miriam Ron, Witness to the Events of Kristallnacht

This exclusive interview was published in our newsletter Teaching the Legacy (December, 2008). Mrs. Ron discusses her experiences and memories surrounding Kristallnacht, the expulsion to Zbaszyn, and her childhood in Germany.
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Remembering the November 1938 Pogrom ("Kristallnacht"): Holocaust memorial ceremony

Remembering the November 1938 Pogrom ("Kristallnacht"): Holocaust memorial ceremony

Grades: 7 - 9 
Duration: 25 minutes

The November 1938 pogrom (Kristallnacht) proved to be a precursor to the destruction of European Jewry during the Holocaust. In addition to adults, Jewish children lost their feeling of security and in many ways, lost their childhoods. This ceremony focuses on the stories of Jewish children in Germany during this difficult period, when their lives would be changed forever.
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Address by Avner Shalev, Chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate

Address by Avner Shalev, Chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate

Shalom. I am truly moved as we approach the conclusion of our conference. After listening to what has been said here this morning, I have decided to put aside the text that I had prepared and share some observations with you.The reason that I am so excited about talking with you at the conclusion of this session is the fact that at least one major goal that we had dreamed of eventually achieving when we originally commenced our educational efforts at Yad Vashem, has now come to fruition.Gathered here are more than seven hundred educators, many of you senior professionals. I think that almost all...
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