The debate over abortion rights weighs heavy ahead of elections

With some states implementing bans and restrictions on abortion, debate continues over how much the issue of abortion will drive voters to the polls.
abortion rally
abortion rally(DC Bureau)
Published: Sep. 7, 2022 at 10:47 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (Gray DC) -Both political parties are measuring how much the issue of abortion rights could shape the midterm elections. At the same time, both parties call each other ‘out of touch’ with the American people on the issue.

“Democrats are absolutely in the extreme and they are out of lock-step with the American voters,” said Danielle Alvarez of the Republican National Committee.

“Republicans have an agenda that is extreme and out-of-touch with the American people when it comes to reproductive freedom,” said Brooke Goren with the Democratic National Committee.

A Gallup poll released last month, shows abortion as a top factor inspiring Americans to protest.

“Reproductive freedom is absolutely on the ballot this year in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe versus Wade,” said Goren. “And, I think we’re seeing voters are incredibly energized around this issue after Roe was overturned. A lot of this fight is taking place at the state and the local level. So, we’ve already seen Democratic governors across the country taking steps to protect access to reproductive freedom. And, on the flip side of that, we’ve seen over a dozen states with Republicans in charge who have already moved to put additional restrictions on the right to choose. So, this is absolutely something that’s on the ballot in November. And, Democrats are the ones who are fighting to protect reproductive freedom while Republicans are working to take that choice away.”

Another Gallup poll shows Americans rank abortion as the fourth most important problem facing the country followed by inflation, government/leadership, and the economy in general.

“President Joe Biden and Democrats have absolutely failed. They have delivered record inflation. We have now entered into a recession and families are having to make tough choices with their earnings. And, so I think that, again, that top issue that Democrats should be focused on, that they are devastating Americans on is the economy,” said Alvarez. “But again, they have failed. Whether it’s the economy, whether it’s crime, whether it’s the open border, whether it’s Russia invading Ukraine, this disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Democrats are failing. And, so the only issue that they are holding onto is abortion.”

Democrats have recently marked two special election wins.

In Alaska, Democrat Mary Peltola defeated Republican Sarah Palin in a special election to replace Rep Don Young, the long-time Republican representative who died earlier this year.

In New York, Pat Ryan won the 19th district special election after he campaigned on defending abortion rights.

The DNC points to red-state Kansas as a signal of where voters stand on abortion. Voters in that state overwhelmingly rejected a constitutional amendment that would have allowed abortion restrictions.

“You know, what I think we saw happen in Kansas is voters across the political spectrum energized by Republican politicians overstepping on this issue,” said Goren.

President Joe Biden has issued an executive order to protect access to the abortion pill.

But, Goren said more Democrats need to be elected in order for Roe versus Wade to be codified into federal law.

Currently, there are not enough votes in the Senate for it to pass and no Republicans have voted for previous versions of the legislation.

In recent years, Republicans used their Senate power to confirm the conservative judges to the Supreme Court.

The RNC says the abortion decision, gives voters more power.

“I think the issue of abortion is very unique to each candidate. One of the things that happened as a result of the Dobbs ruling is that it returned the power to voters to decide. It returned the power to the states, which ultimately returns the power to voters to decide where they stand on this issue. And as I mentioned, polling shows that voters do not agree with Democrats extreme position on the issue of abortion. And so that is something that, again, voters can elect their officials and Republicans are more in line with where American voters are on the pro-life issue, on the issue of abortion in a post Dobbs era,” said Alvarez.

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