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Communications and Fundraising
© WWF-Namibia

Let me tell you a story, a universal theme that resonates across continents and generations with the promise of insight, understanding and possibilities. 

Stories spoken around the fire where trust is key. Stories shared while peering across the landscape or gleamed from data that takes years to capture and understand.  And stories from those who have no voice, from the land and wildlife that has roamed this earth for millions of years, whose stories are etched in ancient rock art, along migration routes, and in the knowledge that our world is richer because of their presence.
WWF Namibia’s amplifies these stories of life, acceptance, sacrifice, humility, and inspiration, and shares them with our partners in Namibia, a global audience of supporters and collaborators, and with you. 

Our communication outreach includes:  

  • Newsletters - a monthly snapshot in the field and behind the scenes, highlights progress, challenges and the passion that goes into realizing our goals.  To subscribe to our newsletter, click here
  • Publications - As a leading voice in conservation and sustainable development, WWF uses project profiles, option papers and research to provide technical and scientific insight on subjects that matter to rural communities and impact global conservation.
  • Voices in conservation - videos from the field, which include project updates and highlight voices of rural people who take on the challenge of living with wildlife.


At WWF Namibia, we take a multi-prong approach to fundraising for projects and partners, where donors are essential partners in creating lasting conservation impacts.  These partners include WWF Network partners, with long-standing support from WWF US, WWF Germany, WWF Netherlands, WWF Norway, WWF Sweden, and WWF Switzerland.  Their support is made possible because of millions of people like you, who support WWF through global initiatives and campaigns. Support for WWF Namibia has grown to embrace WWF in KAZA (Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area) and its work across this five-country conservation area. 

Current collaborators include: 

  • USAID - for wildlife crime and other pertinent interventions in the CBNRM and KAZA landscape.
  • GEF - broad set of conservation priorities in collaboration with MEFT.
  • INL - for countering wildlife crime related to elephants and rhinos in Namibia and KAZA.
  • KfW - for human-wildlife conflict, the CCFN, and KAZA as appropriate.
  • SADC TFCA Finance Facility - landscape conservation in Khaudum/ Nyae Nyae (KAZA WDA)
  • Legacy Landscape Fund (LLF) - landscape conservation – Skeleton Coast – Etosha bridge 
  • FAO - for CBNRM related activities in Namibia and KAZA.
  • SDC (via WWF Switzerland) - for KAZA activities and including CBNRM associated activities.
  • COmON Foundation - applying the 4Returns approach to activities in the Zambezi Region. 

Approximately 60% of the funding that WWF Namibia receives goes to our partners in the field including Namibia Association of Community Natural Resource Management Support Organisations (NACSO), Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC), Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF), Save the Rhino Trust Namibia (SRT), and others.  The Enduring Earth team (WWF US, The Nature Conservancy, Pew Charitable Trust, and Zomalab) have launched Namibia for Life (N4L), the Project for Finance Permanence fundraising campaign, which is designed to provided sustainable, long-term funding for conservancy support services, socio-economic development in conservancies, and support for Wildlife Credits, a payment for eco-system services project founded by WWF Namibia. The target is to raise a minimum of USD 50million by 2024. 

For more information, please visit https://www.worldwildlife.org/initiatives/earth-for-life or contact, Patricia Skyer, WWF Namibia project leader, at pskyer@wwf.na 

WWF Namibia’s communications and fundraising team is applying innovative thinking to develop campaigns with potential partners. Campaigns are designed to impact needs, species, landscapes, and/or a project / programme where the relationship between a corporate partner and conservation goals makes sense for both partners. This is new and exciting territory for WWF Namibia, designed to impact communities, conservation, and corporates by responding to ESG goals and their bottom line.   

To learn more about how you can support WWF Namibia’s efforts, please contact Ginger Mauney, WWF Namibia’s Communication and Fundraising Program Director, gmauney@wwf.na 

© WWF-Namibia