Information about the organization

The Second WTO Ministerial Conference

The Second WTO Ministerial Conference was held in Geneva, Switzerland between 18 and 20 May 1998.   

Other WTO Ministerials:
> Cancún 10-14 Sep. 2003
Doha 10�14 Nov. 2001
>Seattle 30 Nov�3 Dec 1999
> Singapore 9�13 Dec. 1996

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Ministerial Declarations

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Background material


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Other documents  

More Ministerial documents are available in the online documents database. See instructions on right on how to search and download these documents.

  • WT/MIN(98)/ Ministerial Conference Geneva
  • WT/MIN(98)/DEC/ Ministerial Conference Geneva � Declaration
  • WT/MIN(98)/DEC/W/ Ministerial Conference Geneva � Declaration � Working documents
  • WT/MIN(98)/DEC/W/ST/ Ministerial Conference Geneva � Statements � Working documents
  • WT/MIN(98)/INF/ Ministerial Conference Geneva � Information documents
  • WT/MIN(98)/SR/ Ministerial Conference Geneva � Summary Records
  • WT/MIN(98)/WS/M/ Ministerial Conference Geneva � Working Sessions � Minutes
  • WT/MIN(98)/W/ Ministerial Conference Geneva � Working documents
How to search and download official documents

To search for WTO documents follow this link to access the WTO document databaseInsert the codes indicated in the �document symbol� window of the search engine.

Hint: To narrow down the search add a key word, such as the country name, in the �Title� window of the search engine.