
Federal grant will help students facing mental health challenges in Rock Hill

ROCK HILL, S.C. — More students than ever are experiencing mental health challenges. The CDC says more than 40% of them report feeling sad or hopeless -- a significant rise from a decade ago.

Now, a federal grant will help struggling students in Rock Hill Schools.

“When you’re seeing in first and second grade kids who are not coping well with life, and they are saying ‘I want to die,’ There is nothing more heartbreaking than that,” said Affinity Health Center CEO Anita Case.

Affinity Health Center will soon open a full-time, year-round health site inside a Rock Hill school, providing primary medical care and mental health support.

>> In the video at the top of the page, Channel 9′s Tina Terry shows us how that help will meet kids right where they are.

(WATCH BELOW: City of Rock Hill weighing big changes to short-term rental rules)

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