Tennessee high school band featured in EA College Football 25 video game trailer

“Our students recently had the opportunity to record this song for the game’s trailer alongside a HUGE list of local professionals, including several Father Ryan Band alumni and staff.”
A Tennessee high school band, accompanied by some professional musicians was featured in the trailer for the video game, EA College Football 25.
Published: May. 23, 2024 at 5:19 PM CDT

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - A Tennessee high school band, accompanied by some professional musicians, was featured in the trailer for the highly anticipated video game, EA College Football 25.

Related: EA Sports College Football 25 comes out on July 19. Edwards, Ewers, Hunter are on standard cover

The Father Ryan Band released its own hype video on Instagram showcasing its work recording the song for the game’s trailer.

“We are so thrilled to be part of EA’s upcoming NCAA College Football 25 video game! Our students recently had the opportunity to record this song for the game’s trailer alongside a HUGE list of local professionals, including several Father Ryan Band alumni and staff,” the band said on IG.

The trailer for the game was released last week, and its covers feature some of college football’s elite athletes. The game will launch July 19 for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series Xs.

EA Sports College Football 25 will be EA’s first college football game in more than a decade.