
How do you vote by absentee ballot in Georgia?

If you are planning to vote by absentee ballot in Georgia, you need to request your ballot from the state. (Click here to request a ballot from the Secretary of State’s website).

In Georgia, you can cast an absentee ballot even if you won’t be absent from the county on election day.

You must request an absentee ballot and return it by the time polls close on election day. Under the new election law, drop boxes are located inside early voting locations.

To request an absentee ballot, you’ll need: a completed absentee ballot application and *one* of the following:

  • your driver’s license or free state ID number
  • the last four digits of your social security number
  • or you can upload a photo of a current utility bill, bank statement or government document that shows your name and address.

Absentee voting entails sending a mail-in ballot before Election Day. There is no difference between absentee voting and “mail-in voting” or “by-mail voting.”

In Georgia, people voting by mail do not need to provide a reason for voting absentee. Any voter is allowed to request a ballot by mail.

To register to vote by Absentee Ballot in Georgia, follow these steps:

Make Sure You’re Registered

To vote via absentee ballot, you must first be registered to vote.

Fill Out & Submit an Absentee Ballot Application

To vote by absentee ballot, you must first submit an absentee ballot application. You can do this online, by email, by mail, by fax, or in person.

You must submit your application for an absentee ballot by the deadline. Absentee ballots may be requested any time between 78 and 11 calendar days prior to Election Day. It’s important to request and return your absentee ballot early. This will give your ballot enough time to travel through the mail and resolve any issues that may arise when voting by absentee ballot. View a list of upcoming elections and registration deadlines on the Secretary of State’s election calendar.

If you are voting in a primary election, you will need to request either a Democrat, Republican, or Non-Partisan ballot. You do not need to request a specific type of ballot for a general election.

Submit Online

  1. Visit the Secretary of State’s online portal for absentee ballot requests.
  2. Use the “Complete and Submit Absentee Ballot Application” button and complete the responses online.
  3. Under “Voter Details,” provide your phone number or email address so the county can reach you in good time if there is an issue with your application.
  4. Verify your voter ID in the “Voter Identification” step, or have a copy of your acceptable ID ready to attach and upload with your application.
  5. Review your information carefully, fix any errors using the “update details” button, and click “next” to print your application to sign it by hand.
  6. Print the application.
  7. Sign the printed, completed application using pen and ink, as required by Georgia law.
  8. Take a photo or scan your completed, signed application. If you are not registered to vote with a Georgia driver’s license or Georgia voter ID card, take a photo of or scan your alternative, accepted ID.
  9. Click “upload files” and upload the copy of your completed, signed application and, if needed, a copy of your identification.
  10. Review the file names to ensure you have uploaded your application and ID, if needed, and click “Submit” to submit your application online.

Submit by Email

  1. Download and print the absentee ballot application.
  2. Under “Voter Details,” provide your phone number or email address so the county can reach you in good time if there is an issue with your application.
  3. Under “Voter Identification,” enter your Georgia Driver’s License Number or State Identification Card Number - or check the box to indicate that you don’t have either and are including a copy of acceptable ID.
  4. Review your application carefully and sign it by hand, with ink, as required by Georgia law.
  5. Find the correct email address for your County Board of Registrar’s Office. Open an email, attach your signed, completed application, and if necessary, a copy of alternative, accepted ID, and send to your county registrar.

Submit by Mail

  1. Download and print the absentee ballot application.
  2. Under “Voter Details,” provide your phone number or email address so the county can reach you in good time if there is an issue with your application.
  3. Under “Voter Identification,” enter your Georgia Driver’s License Number or State Identification Card Number - or check the box to indicate that you don’t have either and are including a copy of acceptable ID.
  4. Review your application carefully and sign it by hand, with ink, as required by Georgia law.
  5. In an addressed, stamped envelope, include your signed, completed application, and if necessary, a copy of alternative, accepted ID, and mail to your County Board of Registrar’s Office. Allow extra time for postal delivery and electoral office processing.

Submit by Fax

  1. Download and print the absentee ballot application.
  2. Under “Voter Details,” provide your phone number or email address so the county can reach you in good time if there is an issue with your application.
  3. Under “Voter Identification,” enter your Georgia Driver’s License Number or State Identification Card Number - or check the box to indicate that you don’t have either and are including a copy of acceptable ID.
  4. Review your application carefully and sign it by hand, with ink, as required by Georgia law.
  5. Fax the application and, include, if necessary, a copy of alternative, accepted ID to your County Board of Registrar’s Office.

Submit in Person

  1. Download and print the absentee ballot application.
  2. Under “Voter Details,” provide your phone number or email address so the county can reach you in good time if there is an issue with your application.
  3. Under “Voter Identification,” enter your Georgia Driver’s License Number or State Identification Card Number - or check the box to indicate that you don’t have either and are including a copy of acceptable ID.
  4. Review your application carefully and sign it by hand, with ink, as required by Georgia law.
  5. Present the application in person to your County Board of Registrar’s Office and, bring accepted photo ID.


After your county elections office reviews your application, you will receive your ballot by mail at the postal address you noted on your application. If you’re a UOCAVA voter, you may receive it by electronic transmission. The time frame for receiving your absentee ballot will depend, in part, on the type of election being held. You can read the Secretary of State’s guide to absentee voting for details.

  • Fill out and sign your absentee ballot according to the instructions provided. You will receive all the forms and envelopes necessary for marking and return of the ballot. Failure to complete your ballot correctly or not enter the required information on the outer oath envelope could invalidate your ballot.
  • Mail your completed ballot. For voters within the country, all absentee ballots must arrive at your county election office by Election Day. Allow extra time for postal and election office processing.
  • You can also hand-deliver your absentee ballot to your county registrar. If you registered as a disabled voter, someone in your household can hand-deliver your absentee ballot for you. Contact your county registrar for available drop-off locations. If you’re currently a military or overseas voter and you post your absentee ballot on Election Day, make sure it arrives within 3 days.
  • Bring your ballot to your county’s drop box. Each county has a minimum of one drop box, located indoors and available to voters only during operating hours. Contact your county registrar for your drop box location(s).

Next Steps

  • Verify that your ballot was accepted by visiting the Georgia My Voter Page. Log in and look for the section labeled “Absentee Ballot Request Information” to learn more about your absentee ballot status.
  • If your ballot was rejected, your county elections office will contact you with a document to “cure” or correct your ballot envelope. Contact your county registrar to get more information and find out what your options are. One of the most common reasons an absentee ballot is rejected is because it has not been properly signed. Be sure to carefully read and follow all instructions included in your absentee ballot.
  • If you do not receive your absentee ballot after submitting your application, contact your county registrar to assess your options. If there is not enough time to receive a new absentee ballot, or if for any reason you cannot have another sent to you, you may vote in person. If you attempt to vote in person because you never received a requested absentee ballot, you will have to sign a document attesting that you are only voting once.
  • If you request and return an absentee ballot, you cannot change your mind and vote in person. Once you return your absentee ballot, you have voted.


All absentee ballots must be in the hands of county Election Officials by the time polls close on Election Day.

Information from the State of Georgia

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