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Fashion & Dress in Ancient Mesopotamia
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Fashion & Dress in Ancient Mesopotamia

Fashion and dress in Mesopotamia – clothing, footwear, and accessories – was not only functional but defined one's social status and developed from a simple loincloth in the Ubaid Period (c. 5000-4100 BCE) to brightly colored robes and dresses...
Antikythera Mechanism
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Antikythera Mechanism

The Antikythera mechanism (also known as the Antikythera Device), dated to the late 2nd century/early 1st century BCE (roughly 205-60 BCE) is understood as the world's first analog computer, created to accurately calculate the position of...
Game Review: Aggressors: Ancient Rome
Article by Jan van der Crabben

Game Review: Aggressors: Ancient Rome

Genre: Turn-Based Strategy Audience: Hardcore Strategy Gamers Difficulty: Hard Aggressors: Ancient Rome is a turn-based 4X strategy game in which you control the fate of an ancient Mediterranean...
The Armies of the East India Company
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Armies of the East India Company

The East India Company (EIC) was first England's and then Britain's tool of colonial expansion in India and beyond. Revenue from trade and land taxes from territories it controlled allowed the EIC to build up its own private armies, collectively...
Difference Engine
Image by Science Museum, London

Difference Engine

The Difference Engine was invented by the Englishman Charles Babbage (1791-1871) in 1822. This example is a modern model of Babbage's Mark II, designed c. 1848. Like most other inventions of the Industrial Revolution, Babbage built on the...
Ancient Greek Clothing
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Greek Clothing

Ancient Greek clothing developed from the Minoan Civilization of Crete (2000-1450 BCE) through the Mycenean Civilization (1700-1100 BCE), Archaic Period (8th century to c. 480 BCE) and is most recognizable from the Classical Period (c. 480-323...
Pirate Clothing in the Golden Age of Piracy
Article by Mark Cartwright

Pirate Clothing in the Golden Age of Piracy

Pirates have gained a reputation for wearing bright and distinctive clothing and accessories during the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730) even if, in reality, most of what we think they wore comes from works of fiction like Robert Louis Stevenson’s...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Ninja (aka Shinobi) were the specialised assassins, saboteurs, and secret agents of medieval Japanese warfare who were highly-trained proponents of the martial arts, especially what later became known as ninjutsu or 'the art of the ninja'...
10 Years of Ancient History Encyclopedia
Article by Jan van der Crabben

10 Years of Ancient History Encyclopedia

Ancient History Encyclopedia's CEO Jan van der Crabben writes about the organization's 10-year history. Ancient History Encyclopedia just turned ten! On 25 August 2009, we officially launched the Ancient History Encyclopedia website...
Paul Revere
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Paul Revere

Paul Revere (1735-1818) was an American silversmith born in the British colony of Massachusetts. He was an active member of the Sons of Liberty during the American Revolution (c. 1765-1789) and became a folk hero for his midnight ride in...