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Zinc Product Suite

Leading zinc market research and analysis that gives you insight into the entire zinc supply chain today and how it will evolve in the future.

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Seize opportunities with actionable insights in the zinc industry

Recent volatility in zinc prices, driven by supply disruptions and rising demand, has renewed interest in project financing. Understanding the factors behind these price movements and their impact on asset valuations is crucial.

We provide you with reliable data and analysis on demand, supply, and costs across mines, smelters, and concentrates, helping you navigate this complex market.

Download our Zinc Research Suite summary

A large quarry in the hills.

Features and workflows

Navigate the entire zinc supply chain with leading zinc market research and analysis

  • Enhance understanding of risks and opportunities.
  • Obtain a thorough analysis of emerging global trends.
  • Evaluate existing assets and assess the impact of new projects on industry costs.
  • Analyse competitor assets for potential acquisition opportunities.
  • Review the long-term market outlook for refined zinc and concentrates.

Comprehensive Market Outlooks  

Strategic Planning Outlook gives you a comprehensive view of global and regional markets for the next 30 years, with data and analysis to 2050.  

Investment Horizon Outlook provides an analysis of the investment landscape and market implications for current and anticipated investments for the next 10 years, with data to 2050. 

Monthly short-term market outlook on supply, demand, trade, and price forecasts for the next 2 years.  

Cost analysis and asset-level modelling 

Detailed asset reports and summaries covering lead and zinc mine life costings, resources, reserves, production, revenue, cost, margins, OpEx, CapEx and cashflows.  

Forecast for concentrates, smelters and refineries production, trade flows and treatment and refining charges (TC/RC).  

Quarterly updated concentrate market balance to 2040 to make effective decisions in long-term sourcing and planning. 

Access to granular data on supply, demand, price forecast, trade flows, cost, production, and anode allocation with our data tools. 

Stay Informed 

Access to tailored insights into key market themes and our global team of Wood Mackenzie analysts.

Corporate Strategy / Asset Acquisition  

Perform detailed analyses of competitor assets to identify potential acquisition targets and assess strategic fit for expansion.

Conduct financial modelling and cost-benefit analysis to evaluate existing assets and the impact of new projects on the industry cost structure.


Compare performance metrics against industry peers to identify strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies to improve competitive positioning.

Analyse operational metrics to assess efficiency and identify competitive drivers, enabling targeted improvements to maintain a competitive edge.

Strategic Resourcing and Planning 

Gather and analyse comprehensive data on mining assets, companies, and countries to gain insights into market dynamics and identify trends. 

Analyse cost structures and resource allocation to inform strategic planning, optimise costs, and enhance overall business strategies.

Wood Mackenzie is the leading global data and analytics company for the energy transition. A trusted partner for over 50 years, our team has over 2,400 experts across more than 30 global locations who cover the entire supply chain. Our people and products help businesses and governments navigate significant challenges and make informed decisions to gain a competitive edge.

Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's Zinc Product Suite. If you have any other questions, contact us.

Designed for a diverse range of professionals and organisations in the lead and zinc mining industry seeking reliable data, analysis, insights and tools to navigate the complexities of the landscape. This includes mine owners, producers and operators, investment analysts, fund managers, commodity traders, commercial strategists, business development managers, supply chain and procurement managers.

We provide you with our market services that covers a short-term outlook with monthly detailed forecast of lead supply and demand fundamentals out to 2024 and long-term outlook reports to 2050 to help you with long-term strategic planning.

We provide individual asset reports for mines, forecasts for concentrates production, balances, trade flows, and treatment charges (TC) in our cost and concentrates services, to help you perform a detailed cost analysis and value individual assets from mine to processing and concentrates.

We help you to grasp risks and opportunities, gain thorough insights into global trends, and understand asset-level data to identify cost drivers. You can evaluate existing assets and project impacts on the industry cost curve, analyse competitors for acquisition opportunities, and access long-term pricing outlooks for refined zinc and concentrates.

Get in touch now

Speak to one of our industry experts today to discover how our Zinc Product Suite will help you get a complete view of the zinc supply chain and better understand market trends to make smarter, more informed decisions.

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A large quarry pit in the middle of a mountain range.

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