Products & services

Iron Ore Product Suite

Industry-leading iron ore research and analysis in this fast-changing landscape

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Navigate market volatility with reliable insights into the iron ore industry

Supply disruptions, economic uncertainties, and changes in global trade policy are causing volatility in the iron ore industry. The growing demand for infrastructure and construction in emerging markets like China and India influences production, pricing, and strategic decisions. We empower you to identify key market drivers, optimise portfolios, and operate confidently in this dynamic environment.

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Features and workflows

Maximise your investments and further your strategic planning with in-depth analysis and forecast of iron ore market fundamentals, costs, reserves, production, infrastructure, iron ore grades and mine valuations

  • Benchmark against industry peers or asset
  • Monitor and analyse global and regional demand, supply, and pricing
  • Utilise detailed iron ore supply and demand forecasts 
  • Assess market drivers and basis differentials in regional markets
  • Conduct asset valuations and assess the impact of new projects and decarbonisation on industry costs and demand

Iron Ore Market Service

  • Strategic Planning Outlook: Comprehensive view of global and regional markets for the next 30 years, with data and analysis to 2050.  
  • Investment Horizon Outlook: Analysis of the investment landscape and market implications for current and anticipated investments for the next 10 years, with data to 2050. 
  • Short-Term Outlook: Monthly short-term market outlook on supply, demand, trade, and price forecasts for the next 2 years.  


Iron Ore Cost Service

  • Detailed asset reports and summaries covering mine life costings, cash flow, ore grade, cost, margins, and net present value (NPV).
  • Access to cost models, cost curves, itemised costs, and margins in a dynamic data tool, including independent pellet cost curves in the value-in-use (VIU) model. 
  • Analyse granular data on supply, demand, price forecast, trade flows, cost, production, and anode allocation with our data tools.


Stay informed

  • Access to tailored insights into key market themes and our global team of Wood Mackenzie analysts.
  • Gather accurate market intel on the iron ore market, mining assets, companies and countries.
  • Screen, identify and assess potential assets or companies for acquisition.
  • Conduct valuation appraisal, financial modelling and cost-benefit analysis. 
  • Benchmark against industry peers and develop strategies to improve competitive positioning. 
  • Analyse cost structures and resource allocation to inform strategic planning and enhance overall business strategies. 

People: Our global team of experts has modelled hundreds of scenarios to provide comprehensive analyses of the metals and mined commodities sectors while integrating coverage of the energy ‘decarbonisation’ story.  

Granularity: Built from the bottom up, access asset-level data through our portal and tools.

Industry-standard methodology: Our C1, C2, and C3 mine cost methodology has been established as the global industry standard, entrenched in the workflows of the world’s leading financial institutions and mining corporations. 

Breadth: Our market outlooks offer insights into global and regional market fundamentals, providing a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape.

Transparency: Analysis and commentary on supply, demand and price fundamentals to help you answer complex questions on iron ore markets' production, consumption and trade. 

Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's Iron Ore Product Suite. If you have any other questions, get in touch.

Designed for a diverse range of professionals and organisations in the iron ore mining industry seeking reliable data, analysis, insights and tools to navigate the complexities of the landscape. This includes mine owners and operators, investment analysts, fund managers, commodity traders, commercial strategists, business development managers, supply chain and procurement managers. 

Access to accurate and reliable market analysis is crucial in remaining competitive amid global economic uncertainties, we provide you with detailed insights into supply, demand, trade flows, and price trends, enabling you to anticipate market movements and make informed strategic decisions.

Our framework is based on an integrated analysis of mining and metals’ interdependencies across energy and natural resources sectors to give you the most comprehensive knowledge you need to succeed.   

We provide you with individual asset reports and tools including cost curves and cost models to empower you to thrive in a competitive landscape. Use it to:

  • Benchmark against competitors to optimise costs and margins.

  • Identify risks, opportunities, and operational efficiencies to enhance profitability.

  • Stress test with scenario modelling capabilities under Wood Mackenzie’s energy transition scenarios to assess business resilience, optimise planning and investment strategies.

Get in touch now

Navigate the iron ore industry with a comprehensive suite of tools that provides in-depth market intelligence, financial risk analysis, asset benchmarking, and screening, enabling you to make confident decisions. Speak to an industry expert today to guide you through which aspects of our product suite work best for you

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