We apply innovative ways to keep

advancing girls’ and

Proudly empowering

women’s rights

We are a global multi-dimensional fund investing in and supporting a diverse global portfolio of re-grantees (including non-traditional actors). We Influence a wide range of stakeholders and broker unusual partnerships by creating strategic alliances with other women’s funds, and co-creating collective funds based on shared governance.



Women Win supports all girls, women, non-binary people, and more intentionally those from minority and underrepresented communities such as black, indigenous, mestizas, people of colour, and LGBTQI+

Some of our


  • Management of grants, funds, and programmes
  • Re-granting
  • Fiscal Sponsorship
  • Workshops and Capacity Strengthening
  • Girl and Women-Centered Design
  • Partnership Brokering and Strengthening
  • Consultancy

Proudly empowering our initiatives through

our sister brands

Women Win advances girls’ and women’s rights amidst the scarce resources that are available for the feminist movement. We achieve our vision through three main areas of work: Girls’ rights through sport and play, democratisation of philanthropy, and women’s economic resilience.

Through GRLS, Women Win advances the playing field that empowers adolescent girls and young women to exercise their rights through sport and play. Together with our implementing partners, we have impacted the lives of over 4 million adolescent girls and young women in over 100 countries.

Through Win-Win Strategies, Women Win builds impactful, cross-sector partnerships between women’s rights organisations and corporate stakeholders through participatory design and play-based implementation. Our key focus areas are gender-responsive supply chains (e.g. in the floriculture and garment sectors) and participatory grant-making in economic resilience and STEM.

Through IGNITA, Women Win brings together feminist principles and innovative thinking to facilitate new opportunities for change-makers around the world to create new possibilities for progress.

Girls’ rights through sports

Women’s economic resilience

Igniting collective action

Working towards a

democratisation of philanthropy

Women Win also engages in new and emerging initiatives, which support the achievement of our vision. These include the Global Resilience Fund for Girls and Young Women – Covid-19 Response, the Numun Fund, the ONSIDE fund and the Resilience Fund for Women in Global Value Chains.

Creating impact together

with our partners

Our partners, alliances, networks, funders and supporters are crucial to our success. Women Win’s work on grant management and capacity strengthening of re-grantees is generally recognised as an asset and has been sought after by various partners throughout the feminist funding ecosystem.

Together with our partners, we have impacted the lives of over 4 million girls and women in over 100 countries.

We work together with local experts, the implementing partners, on the field. Our implementing partners are committed grassroots organisations that help serve women and girls in their community.

We do not tackle gender inequity alone. Women Win proudly partners with various strategic alliances and networks.

We create intra- and cross-sector support networks to bridge our expertise to create a powerful driver of progress.