Ever found yourself in the grip of hunger pangs so fierce that, suddenly, the scraps at the bottom of a bag of elderly granola start to sing your name?

Same. But getting to that place doesn't tend to do you any favours – you're more likely to demolish everything in sight and wind up with indigestion than hit your macros.

What causes hunger pangs?

Hunger pangs are caused when muscles in the stomach contract as a result of it being empty. This, in turn, sends signals to the brain that it’s time to eat, which release the hunger hormone ghrelin. The same will happen if fat levels in the body drop – which is why you might feel hungrier than usual when you’re on a diet.

What are hunger pains like?

You might feel those tell-tale contractions in your tummy or a gnawing sensation. In terms of hunger symptoms, there's the classic lightheadedness, dizziness and feeling irritable.

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How can I stop hunger pangs?

Obviously, if you're hungry, it's time to eat. But it is helpful to identify when your urge to snack is more boredom than genuine need. Here, clinical psychologist and The Appetite Doctor Dr Helen McCarthy explains how to think about them.

1. Guage your hunger

'Hunger isn’t all-or-nothing; it’s a question of degree,' says Dr McCarthy. 'Learn to identify whether you are slightly, very or extremely hungry and size your meals accordingly. But don’t wait until you’re overly hungry because that puts you under too much pressure physiologically and psychologically.'

2. Recognise true hunger

'Hunger pangs are your body’s way of telling your brain that the energy from the last food you ate has now been used up and your body is having to use its stored energy (fat),' says Dr McCarthy. If you’re trying to lose weight wait for hunger signals before eating.

3. Know that hunger can increase satiety

'As food from your last meal is used up, your taste buds start to become increasingly sensitive,' says Dr McCarthy. 'Tolerate the mild hunger and wait until you are definitely hungry to maximise the pleasure you get from your food. Hunger is the best seasoning, after all.’

Bounce Premium Protein Ball (45g)

Bounce Premium Protein Ball (45g)
£2 at Planet Organic

4. Distract yourself

'Focus your attention on something else when hunger pangs strike – just for a few minutes,' says Dr McCarthy. 'Once your body has burned a bit of fat to provide some energy, this will switch off those hunger signals. Check your emails or send a text.'

5. Reduce hunger-related anxiety

'Although mild hunger is not dangerous, many of us have become anxious about feeling it,' says Dr McCarthy. 'So we eat rather than tolerate the feeling. Simple anxiety reduction techniques can help here: breathe steadily in through your nose for the count of five; then out through your mouth for the count of five, silently saying “relax” as you go.'

The best snacks for nixing hunger pangs, courtesy of a nutritionist

Harley Street Nutritionist and author of Re-Nourish: A Simple Way to Eat Well, Rhiannon Lambert shares the best foods for dealing with hunger pangs – without reaching for the chocolate.

Yoghurt with almonds and frozen berries

'Almonds are a source of healthy fats and fibre, while yoghurt is rich in protein (see more high protein snacks, here) and contains probiotics for a healthy gut,' Lambert says.

Apple with almond butter

'Apples are high in pectin, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer; almond butter is a source of healthy fats and protein,' Lambert says.

Planet Organic Smooth Almond Butter (170g)

Planet Organic Smooth Almond Butter (170g)

Vegetables with hummus

'This is a convenient snack for when you’re on the go,' says Lambert. 'Opt for carrots as these are full of beta-carotene and vitamin C, a nutrient which can help control hunger pangs and cravings, while hummus is a source of vegan protein and fibre.'


'There is nothing wrong with a bit of what you fancy,' says Lambert. 'Popcorn makes a great alternative to crisps as you still get that sensory satisfaction – without the fat.'

Planet Organic Himalayan Salt Popcorn (20g)

Planet Organic Himalayan Salt Popcorn (20g)
Now 14% Off

Oven roasted chickpeas

'Make these in bulk at home to snack on throughout the week,' says Lambert. 'Protein foods has been shown to increase feelings of fullness and reduce hunger pangs.'

Oven roasted chickpeas recipe

For 8 x 50g servings

You will need:

  • 1 x 400g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • pinch of smoked paprika
  • pinch of sea salt


  • Preheat the oven to 200°C fan/220°C/425°F/gas mark 7 and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  • Tip the chickpeas into a bowl and toss with the olive oil, chili flakes, cumin, paprika and salt, making sure all the chickpeas are well coated.
  • Spread out on the lined baking tray and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 25–30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes or so to make sure they brown evenly. They will be golden and crisp when done.
  • Leave to cool before dividing into snack portions.

How exercise can help you to manage hunger pangs

Freeletics training specialist, David Wiener shows how, when it comes to your training, it’s not only fat you can lose – but hunger pangs, too.

LISS training

'Low-intensity steady state training such as walking, light jogging and swimming is great for reducing and regulating blood sugar levels, which in turn reduces cravings and hunger pangs,' says Wiener.

'This is due to your muscle cells slowly increasing the amount of glucose (the sugar in your blood stream) they require to fuel your muscles. Over time, this will help your body better use insulin (the body’s hormone for turning sugar into energy), lowering your blood sugar levels in the process.'

Strength training

Lifting more at the squat rack could help you lift less to your mouth: 'Lifting heavy weights and putting your body under physical strain is known to suppress and reduce the hunger hormone ghrelin,' says Wiener. 'Ghrelin is what stimulates your appetite, with raised levels leading to unnecessary snacking or overeating.'

HIIT training

'It’s not just ghrelin that has an effect on hunger levels,' says Wiener.

'Leptin is produced naturally in your body and stored in fat cells, and it’s function is to signal to the brain when you are full from eating. The lower your levels of leptin, the more chance you have of feeling hungry.

'Leptin also has an impact on the speed of your metabolism, which again can lead to hunger, snacking and overeating. The mental strain and level of fat you burn during high-intensity interval training, increases leptin levels, giving you that feeling of being fuller for longer.'

Now you know all about identifying huger pangs, check out WH's Healthy Slow Cooker recipes.