Turning up late for a morning Teams catch-up because you’ve moved at the pace of a geriatric snail since waking; eating what’s at the back of the fridge in your comfies because you can’t be bothered to get dressed and go to the shops; yawning as your best friend asks you for advice. Sound familiar?

Before you go in search of your missing motivation, there’s another vital ingredient you might be missing: energy, and there’s a reason why you might be feeling low on energy. ‘Energy can be categorised as physical, mental or emotional,’ says James Glover, head of faculty at workplace productivity consultancy, The Energy Project.

News cycles can impact your pep reserves (emotional) in the same way as your workouts (physical) or workload (mental). Below, find a few science-backed ways to turn that low energy around.

How to boost your energy levels

Low energy type: physical

1. Low energy problem: you're eating the wrong lunch

A poorly executed lunch will deplete power reserves faster than a training session on your work's new IT system. 'A protein-rich lunch will help reduce the effects of blood sugar spikes that can cause slumps in physical energy,’ explains Rob Hobson, registered nutritionist and co-author of The Detox Kitchen Bible.

Registered nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert agrees.‘The negative effects of limiting protein are far-reaching – as well as mood, liver function and immunity, your overall levels of energy will be compromised.’

Low energy solution: make sure your protein and carbs are matching

Hobson suggests a lunch with a 1:1 ratio of protein to carbs – think a deck-of-cards-sized portion for protein and a clenched fist-equivalent serving of carbs. The easiest way to nail it? A chicken, avocado and quinoa salad – protein, high-fibre carbs and healthy fats in one, leaving you with all the physical energy you need to power on till dinnertime. Veggie? Swap the meat for lentils, beans or tofu.

2. Low energy problem: you're not sleeping enough

It isn't just about much sleep you get, it has to be the right kind of kip – ie, uninterrupted sleep. A recent study* found that just one night of sleeping only four uninterrupted hours increased insulin resistance in participants, which brings on carb and sugar cravings, lining you up nicely for that mid-afternoon slump.

Low energy solution: turn to magnesium

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh and the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge found that magnesium is crucial to helping your body keep time.

'If you stick to a regular sleep-wake cycle and consume 270mg to 300mg of magnesium a day, this can help you sleep well,’ says Dr Katharina Lederle, chronobiologist and founder of the sleep platform Sleepio. Dark leafy greens should be your first port of call, but grab a daily 375mg supp to help you smash that RDA. Remember: always consult a medical professional before you begin supplementation.

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3. Low energy problem: you're not moving enough

Here’s a catch-22: not moving enough and your physical energy will tank which, in turn, means you’ll have zero interest in doing any exercise.

But Norwegian research found the physical energy drain caused by inactivity costs the global economy around £55.5 billion every year. So getting more under your belt will actually make you more productive.

Jonathan Lomax, PT and founder of Lomax gyms, agrees: ‘Quick, time-efficient workouts will kick-start your physical energy, especially if you are desk bound most of the day.’

Low energy solution: grab a lunchtime HIIT session

If you flag way before 3pm, a 30-minute HIIT session at lunch is your new energy saviour. Just need a quick pre-meeting pick-me-up? ‘Grab five minutes,’ says Lomax.

‘Do four moves – a split squat, press-up, bicycle crunch and box jump – each for 30 seconds back to back, rest for a minute, then repeat. Do as many as you can in five minutes.' You’ll refuel your body and nail that meeting.

Low energy type: mental

4. Low energy problem: you lack Vitamin B12

In the worst-case scenario, a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anaemia – but simply not hitting your RNI (1.5mg a day, according to the Department of Health) will zap your mental energy, as well as your attention span and cognitive function. ‘Vitamin B12 is essential for blood formation,’ says Lambert. ‘And if you're not getting enough, it can negatively impact your mental energy levels.’

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Low energy solution: boost your B12

One way to up your B12 is by eating animal products – Lambert suggests shellfish or steak with eggs. Milk, cheese and yoghurt also contain plenty to pep you up. Some plant-based foods are fortified with the vitamin, too. Or grab a supp – BetterYouBoost Daily Vitamin B12Oral Spray delivers your daily quota and then some. Worried you could actually be deficient? See your GP.

5. Low energy problem: your workspace isn't working

While many subscribe to the theory that a tidy desk equals a tidy mind, the opposite is actually true. That’s according to Dr Craig Knight, a psychologist at the University of Exeter, who studies wellbeing and productivity in the workplace.

'Every study I've carried out since 2003 has found that the worst space to work in is clean and clutter-free,' he explains. But – and it’s a biggie – there’s a limit to how much clutter a person can put up with. ‘This varies between individuals, but forcing a messy person to work in an uncluttered environment is even more damaging to their mental energy levels than forcing a tidy person to work surrounded by mess,’ adds Dr Knight. So, those framed pictures of your mum’s pooch, cryptic Post-its and various half-used lip balms? They’re actually no biggie. But that two-day-old coffee mug and festering banana skin will be doing you no favours.

Low energy solution: embrace the mess

Forget the Scandi minimalism and personalise your desk, whether that’s your kitchen table or your office. Dr Knight calls this 'identity realised space’.

‘As long as, it doesn’t encroach on anyone else, you should be able to put your stamp on your workspace. So embrace your creative (ie, messy) side and let the clutter pile up around you. Word to the wise though: if you’re clambering over (or crawling under) piles of stuff to get to your keyboard, it might be time for a quick Kondo.

6. Low energy problem: you're tech-obsessed

Your device is never far from your eyeline and your thumb frequently finds its way to the Twitter app without your express permission. While we aren't making judgements on the nature of your scrolling sessions, know that your brain doesn't like that post-workout selfie nearly as much as your followers did.

Recent research from the University of Illinois found that constant use of a smartphone had a negative impact on mental health, leading to fatigue, anxiety and depression, while another study by Hokkaido University in Japan found that the mere presence of a phone can lead to distraction – which won’t do anything for your mental energy.

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Low energy solution: do a digital detox (it won't hurt, we promise)

The average adult checks their phone up to 58 times a day. If those screentime stats look tame in comparison to yours, friend, may we suggest a digital detox? You know, sticking your phone on airplane mode and doing other things for the sake of your psychological wellbeing? You don’t need to go completely cold turkey for this to be effective, either. Once you've broken the habit of constant checking, you can set yourself digital windows.

Checking your apps and inboxes will become a choice, not an unconscious reflex.

7. Low energy problem: you're overstimulated

No one wants to be sat on the sofa for yet another night with nothing to read or scroll through – what on earth would you do with yourself?

According to Dr Sandi Mann, senior psychology lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire and author of The Upside of Downtime, this constant quest for stimulation is a drain on your emotional energy.

‘We’re bombarded with information overload,’ she says. ‘We just don’t know how to handle our downtime.'

Low energy solution: do nothing. Full stop.

'We’re constantly looking for new experiences,’ says Dr Mann. 'As soon as you have a spare minute, the fear of boredom kicks in and you start looking for a new experience. Your reward centre lights up and you get a hit of dopamine. But that hit is addictive: the more you have the more you want.’ And that’s when the draining happens.

So set aside 15 minutes every day to do nothing – literally nothing. No Instagram, no TV, no emails. Stare into space if you want or try mindfulness.

It’ll boost your emotional energy and that’s reward enough.

Low energy type: emotional

8. Low energy problem: you're worried about money

Wallet worries wearing you down? You’re not alone. In January 2023, 92 percent of UK households reported that their cost of living had increased. Meanwhile, new research shows that 86% of people are concerned about day-to-day living costs, due to the cost of living crisis.

Whatever the specifics of your situation, that niggling feeling that money is going to run out won’t just cause you sleepless nights, it can seriously affect your mental wellbeing. And every time bill comes through the door? That’s your emotional energy depleted further.

Low energy solution: face facts, not fears

Think having more money is the answer to all your problems? Think again. A recent survey found that those earning over £100,000 reported the same level of concern as those earning less than £10,000, so extra cash won't necessarily ease your anxiety. Instead, seek out expert financial advice.

‘It might feel insurmountable, but there really isn’t a financial problem that can't be fixed,’ says Helen Undy, chief executive of the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. ‘Get some advice from a charity as soon as you can. Citizens Advice, StepChange and Nationale Debtline all offer free, independent advice.’

9. Low energy problem: your boss likes to criticise

The report you put your all into was fine, but it could have been better; it’s great that you hit your targets, but you didn’t exceed them; and, yes, that idea you pitched is earning the company big money, but where your next brainwave?

If this sounds familiar, you’re probably under the thumb of a hard-to-please boss. ‘The pressure of trying to meet the ideals of someone who’ll probably never be satisfied can be a huge drain on your emotional energy,’ says Dr Jessamy Hibberd, clinical psychologist and author of TheImposter Cure (£12.99, Octopus).

Even the expectation that you'll answer emails out of hours has been found to be enough to cause emotional exhaustion*.

Low energy fix: change your reaction

Unless you also happen to be their therapist, you can't change their behaviour, you can only change your reaction.‘Even if you give a task 99%, an overly critical boss will focus on the missing 1%,’ says Dr Hibberd. ‘They might have incredibly high standards of what they expect, but you didn't necessarily sign up to those.’ As to the standards you did sign up for? They're ones you set for yourself. Focus on meeting those and turn down the volume on your boss’s feedback.

10. Low energy problem: you're emotionally exhausted

Between a blitzkrieg of negative headlines, job insecurity and cost of living crisis, life right now could feel emotionally exhausting. Researchers have even coined a term for it – ‘crisis fatigue’ is defined as a human response to unrelenting stress that can cause a person to feel physically numb or tired.

Low energy solution: try to chill

Like taking a brolly and finishing your broccoli, meditation is one of those things you know could serve you well. And yet, whether you're lacking in time, inclination or (oh, the irony) energy, it just hasn't happened. Allow us an attempt at persuading you. Canadian study found that yoga and meditation can significantly increase your brain function, as well as your energy levels, at the best of times.

Download a mindfulness app to get started.

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Amelia Bell
Senior Site Beauty Editor

Amelia Bell is the Senior Site Beauty Editor at ELLE UK, developing beauty strategy, writing, editing, and commissioning, and overseeing all beauty content for the site. Amelia has a particular interest in sustainable beauty practices, exploring the skin-mind connection, and decoding the latest treatments, tweakments and runway trends. She also has bylines for Women's Health, Refinery29, British Vogue, Harrods Magazine, and more.