It sounds paradoxical. If you're not a key worker and you don't have kids, lockdown should mean that you've got more time to sleep than ever before. So why, anecdotally, at least, are people reporting feelings of permanent tiredness, lethargy and a general lack of energy? Aside from the obvious – a racing, anxious mind makes drifting off difficult, therefore, your sleep quality suffers – there are a couple of things going on, here.

'Living and working in the same place can make it difficult to get the relaxation we need to drift off to sleep. Our brains are very good at associating our environment with different activities – and usually, the brain associates being at work with being productive, whilst home is associated with rest and relaxation' explains neurobiologist and sleep tech brand Emma’s resident sleep expert, Dr Verena Senn.

'When you’re doing everything in the same space, this becomes blurred, which can often mean you find it difficult to switch off when work is finished.'

So, what can you do to try and help yourself out? Scroll on for eight expert tips to help you to get the hours you need.

1/ Create boundaries

'It is important to clearly define boundaries/rules for yourself, as part of a daily routine that you stick to as rigidly as you possibly can,' details Dr Senn.

'Get dressed for work as you usually would in the morning, and ensure you work in a different space to the one you sleep. The most impactful piece of advice I could give is to try not to work from your bed and ensure you’re working from a desk or table. Working close to a good source of natural light will also fully wake up your body clock, which will improve the length and quality of your sleep in the evening.'

'In case you do not have access to big windows and are in lockdown, consider buying a daylight lamp – they can also help your mood. If you’re creating designated spaces for work, it’s easier not only to get in ‘work mode’ but also to switch off from it when you move to your bedroom at night.'

2/ Try and go to bed at a reasonable hour

Even though you can now, technically, roll out of bed and wake up 10 minutes before you're due to log on for work, try not to. 'We sleep in cycles of around 90 minutes,' says sleep scientist Dr Sophie Bostock. 'Stage one is a light doze, in which you're easy to wake up. Stage two is 'true sleep,' in which your heart rate slows down, your temperate drops, you breathe more slowly.

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Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100 Wake up to Daylight SAD Light
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this works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray (75ml)
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Esteban Ambre Incense Sticks, Pack of 20

'Stage three is really physically restorative – it's when you repair your damaged cells and you hit it after around 45 mins of being asleep. Then, we cycle through REM sleep, which is when we dream, and back to one.'

Why does this matter? Well, in the first half of the night, you skew towards the deeper sleep zones, which is why you are less likely to wake up (shout out to the 3am 'Oh my God did I leave the oven on' crew.)

As such, if you do go to bed at 2am, you're potentially missing out on greater sleep quality, by swerving this juicy slumber.

(That's not to say that one sleep cycle is 'better' than others – they all serve super vital functions. But you want to get them all: not just largely REM.)

3/ Put down your tech

When you're lacking in-person chats with loved ones, your group WhatsApp chats can feel like a lifeline – and they are. But try and create boundaries around which hours of the day you spend replying to #LockdownLife memes.

'If you're very sleep deprived, you may well still go straight to sleep after using tech,' explains Dr Bostock. 'But I promise you that your sleep is a lower quality than it would have been had you stopped using it an hour before.'

Just because you can get to sleep doesn't mean that your sleep is optimal, so retire your devices 60 minutes before you want to go to bed.

4/ Swerve the drink

Given the situation, it's a pretty human reaction to reach for a drink to chill you out at the day's end. But, Dr Bostock says, while a gin and tonic may take the edge off, it also messes with your sleep architecture, stopping you from completing those restorative cycles as you want to. It might not hit the spot in the same way, but try and have a herbal tea, or an alcohol-free drink (Seedlip and tonic, anyone?) instead.

5/ Try CBT techniques for getting to sleep

'Anyone who feels they've lost control of their sleep you can take it back. You are born knowing how to sleep, it's innate,' explains Dr Bostock. 'But we lose track because of the environment we're in and unhelpful thinking habits and behaviours.' One way of addressing this is CBT techniques. If you live in the UK, you can access CBT platform Sleepio for free. Here, you can crack on with a programme in which you're taught methods to help you to overcome unhelpful thought patterns.

6/ Clear your mind with a to-do list

To prevent waking up in the middle of the night with a racing mind, write things down last thing at night.You could also try noting down your various anxieties about the pandemic, knowing that you can revisit them tomorrow.

7/ Experiment with exercise

'The advice used to be to not exercise after 9pm as it heats the body up,' says Dr Bostock. 'But there's a lot of natural variation. Some people should be doing yoga at the most, others can go running. It's worth experimenting with to see what works for you.'

8/ Don't hit snooze

When it comes to protecting your sleep quality, this one is a biggie. 'When you hit snooze, you are not getting beneficial sleep,' says Dr Bostock. Why? By shaking yourself in and out of sleep, it's a weird, in-between ground that's not doing you any favours. 'You'll also have a groggy feeling, known as sleep inertia,' – and this can last for your whole day.

A note on not stressing about it

Look. 'One night bad's sleep is not the end of the world,' says Dr Bostock. In short, the worst thing that can happen is for you to get hung up on it and start worrying, thus preventing future kip.

Also, know that some of us are natural night lovers and have our circadian rhythms set to make us more alert at the end of the day, rather than the beginning. 'You may settle into a rhythm after your twenties, but one in four of the population may stay as night owls,' elaborates Dr Bostock.

Given that most of us need to be at work first thing – even if that is at the kitchen table, right now – what's to do?

'Use light, which is the biggest driver of biological rhythm.' Get a sunrise lamp and exposure yourself to as much natural light as possible. Having an early breakfast to wake your body up can help, too.

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Headshot of Claudia Canavan
Claudia Canavan
Health + Wellness Director

Claudia is Health + Wellness Director at Women's Health and Men's Health. She commissions, edits and writes about topics including the happiness potential of less conventional relationships, what the latest wave of psychedelic research means for women and how to thrive through each stage of your life. She regularly hosts and participates in panel talks about how we live now and is frequently asked to provide expert comment for national radio.