Even if you don't feel stressed, struggling to nod off (and finding yourself searching 'how to get to sleep' at 3am while trying not to wake your partner or housemates) is surprisingly common.

A report by the Mental Health Foundation found nearly a third of UK adults suffer from insomnia, affecting our overall wellbeing... And that was before this year's dose of whacky politics and global pandemic which, research suggests, have hit our nighttime patterns hard. (A study conducted by King's College London found that 50% of the population struggled with slumber, during the national lockdown.)

While totting up seven to eight hours is the ambition of most us, it can feel like a far-off dream. While you may now have more hours on your hands, without a sloggy commute getting you out of bed, it won't necessarily translate to more shuteye.

And it’s not only zzz you’re missing out on, we're sorry to say. The impact of a lack of sleep is wide-ranging, with over half of the British females surveyed in Aviva’s Health Check UK report using tiredness as a reason not to exercise. More worrying though, is the impact that prolonged lack of sleep has on your mental health. Research shows that those who only get between four and five hours of kip a night are more likely to be irritable, stressed and anxious.

But, don't fret. Putting too much pressure on yourself to get the coveted eight hours can cause us to stress about not sleeping which can – you guessed it – stop you from falling asleep. To help out, WH asked the experts how to get to sleep, with science-backed tips for prepping the body for rest in the day, right up to the few minutes before we hit the hay.

How can I fall asleep instantly?

How to get to sleep in 10 seconds or two minutes? It can feel impossible, especially if you've got into a pattern of bad sleep, but a key part of being able to get to sleep is being relaxed when you get to bed. (If you find that the prospect of sleep is causing you stress, you might be suffering from sleep anxiety.)

You can only do so much so be kind to yourself, but if you are tired in the morning and still struggling to nod off at night then it's time to try this six-step checklist from James Wilson, AKA The Sleep Geek:

1/ Identify your sleep type

'Are you an early lark or a night owl?,' asks Wilson. 'Early larks tend to go to bed around 9pm and wake up from 4am; night owls go to bed after 11pm and wake up after 8am. Typical sleepers fall somewhere in the middle but most of us have a leaning more to one side. Understanding your type will help you work out when you need to start winding down ahead of trying to sleep.'

    It can be tempting, especially when we feel we're running on low energy and not getting enough done, to wake up at 4am every morning in a bid to get more done. But, if you’re a night owl, you’re a night owl, and vice versa. When it comes to how to get to sleep, it’s about finding what feels right.

    2/ Establish a bedtime routine

    Sounds like something you had as a kid, right? But a solid bedtime routine is essential for grown-ups, too.

    'One of the systems that manages our sleep is a light/dark system – it’s like an internal clock,' says Wilson. 'This starts building us up to sleep from the moment we wake up.'

    So it isn’t just a case of giving your pillow a lavender spritz before jumping under the covers, it’s something you should consider through the day. Your Circadian Rhythm (aka internal body clock) is affected by a whole host of different things, from getting enough natural light (especially during the winter) to timing your evening meal so it's about three hours before bed rather than carb-loading pasta while setting your morning alarm.

    The 'how to get to sleep' golden hour is 60 minutes before bed, so make sure you tick all these things off and see the difference it will make:

    • Do things that won’t raise your heart rate. Binging your current Netflix series is out as it's been proven to keep us pretty pumped, but try reading a book or taking a bath (and bonus: add a few drops of lavender essential oil), which helps you feel sleepy by raising your body temperature what then drops as you move to your cooler bedroom.
    • Give yourself two hours of screen-free time prior to hunkering down. If that seems impossible then, rather than ignoring it completely, try activating the downtime settings on your phone which makes it dimmer and getting a blue screen protector. 'So many experts say don’t use mobile phones or tablets before bed but that would be all fine and well in a perfect world,' says Wilson. 'If that's not really an option for you, use an app or protector (such as Ocushield), which stop the body thinking it’s still daytime and use your device as a ‘how to get to sleep’ tool – apps such as Headspace or podcasts that have sleep-inducing language can all help. Just try not to send or read work emails.'
    • If you’re hungry, it’s okay to snack. Just avoid a big heavy meal late at night, aiming to eat about three hours before bed. According to Wilson, the digestion process raises your body’s core temperature. If you’re hungry, have a slice of granary toast with some peanut butter or a banana, or a small bowl of porridge.
    • Kick that relaxation Rioja habit. 'Alcohol metabolises at a really interesting rate,' says Wilson. 'It tranquillises as you to go to sleep then stimulates the body around six hours later. A glass of wine is okay – just don’t drink the whole bottle. You may think you’ve slept well but, like when using sleeping pills, you’ve actually been sedated, so physiologically, you’ve not had any quality recovery.' It goes without saying that caffeine is out from about 2pm.

    3/ Invest in a decent bed

    Getting comfortable in bed is vital, so ask yourself: When did you last change your mattress? Or your duvet? Or your pillow? If the answer is 'zero clue', get yourself some new ones.

    Wilson recommends a sprung mattress for their breathability, which helps regulate your temperature during the night and will avoid the dreaded night sweats. Foam mattress toppers, on the other hand, won’t.

    For your duvet, again, natural is best. Bamboo, silk and alpaca fleece are moisture-wicking, whereas cotton or feather down will just soak it up. 'Feathers trap in the heat – which you don’t want,' says Wilson. 'Winter is the time of year when temperature-related sleep issues are at their worst, because people are sleeping under too heavy a duvet, on a mattress that can’t breathe, and with the heating on. I recommend partners having their own duvets so they can tailor theirs to their body’s preferences.'

    Finally, when picking your pillow, don’t just go for whatever’s on offer at the supermarket. Shop around. You want something that will support your head properly, keeping it in a neutral alignment when lying on your side in a foetal position (that’s the healthiest sleeping position, FYI).

    4/ Turn down the heat

    'You want your bedroom to feel cooler than the rest of the house,' says Wilson. 'Ideally, it should be 16-18 degrees. If you sleep in a warm room, your body will start to sweat to reduce your core temperature and you’ll wake up. If it’s an optimum temperature, you’ll go to sleep and stay asleep. The space between your mattress and your duvet should be 27-29 degrees as this allows the correct drop in core temperature. However, most people sleep in something between 35-41 degrees.'

    Be conscious of exercising just before bed as that will raise your metabolism and, you guessed it, temperature.

    5/ Reframe your thought patterns

    If something has unexpectedly caused to wake up with three hours still to go until alarm time, don’t stress over it. Instead of worry about your overflowing inbox, write a traffic light-ed list to plan your priorities. 'We've evolved to be anxious at night because, historically, it’s when we were at our most vulnerable,' says Wilson, but by rationalising our modern worries and realising they're not as scary as they seem, we can calm ourselves back to sleep.

    6/ Don't go to bed too soon

    'Wind down with a bedtime in mind, but don’t go to bed until you feel sleepy – not just tired,' says Wilson. 'This is key. Tired is what you feel all the time when you’re a poor sleeper; sleepy is when your eyes are dropping and you’re ready to go. The aim is to fall asleep within half an hour of going to bed.' And if you don’t? Start the 'How to get to sleep' golden hour routine, again.

    How do you fall asleep in 5 minutes?

    To give yourself the best opportunity to fall asleep fast, your sleep prep should done before climbing under the sheets. A sleep hygiene checklist can make a big difference so, if dreams are still evading you, expert Lisa Artis from the Sleep Council has some top tips about how to drift off:

    1/ Dim the lights

      'Darkness is imperative to getting a good night’s sleep as it enhances the production of melatonin, the sleep inducing hormone. If you’re in a dimly lit room, you’re more likely to feel sleepy.'

      2/ Slightly cool the room

      'This induces sleep, but don't let yourself get too cold - especially your feet. Cold feet can be disruptive to sleep, so put on some socks.'

      3/ Meditate

      'Listening to a meditation or mindfulness playlist will help you to clear the mind and relax the body.'

      4/ Clear your space

      If your sleeping environment is messy, your brain interprets this as an unfinished task. Sort the clutter and it could help you sleep better.

      5/ Leave your phone outside

      It can be too tempting to start scrolling down social media the moment you start to stir, but that can be a surefire way to keep you awake for hours. Get a clock so you can see what the time is and, hopefully, wake up to its alarm in the morning.

      What are effective sleeping remedies?

      Regardless of what’s causing your sleeplessness, there is a range of tools and sleep techniques that will get you off to dreamland in no time. Enter the home remedies that are widely recognised as useful tools in alleviating insomnia.

      1/ Drink cherry juice

        According to new research, cherry juice could actually extend your sleep by 84 minutes–that’s an hour and 24 minutes of extra snoozing each night. Scientists at Louisiana State University found that a glass of the fruit juice contains ingredients that block chemicals which stop us from sleeping.

        2/ Have a nightcap

          Swap your usual nighttime hot drink for a mug of hot milk and honey to release sleep-inducing hormone serotonin in the brain, or opt for a herbal. A study from Monash University in Australia revealed passionflower or chamomile tea contain ingredients that calm the mind.

          3/ Try sleep supplements

            If hot drinks aren’t for you, then a melatonin supplement could be the key to a good rest. It’s a sleep aid and, while it is also naturally produced by the body, experts at Hadassah Medical Centre in Israel found that when the hormone is taken in the form of a supplement it lead to an increase of around 13 minutes of sleep.

            4/ Download some sleep gadgets

              Counting sheep is out and tech is in. There are loads of free sleep apps nowadays, tailored to specific insomnia needs. White Noise is a free sleep app which you can download to your smartphone, which will play you relaxing sounds and calming music. Others, like Sleep Cycle, help you to understand your patterns and habits better.

              5/ Try soporific breathing exercises

                There’s a reason that yoga is praised as a healthy practice for mind and body. Studies show that the fundamental breathing techniques employed during a short session on the mat help to relax your mind, and the same can be applied when trying to fall asleep fast.

                A popular exercise, known as the 4-7-8 breathing technique, focuses on slow, regular and deep breathing as a way to de-stress, with the numbers referring to the counts when breathing in, holding, and exhaling. You might even have heard people talking about it and thought: what's the 4-7-8 breathing technique? It's pretty infamous for aiding conk-out.

                How to use the 4-7-8 breathing technique:

                1. Begin by exhaling through the mouth, creating a ‘whoosh’ sound.
                2. Inhale through your nose for four counts.
                3. Hold your breath for seven counts.
                4. Exhale through your mouth for eight counts.
                5. Repeat the cycle, completing four rounds in total.
                6. By the end of the fourth round, you should be feeling much more relaxed, and hopefully on your way to an excellent night’s sleep.

                Why can't I sleep even though I'm tired?

                There are many reasons why you might not be able to fall asleep; maybe you can’t seem to stop your mind from whirring, you just can’t seem to get comfy, or you can’t stop thinking about the fact that you can’t stop thinking.

                1/ WFH can confuse our boundaries

                Many of us no longer have the clear distinction between office and home. 'Living and working in the same place can make it difficult to get the relaxation we need to drift off to sleep,' explains neurobiologist and sleep tech brand Emma’s resident sleep expert, Dr Verena Senn. 'Our brains are very good at associating our environment with different activities – and usually, the brain associates being at work with being productive, whilst home is associated with rest and relaxation. When you’re doing everything in the same space, this becomes blurred, which can often mean you find it difficult to switch off when work is finished.'

                These feelings make it hard for your heart rate to decrease. This, crucially, is a vital part of the equation that causes your body to produce the hormone melatonin, which tells your body that it's time to get to rest, details James Wilson, AKA The Sleep Geek

                2/ You're overdoing the coffee

                Caffeine is notorious for keeping the brain alert, but you may be having it too late in the day without realising it. It can stay in the system for five hours, so experts recommend cutting it from 2pm. If you're struggling to sleep, don't drink any after 12pm and see if it helps.

                3/ It's time to move more

                You may not be getting enough exercise, which can impact the body's ability to turn to rest mode. Aim for at least 30 minutes moderate exercise a day, at least an hour before bed.

                4/ Aim to stay calm

                It's easier said than done, but it might be adrenalin that's stopping the brain from switching off, whether it's before we fall asleep or when we wake up in the early hours. Follow the tips below for help getting your levels to drop.

                  What to do if you can't sleep?

                  How to get to sleep when you can't can feel like the biggest challenge. While there’s no single quick-fix solution for sleeplessness, you needn’t keep searching for answers about how to get to sleep. From sleep apps to sleep techniques, there are tonnes of resources to help you nod off.

                  But before you reach for a sleep tool, expert Lisa Artis from the Sleep Council suggests you try breaking these bad sleep habits:

                  1/ Don’t worry

                  'If you haven’t fallen asleep within 15 minutes, whether it's when you first get into bed or you've woken up in the night, get up and do something relaxing. Make yourself a warm milky drink, read in a dimly lit room, or play yourself a piece of calming music on low volume.'

                  2/ Don’t clock watch

                  'Waking up at 4 am and calculating how many hours you have until the alarm goes off creates anxiety. Try avoiding a quick time check if you’re struggling to get to sleep and break that clock watching routine.'

                  3/ Let go of stresses

                  'If you worry about day-to-day problems, whether it be finances, health, family or work, then make a to-do list and write down any troubling thoughts. It’ll help you to offload and will clear the mind for sleep.'

                  4/ Don’t use electronic devices

                  'The blue light that emits from these devices plays havoc with your internal body clock, and has an effect on the time it takes you to fall asleep.'

                  5/ If sleep is simply not coming, do not toss and turn for hours

                  Doing this means your brain learns to associate bed with stress, rather than slumber. Though at first it's best to avoid looking at a clock, if you stay awake for longer than what feels like about 10 minutes then get up as past that point it can be counterproductive to try and get to sleep. 'What to do when you can't sleep and are bored?' should never be an question you let yourself think.

                  Why do we need sleep?

                  It might sound like a ridiculous question but when you got hours of darkness stretching out ahead of you without a glimmer of hope, you probably do wonder. According to Wilson, sleep is fundamental to your overall health and wellbeing – in his words, 'it’s the foundation our health is built upon.'

                  Ultimately, it’s the time when your body recovers physically and your mind processes the day. There are links between the quality of sleep and depression, as well as how much we’re likely to eat, so if you are concerned about how to get to sleep then it’s a problem worth resolving.

                  How much sleep do we need?

                  Before you give up ever managing to hit that golden seven to eight hours shut-eye that’s constantly making headlines, fear not. Your focus should be on quality, not quantity. Read that line again... Doesn’t it take the pressure off?

                  'You can’t force yourself to get a certain amount of sleep each night,' says Wilson. 'And if you try – and fail – it’s only going to add to your stress load, and further reduce your chances of falling asleep at all. If you focus on getting quality sleep, however, it might be that you need less of it.

                  'Listen to your body – if you’re feeling tired at 11am in the morning, chances are you’re not getting enough sleep; if you’re tired after you’ve just eaten lunch, that’s normal.'

                  What are the stages of sleep?

                  First up, it pays to have an understanding of how the whole sleep thing works in the first place. In its simplest forms, you have 'REM sleep', which is when you are most likely to be roused, and 'deep sleep', which is when you’d sleep through absolutely anything. It is during the latter that you get all those health benefits we’ve just mentioned.

                  Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100 Wake up to Daylight SAD Light
                  Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100 Wake up to Daylight SAD Light
                  £61 at John Lewis
                  this works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray (75ml)
                  this works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray (75ml)
                  Valkiria Candle
                  OVEROSE Valkiria Candle
                  Esteban Ambre Incense Sticks, Pack of 20
                  Esteban Ambre Incense Sticks, Pack of 20

                  'Most deep sleep occurs in the first two and a half to three hours of sleep, and last around one and a half to two hours,' says Wilson. 'At the start of the night, you have more deep sleep; at the end of the night, you have more REM sleep. The sleep cycle of these stages lasts around 90 minutes so, effectively every 90 minutes, you ‘wake up’. It’s just you don’t often realise it.'

                  This heavy-to-light sleep cycle is, surprisingly, the secret to our survival. 'When we had predators, sleeping for seven hours wouldn’t have been the best way to stay safe,' says Wilson.

                  Today, with no wild animals to worry about, it’s only if your body senses changes such as a noise (your partner has snored, perhaps), or you need to go to the toilet, or a light has come on outside, that it would bother to wake you up between each hour-and-a-half cycle.

                  The issue arises when we can't get into that cycle in the first place or, during one of those natural breaks, our brain switches on and makes it difficult to drop off again.

                  How to reset your body clock

                  But what if you’ve got a big day tomorrow and you need to get up a certain time. Surely then, waiting for the elusive 'droopy eyelids' isn’t going to cut it. The truth is, you can train your body to fall asleep at a certain time – with practice. An instant fix this is not but, if you’re serious about how to get to sleep, then dedicating a week or two, to it will be the gift that keeps on giving.

                  • Set your alarm for the same time every day. And get up. 'We can’t control the time we fall asleep, but we can control the time we wake up – and this is what triggers the internal clock than then sets us up to sleep,' Wilson says.
                  • Avoid anything longer than a one-hour (or one-and-a-half hour) lie-in at the weekend. 'Lie-ins are like jet lag for your body – without the benefits of waking up somewhere hot and sunny,' says Wilson. 'One-and-a-half hours is the amount of more or less sleep your body can adjust.'
                  • Invest in a new alarm clock. 'If you struggle to wake up or feel awful on waking, try a sunshine alarm clock, which mimics natural daylight,' Wilson says.

                  What about exercise for better sleep?

                  Exercise helps you sleep better, but only if you get the timing right. Late-night workouts which will pump the body with adrenalin, a hormone that stops the production of melatonin — if you were being chased by a bear, you wouldn’t want to suddenly drift off, would you? — so avoid vigorous activity for at least one hour before bed.

                  It’s also why, if you’re training for a big event, you might struggle to sleep more than you did before you increased the frequency of your workouts. 'If you exercise a lot, your metabolism – and temperature – will be higher', Wilson says .

                  Furthermore, he recommends the time you exercise should reflect your sleep type: 'Early larks should exercise earlier in the day; night owls later. [...] Working with your body’s natural rhythm will make it easier to start – and stick to – your fitness programme.'

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                  Headshot of Rebecca Gillam
                  Rebecca Gillam

                  Bex is a wellbeing writer, brand consultant and qualified yoga and meditation teacher who likes baths, crystals, running with her pup Gustav and making unboring vegan-ish food.