Look, everyone wants to have a mind-blowing orgasm every time they have sex. But unfortunately, it’s not always that easy.

Only about half of women consistently climax during partnered play, and nine percent have never orgasmed during intercourse, per one study published in Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology. (Worth mentioning: The percentage of pleasure-seekers who do consistently O during sex is higher for women in same-sex relationships.)

So, why is the orgasm gap so big? For one thing, your entire body has to be ~in the mood~ when you're attempting to orgasm, says Donna Oriowo, LICSW, CST, a certified sex therapist and owner of Annodright based in Washington, D.C. 'Orgasms require both the physical and the mental, emotional component,' she adds. This, along with a few other reasons (that Women's Health will get into below!), can make them hard to come by.

If this gap sounds all too familiar, you don't have to feel like all hope is lost. Here, sex experts explain everything you need to know to have an orgasm, whether you’re trying to ring the bell for the first time or take your O to another level of pleasure.

What's an orgasm, exactly?

Let’s start with a basic definition. 'Clinically, an orgasm is the rhythmic contractions of the genitals,' Jenni Skyler, PhD, an AASECT-certified sex therapist and director of the Intimacy Institute, previously told Women's Health US. It's marked by vaginal contractions, an increased heart rate, and a higher blood pressure.

But how an orgasm feels, exactly, will vary from person to person. Skyler typically describes it as a 'pinnacle of pleasure, or the capacity for the whole body and genitals to feel alive and electric.'

What are the different kinds of orgasms?

Each type of orgasm is named for the body part that's stimulated in order for them to occur, including:

Clitoral Orgasm

The clitoris is the small, nerve-dense bud at the apex of the labia that serves no function other than to provide sexual pleasure (!). When orgasm happens as a result of clitoral stimulation—be it from your partner’s hands or tongue, or a clitoral vibrator—it’s called a clitoral orgasm. FYI: This is the most common type of orgasm for those with vulvas, says Ian Kerner, PhD, LMFT, a certified couples and sex therapist based in New York, New York, and the author of She Comes First.

How to have a clitoral orgasm:

  • Use lube. Remember: the clitoris is sensitive. If there's not proper lubrication, 'you can cause [yourself or your partner] pain unnecessarily,' Oriowo says, especially if you start off using lots of pressure. Which brings me to...
  • Start slow and gentle. Add gradual pressure and stimulation as time passes. Feel it out, literally. That way, you can let your orgasm build and avoid experiencing any pain or discomfort.

Vaginal Orgasm

Less than one in five of those with vulvas can orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you have an orgasm from vaginal penetration, without any direct clitoral stimulation, that’s a vaginal O!

How to have a vaginal orgasm:

  • Lube, lube, and more lube. Again, use lube to minimise any discomfort or irritation, Oriowo says. There's nothing worse than *that* burning feeling that can result otherwise.
  • Find the right rhythm. Whether you're solo or partnered, you'll want to figure out what you like, and then (if you are with someone else), communicate your preferences. Then, the name of the game is 'maintaining the rhythm when the person is having an orgasm—don't change it up,' Oriowo says.

Cervical Orgasm

Your cervix is the vaginal canal's anatomical stopping sign. Located at the wayyy back of the vaginal canal, the cervix is what separates the vagina from your reproductive organs. But beyond just what keeps tampons from traveling into your bod (#bless), the cervix can also bring on some serious pleasure when stimulated.

How to have a cervical orgasm:

  • Be gentle. Since a lot of people can experience pain in this area, again, it's best to start gently. If you experience any new sensations while dabbling in cervix play, make sure that they're not painful, Oriowo adds.
  • Use a toy. Sometimes, a penetrative vibrator can hit those deep spots that a human being can't. 'A toy can shake things up with the cervical orgasm,' she says.

G-Spot Orgasm

Often described as feeling more full-bodied than clitoral orgasms, G-spot orgasms occur from stimulating the G-spot, a nerve-packed patch of sponge located two (ish) inches inside the vaginal canal.

How to have a G-spot orgasm:

  • Warm yourself up. Use your fingers and warm up by touching (or having a partner touch) the G-spot area to prepare for deeper penetration, Oriowo says.
  • Move with purpose. If your goal is a G-spot orgasm, the same-old, same-old moves might not work. Instead, practice 'picking your positions in a way that will help you to really get to the G-spot,' she adds.

Nipple Orgasm

A nipple orgasm is 'a pleasurable release of sexual arousal, centred on nipple stimulation and not caused by stimulating the clitoris [or penis] directly,' Janet Brito, PhD, a nationally-certified sex therapist and the founder of the Sexual Health School in Honolulu, Hawaii, previously told Women’s Health US.

How to have a nipple orgasm:

  • Use a toy. 'There are so many nipple toys that I think get left in the dust because we tend to buy toys for our genitals, but not necessarily our nipples,' Oriowo says. So, invest in some nipple clamps or even a clit-sucking toy that you can use in *both* places.
  • Dabble in sensation play. It doesn't have to be with a traditional toy, either. Ever tried a feather? An ice cube? You'll def want to try different things to 'enhance the pressure that we receive in that area,' Oriowo adds.

Anal Orgasm

An anal orgasm is exactly what it sounds like: any kind of orgasm that ensues from anal stimulation. For some, this means stimulation of just the external anus (for instance, during a rim job). And for others, it means stimulation of the internal anal canal (for instance, with anal beads, a penis, or finger).

How to have an anal orgasm:

  • Rimming = your best friend. Rimming, or analingus, is the act of someone performing oral sex on the 'rim' of the anus. It's an important part of anal play because many of your nerve bundles are around the opening of the anus, not deep inside it, Oriowo says.
  • Ease into it. If you're new to anal play and you're interested in using toys, you'll generally want to use something the size of a finger, Oriowo says. (And not the size of a penis!) And, of course, use lube. 'However much lube you thought you needed... put a little bit more,' she says.

Blended Orgasm

This is any orgasm that comes from stimulating two or more body parts. Nipples + anus = blended orgasm! Clit + vagina? Also a blended orgasm. 'Bringing in sensations to the other areas of the body can also help to increase the strength of any orgasms,' Oriowo adds. So, blended orgasms might feel extra intense.

How to have a blended orgasm:

  • Be intentional upfront. Ask yourself which areas you want to stimulate, Oriowo says. If the clit is too sensitive for dual stimulation, for instance, target the G-spot or cervix instead, and add in some nipple play, too.

Oral Orgasm

An oral orgasm can be induced by someone going down on you, and it requires a couple of things, Oriowo says. For instance: Awareness of the giver's lips and teeth, which can 'enhance the sensation that a person is experiencing,' she explains. So, you may want to graze your teeth along someone's clit, but you defs won't want to bite them—accidentally or not. (Ouch!)

Also, 'paying attention to what your partner is responding to' is super important, she adds. 'If they're saying they're about to have an orgasm, continue doing what you are doing at the same pace and pressure.' Noted.

How to give an oral orgasm:

  • Incorporate teasing. Yup, sometimes just the anticipation of physical sensation can be enough to increase someone's arousal. Try just 'whispering near the vagina, but not quite touching it,' Oriowo recommends, then move from there.
  • Use your tongue. 'You can do oral in so many different ways,' Oriowo says. Maybe you try light, tickling touches with the tip of your tongue, interchanged with a broad, deep stroke with your entire tongue.

A-Spot Orgasm

The A-spot is between the vaginal opening and the bladder, 'about two inches higher than your G-Spot, along the front vaginal wall,' Oriowo says. You know how you have some spongy tissue in your G-spot area? Well, the A-spot is a bit deeper. If you can't feel it, that doesn't mean it's not there, she says—it just means that your A-spot might not be as sensitive.

How to have an A-spot orgasm:

  • Incorporate a toy. Because this area is deeper than the G-spot, you might want to use a toy to reach it rather than a finger. Still, you can try to move your fingers from side to side (rather than a penetrative in-and-out motion), and you might be able to find the A-spot better.

U-Spot Orgasm

The U-spot orgasm is a urethra-based orgasm, Oriowo explains. Therefore, her biggest tip is to be gentle when stimulating the area, then listen to what your partner is requesting (or what your body is telling you, if you're going solo). After all, 'this is the area where urine exits the body,' she says. (Oh, and you'll definitely want to lube up, too.)

How to have a U-spot orgasm:

  • Start with fingers. This tip especially applies to those who are just starting to explore the area. 'The fingers give you a little bit more control,' she says. Oriowo also recommends exploring down there by yourself first before doing so with a partner. 'Then, you know what kind of pleasures you're already capable of,' she adds.
  • Then, show and tell. After you've gotten the swing of things, guide your partner through the process so they don't end up accidentally hurting you. That way, they can learn 'how to do it on their own without your guidance eventually,' she continues.

Exercise-Induced Orgasm, or Coregasm

Amazing news for anyone who loves working out: Some people are able to engage the core and pelvic floor in a way that will result in an orgasm. 'Orgasms are created through the increase in tension and then its release,' Oriowo says. 'Engaging your abdominal muscles, often [is] going to be pulling on, or stimulating, the pelvic floor muscles, as well.' And the rapid release can create a beautiful O.

Can I have multiple orgasms in a short time period?

Yes! This happens when you're in a semi-aroused state and your genitals are resting a bit, Kerner says. 'Assuming you potentially transition into the right kind of foreplay activities, you would be primed to experience genital stimulation again that would result in a second orgasm,' he explains.

Anyone can have multiple orgasms, but it does depend on the person—some people are more likely to have multiple Os than others, Brito says. And again, depending on the person, their second (or third) orgasm after the first may or may not feel as powerful.

Jennifer Wider, MD, a women's health expert, author, and radio host, encourages practicing Kegel or pelvic floor-strengthening exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles in pursuit of an orgasm. By doing these contractions during the initial orgasm, a second or third may be possible, when combined with stimulation to another area.

'Remember, the clitoris is usually a bit sensitive after the first orgasm, so moving to another erogenous zone and going back to the clitoris after a short break can help,' she says.

How to have an orgasm:

Achieving consistent, mind-blowing orgasms is kind of like winning the lottery. Sounds amazing, but basically a pipe dream, right? With these little tricks, it doesn’t have to be.

1. Prioritise cuddling.

In the name of boosted oxytocin, rather than saving spooning for after sex, spend some time snuggling up pre-play.

Known as the 'love hormone,' oxytocin might be the key to better orgasms, according to a study in Hormones and Behavior. The study found that couples who received oxytocin in a nasal spray had more intense orgasms than couples who took a placebo.

Since you probably don't have oxytocin nasal spray on your nightstand, try giving yourself the same jolt of the hormone naturally by hugging, cuddling, or making other gestures to show your love to your partner. Your post-cuddle O might just surprise you.

2. Don’t skip right to penetration!

According to Kerner, having an orgasm requires a few key ingredients:

  1. Vasocongestion (i.e. blood flow to your pelvis);
  2. Myotonia (muscular tension throughout your body);
  3. The brain's natural opiate system being turned on (because it triggers oxytocin)

The best way to get these ingredients? 'Gradual[ly] building up arousal, rather than a race to orgasm,' he says. In other words, slow down and build both physiological and psychological arousal. Trust, the end result will be worth the wait.

3. Focus on positions that favour the clit.

Wider suggests focusing on sex positions that directly stimulate the clitoris during penetrative sex. 'That can provide a consistent orgasm in the majority of [people with vulvas],' she says. Try rider-on-top, which allows you to grind your clit against your partner, or rear entry, with you or your partner stimulating your clitoris. Kerner agrees that being on top generally makes it easier for people with vulvas to cum.

4. Use a vibrator.

Vibrators are literally made to help you orgasm, after all. 'Vibrators increase the frequency and intensity of orgasms—whether you’re alone or with a partner,' says Jess O'Reilly, PhD, a Toronto-based sexologist and host of the Sex with Dr. Jess podcast. She suggests starting with a vibrator that will target your clitoris, G-spot, or both. A few to get you started:

SONA 2 Cruise [Cerise]

5. Think about your cycle.

If you feel like your orgasms have been meh or not even there lately, consider trying to time sex around your cycle. Generally, your libido peaks during ovulation—that’s about two weeks before your period shows up—so the chances of having an orgasm will go up during this time period, Wider says. 'There may be an evolutionary basis for this, because those with vulvas are most fertile at this time during their cycle,' she adds.

FYI: This is especially important if you’re exploring cervical orgasms. That’s because, as O’Reilly previously told Women’s Health US, some people are more likely to have cervical orgasms during ovulation. If having your cervix touched feels painful but you’re still curious, try it during a different time of the month to see if it feels better.

6. Make sure you have lube on hand.

Lube reduces uncomfortable friction and allows you to 'safely engage in a wider range of acts, techniques, and positions,' O’Reilly says. Not only that, it also 'leads to higher levels of arousal, pleasure, and satisfaction,' she says.

7. Whip out a fantasy.

Adding a little psychological stimulation to the equation can help enhance physical stimulation, which is why Kerner recommends fantasising on your own or with your partner. 'Fantasy is also a powerful way to take your mind off other stressors or any other anxieties you may be experiencing,' he says. And, for the record, 'it's okay to fantasize about someone other than the person you're having sex with,' Kerner says. (Maybe just keep that info to yourself, though.)

8. Try sensation play.

'The simple act of turning off the lights, closing your eyes, using a blindfold, or wearing sound-canceling headphones can help you to be more mindful and present during sex—and lead to bigger, stronger orgasms,' O’Reilly says. 'This is because the deprivation of one sense can heighten another, so when you remove your sense of sight or sound, you may naturally tune into the physical sensations of the sexual encounter.' But before you tie an old tube sock around your boo’s eyes, just be sure to ask for consent first.

9. Feel yourself up in the shower.

Sure, you shower to get clean, but you can also have some fun when you’re in there. 'It’s very simple: As you shower, rather than touching to wash yourself, take one minute to touch for sensuality and pleasure,' O’Reilly says. 'Feel your skin, take a deep breath, and bask in the heat and warmth that surrounds your body.' This can help you de-stress and get in touch with what feels good to you—and that can do you a solid when you’re in bed later, she says.

10. Take an orgasm ‘break.’

On a similar note, 'sometimes taking a masturbation and orgasm break for a day or two can be a good "refresh,"' Kerner says, noting that people sometimes 'report stronger orgasms during masturbation after taking a short break.' If you can, try taking sex or solo love off the table for a day or so and see where that gets you. A simple reset may be just what you need to ramp things up.

11. Make the most of *that* time of month.

Raise your hand if Os are, like, significantly better on your period. (My hand is all the way up.) While that may not be the case for everyone because orgasms feel different for every person, it's good to take note of when your Os feel the best. 'Some people do say that they're more likely to feel aroused before their period or during their period, and that might have to do with hormones, but then other people say that's not true for them,' Brito says.

As an added bonus, period sex has the power to literally make you feel better physically. 'Orgasm has analgesic effects,' Kerner adds. 'If you experience sometimes pain or heavy cramping or even headaches during PMS, orgasm could actually help to relieve some of those symptoms.'

12. Make your fave positions feel that much more intense.

Stick to your fave sex positions, but get your clit in on the action with the help of a clitoral vibe. Or, take matters into your own hands by bringing your digits downstairs.

'A nice combination is pressure and friction against the glands of the clitoris,' says Kerner. 'That is sometimes why a combination of external and internal stimulation can really enhance and get the most out of the potential for orgasm.' Make sure your focus is within the first few inches of the vaginal entrance, he says.

13. Be present.

It can be super easy to get distracted before or during sex. But the best Os come from when you (either alone or with your partner) are in the mood for it.

'The main thing that can affect a woman's orgasm is not being fully absorbed or present—fully absorbed in the flow of the sexual experience or having that flow interrupted,' Kerner says. So, try your best to get rid of distractions or other environmental factors.

You can also practice some mindfulness before you head to the bedroom...

preview for Meditate with Jay Shetty and Enhance Your Connections

And on that note, make sure you and your partner's arousal is synced up. To do that, communicate before, during, and after sex to make sure the experience is going well for all involved.

14. Don't let intercourse be the main event.

Outercourse, which is exactly what it sounds like—everything but penetration—deserves just as much attention, if not more. Make sure there's a healthy balance of outercourse versus intercourse during sexy time. 'There's lots of outercourse positions that provide better or more higher quality clit stimulation,' Kerner says. 'That's gonna generate an orgasm.'

15. Practice positive handwriting.

Communication is everything in relationships, and when it comes to sex, it's even more so. Positive handwriting is when you help guide your partner's hand around your body, showing them how you like to be touched rather than have them try to guess how you like it.

'That teaches them the rhythm that you want or the circular motion or the speed,' Brito says. 'By you knowing yourself, you're able to teach your partner how to do it for you.'

16. Take the pressure off of being goal-oriented.

Obviously, everyone wants to experience ~the big O~, but TBH, just being along for the ride is fun enough. When you have a goal, you'll automatically feel more under pressure, and sex is supposed to be fun, not stressful.

'The main thing is not having that as a goal in mind,' Brito says. 'When it becomes more goal-orientated, it gets a little bit bit harder to do that because now you're in a performance mode.' Try to focus on the sensations you're feeling instead.

17. Try yogic breathing.

'Some people have luck elongating their orgasm through breath work,' Wider says. For a longer and stronger orgasm, she suggests yogic breathing, which is a breathing technique used in yoga where you control your breath according to postures.

Wanna DIY? Take a longer breath right before you climax and then breath through the orgasm instead of holding your breath during it, Wider recommends. That 'may actually extend the length of it,' she adds.

18. Figure out what kind of foreplay you like best.

This extends your level of arousal, Kerner says. Touching, talking dirty to one another, feeling up your erogenous zones, role playing, and sharing fantasies can all help draw out the period of foreplay and in turn, help make your orgasm *that* much better. You can also try getting in ~the mood~ by listening to a sexy audiobook, reading something, or watching porn, if that's not usually your vibe.

'For some people, it might help them to engage in some type of erotica,' Brito says. 'That can help someone have a better orgasm because their mindset is there.'

19. Make it a full-body experience.

Don't just focus on the downstairs neighbor. 'You wanna be able to activate the nerve fibers throughout your body that are sensual and respond to stimulation—so you don't wanna just start with your genitals, you wanna start with a more full-body experience of yourself,' Kerner says.

Whether it's really engaging all of your senses or experiencing with touching different parts of yourself, like your nipples, don't count any body parts out.

20. Don't shift your stimulation right before you're about to orgasm.

Kerner says it's a common instinct to do something different right before a woman reaches orgasm, like shifting their position or way of stimulation. 'That can really interrupt the orgasm itself in ways that might make it harder to get back on track,' he says. 'It's important that whatever is happening that is generating orgasm, that that continues in a consistent, persistent way.'

So, figure out what your partner likes, and if it's going well, follow through!

21. Lean into pregnancy sex.

Like ovulation orgasms, pregnancy orgasms have the potential to feel *real* good. 'There's so much blood that's sort of just pulling in the pelvis and in the genitals, and so much of arousal is about blood flowing into the genitals,' Kerner says. So pay attention to those pregnancy Os, because they might be higher quality than during other times, he says.

22. Remove judgment.

It's easy for people to feel shame or guilt around masturbation, sex, or general sexual pleasure depending on one's upbringing, Brito says.

'Ideally, you're approaching your body in a loving, caring, compassionate way and being very curious and open to exploring your body parts, including your erogenous zones,' she adds. 'It's like, 'This is another body part, and I'm open to exploring this area in a loving way.' It's a form of self-care.'

And she's right—it's your 'you' time! Make sure you have a healthy mindset so you can fully enjoy it.

23. Be aware and vocal of how the sensations feel.

It's easy to get out of sync with your partner during sex, so make sure you're on the same page by communicating. 'Sometimes sex is painful and a woman isn't aroused enough, or the sex causes some kind of pain,' Kerner says. 'Generally, men don't experience sexual pain during sex in the way that women can.'

If anything isn't feeling right, make sure to be assertive about it with your partner.

24. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.

In addition to removing judgment from your mindset, you'll also want to stay curious and open-minded when it comes to exploring your body, whether it's with a partner or not. If you've always been a little intrigued by anal toys or BDSM, consider tapping into something new. After all, sometimes the most unexpected things give you the greatest Os. (And you can quote me on that.)

25. Combine types of touch.

Didn't you hear? Only stimulating the vagina is, like, so yesterday. Combining different types of touch can look different for everyone—it could be using your hands to stimulate your nipples while you're getting fingered, or fully using a sex toy while getting massaged all over your body. 'The more types of touch you engage in, the more intensive it could be,' Brito says.

26. Embrace the mini Os.

Sometimes, people with vulvas experience 'wavelike feelings of orgasms, or mini orgasms sometimes leading up to an actual physiological orgasm,' according to Kerner. Often, they think they're having multiple orgasms, but they're actually just little peaks and highs before the climax. And they still feel great, so be on the lookout (feel-out?) for any feelings representative of that description.

27. If you're not feeling it, consider why.

Sex is never fun if you aren't feeling good about yourself, and self-esteem issues are a particular roadblock on the way to an orgasm, Kerner says. If you suddenly aren't in the mood or you're feeling bad about yourself mid-act, think about why, and try to get to the root of the issue.

28. Invest in a new toy.

Sometimes you gotta mix it up—I get it! If you've had a bullet vibrator for while and you're ready to jump into more intense toys head-on, go for it.

The type of vibrator you try will depend on the type of stimulation you enjoy—and the type of orgasm you’re interested in exploring. A vibrating butt plug or string of vibrating anal beads will bring a whole lot of 'oh baby!' to your backside, while vibrating nipple clamps will make you tingle and giggle without any between-the-leg lovin’.

29. Use lube on more than just your downstairs area.

If you're willing to get a little creative, lube can seriously elevate your sex game in surprising ways. Try to lube up your favorite toy before some solo sex, or even use some on your nipples. Just remember not to use oil-based lube with condoms (it'll disintegrate the latex) or silicone-based lube with silicone toys (it'll damage your toys and cause an environment rife for bacteria), Jordan Soper, PsyD, CST, an AASECT-certified sex therapist and licensed psychologist previously told Women's Health US.

30. Maintain stimulation throughout the entire O.

It might sound obvious, but make sure to keep the stimulation going until you know it's over. 'Maintaining stimulation through an orgasm, the entirety of an orgasm can get the most out of the duration of an orgasm,' Kerner says. Longer orgasms? Yes, please.

31. Tighten your pelvic muscles.

This tip is especially helpful for G-spot orgasms. 'The G-spot is located inside the vagina up toward your navel,' Wider says. Not only will firm, deep penetration help to hit the spot, but also, some [people with vulvas] find it's helpful to tighten their pelvic muscles during rhythmic sex,' she adds. Again, you can try Kegel or pelvic floor-strengthening exercises to help this area.

32. Try edging.

Edging is when you're masturbating or engaging in sexual activity, creating a buildup, and stopping before you orgasm, then continuing the cycle over again. Literally, what's hotter than bring yourself and/or your partner to almost climax, but then not allowing yourself or them to? Sheesh. 'That can definitely make you have a more intense orgasm,' Brito says.

33. Know your body.

At the end of the day, you know your own body best. Sex toys aren't for everyone, just like manual stimulation isn't for everyone, either. Take time to be with yourself and figure out what you like best to maximize your experience, either alone or with partner(s). 'Do what works for you, arousal levels should build gradually—some [of those with vulvas] enjoy manual stimulation, others prefer toys,' Wider says.

Once you know what you like, you can help others in assisting to give you your best orgasm yet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a difference between a ‘male’ and ‘female’ orgasm?

First off, people with vulvas *can* ejaculate through the form of squirting. However, they 'can both squirt and have an orgasm at completely separate times,' Oriowo explains.

On the other hand, people with penises typically experience orgasms that include ejaculation a majority of the time. It is possible for them to have an orgasm without ejaculating, she says—it's just rarer. Also, some might say that it's 'easier' for those with penises to orgasm than those with vulvas, which leads me into the next question...

What is the 'orgasm gap'?

This is the difference 'between how often men have orgasms versus how often women who have sex with men have orgasms,' Oriowo says. 'Women who have sex with women are more likely to have orgasms than women who have sex with men.'

I don’t think I’ve had an orgasm before—what can I do?

There are a few things to get you started.

Get psychological.

Aside from exploring your body—likes, dislikes, the whole shebang—'sometimes, we are having mental emotional hangups that are preventing us from being able to connect with our bodies,' Oriowo adds. For instance, sometimes shame plays a role when you first start to masturbate, she says.

If it's affecting you, she recommends looking into therapy or using a workbook or guide that goes over those feelings. Overall, you'll want to think about the narrative you have around pleasure, masturbations, and orgasms that are preventing you from being able to have one.

Consider your lifestyle choices.

Both smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol can negatively impact your ability to experience orgasms. Smoking can affect your circulation, and increases the risk of erectile dysfunction for men. Because people with vulvas have similar tissue sets, especially in the clitoris, 'that is going to impact the sensations that you're having and the blood flow to your own clitoris,' which is what causes an orgasm to feel so good.

Alcohol, on the other hand, impacts the ability to feel sexual stimulation. So, maybe skip that third pre-sex glass of wine, and instead fully feel the sensations that might lead to an orgasm.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Yup, you can add better chances of orgasming to the long list of positive effects that hydration has on the body. 'Hydration really helps with best orgasm results,' Oriowo says. 'We are literally walking around here dry, wanting our bodies to perform at peak levels for our orgasms—but lack of hydration can also lead to lack of vaginal lubrication, natural lubrication.' So, drink that water!

Drinking enough water will also help blood flow and your muscles will be hydrated enough to move, both of which will help your orgasm. Wins, all around!

Meet the experts: Ian Kerner, PhD, LMFT, is a certified couples and sex therapist based in New York, New York, and the author of She Comes First. Donna Oriowo, LICSW, CST, is a certified sex therapist and owner of Annodright based in Washington, D.C. Janet Brito, PhD, is a nationally-certified sex therapist and the founder of the Sexual Health School in Honolulu, Hawaii. Jennifer Wider, MD, is a women's health expert, author, and radio host. Jess O'Reilly, PhD, is a Toronto-based sexologist and host of the Sex with Dr. Jess podcast. Jenni Skyler, PhD, is an AASECT-certified sex therapist and director of the Intimacy Institute. Jordan Soper, PsyD, CST, is an AASECT-certified sex therapist and licensed

From: Women's Health US
Gabrielle Kassel

Gabrielle Kassel (she/her) is a sex and wellness journalist who writes at the intersection of queerness, sexual health, and pleasure. In addition to Women’s Health, her work has appeared in publications such as Shape, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good, Health, Self, Men’s Health, Greatist, and more! In her free time, Gabrielle can be found coaching CrossFit, reviewing pleasure products, hiking with her border collie, or recording episodes of the podcast she co-hosts called  

Headshot of Korin Miller
Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more. She has a master’s degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day.
Headshot of Addison Aloian
Addison Aloian
Assistant Love & Life Editor

Addison Aloian (she/her) is the assistant love & life editor at Women’s Health. Outside of topics related to lifestyle, relationships, and dating, she also loves covering fitness and style. In her free time, she enjoys lifting weights at the gym, reading mystery and romance novels, watching (and critiquing!) the latest movies that have garnered Oscars buzz, and wandering around the West Village in New York City. In addition to Women's Health, her work has also appeared in Allure, StyleCaster, L'Officiel USA, V Magazine, VMAN, and more.