Already sky-high stress levels are on the rise again, thanks to a year of pretty much utter madness. Do you remember when we thought celebrities dying was bad? Well now we've got Brexit, plus a pandemic, and turbulent worldwide politics to boot.

So, there's no surprise 56% of us — according to statistics from The Health Foundation — are reporting stress symptoms.

Stress symptoms: what to look out for

Though individual experiences of intense stress can be varied, there are common symptoms that you've probably experienced... You know that pumping heart before you go into a big (Zoom) interview or important meeting? Those sweaty palms while you (throwback) wait to go in for an exam?

Feeling under pressure is a normal part of life, but the issues arise when the symptoms start to feel overwhelming.

Let's get to know the signs...

Emotional stress symptoms

  • Feeling irritable and impatient
  • Overwhelmed
  • Anxious or nervous
  • Depressed
  • Low in self-esteem
  • Like you’ve lost all positivity

Mental stress symptoms

  • Finding it hard to make decisions
  • Constantly worrying
  • Having racing thoughts
  • Battling with brain fog

Physical stress symptoms

How many of these stress symptoms you can relate to will depend on a range of things that are often slightly out of your control, such as what's going on in your life and your support systems, but the key is how you manage the pressures you’re under.

There's not a concrete correlation between something stressful occurring and the stress levels people involved experience, just as a breezy run of things combined with the help of friends and family doesn't always amount to feeling fine. The upside of this is that stress symptoms can be managed to a point that you're not at the mercy of what happens to you.

Learning to control stress symptoms when they arise is important as, when left unchecked long-term, they can lead to heightened levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which can cause health issues such:

  • Thyroid problems
  • A lowered immune system, leaving you more prone to illness and disease
  • Harm to your digestive system and gut health
  • Increased risk of a heart attack

It's easier said than done though, right? Keep reading for the WH expert guide on how to identify – and manage – stress symptoms...

Stress symptoms: How to manage them

1/ Battle stress avoidance

'This happens so automatically and sometimes it’s fine, but prolonged avoidance of stress (and other difficult emotions that come with it) do us a disservice,' says NHS Health Psychologist, Dr Sula Windgassen (@the_health_psychologist_).

'Avoidance exacerbates anxiety and takes away our ability to address aspects of the stress that might help reduce it. Instead: Write down a list of stressors. Prioritise according to what is the most stressful and what you have the ability to do something about. Create a plan for each stressor you have the ability to do something about and schedule it in. For those you can’t change, acknowledge that. Give yourself time to feel and be with that acknowledgement and then pick something to do that’s going to soothe you.'

2/ Set mini goals

'Sometimes your work can seem insurmountable, so break larger tasks down into smaller targets or stages. This will help you to focus on the task in hand step-by-step. Each step you complete will feel like a small victory, turning a negative into a positive and helping your brain to process the overall project more easily,' says Marcus Herbert, health assessment business lead at Nuffield Health’s expert advice.

Although it may not fit every scenario, you can also look at making your objectives SMART (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and with a set timeframe) to help break your workload down into a manageable format.

'Being realistic about what you can do in the time that you have may help to lighten the perceived burden,' says Herbert.

3/ Stay active

As if you needed any extra reason to break a sweat, along come two scientifically shown ways in which exercise combats stress symptoms:

• Brigham Young University researchers found running cancels out the negative impact of chronic stress on the part of the brain responsible for learning and memory. It can also reduce the likelihood of you making memory-related errors.

• According to a study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, group exercise reduces the three types of stress symptoms far more than individual workouts.

4/ Treat yourself

If you’re feeling pretty squashed by your stress symptoms, show yourself some respect and self-kindness. One of these best spa retreats will probably help but if jetting off isn't possible (money, family, pets, coronavirus, work... take your pick), simply run a hot bath, add some Batch #001 Salt and Oil Bath Soak, which combines Himalayan sea salt with essential oils to hydrate and calm, then practice these simple breathing exercises to relieve stress before hopping into bed in some breathable cotton or silk pyjamas, like HONNA's super-soft sets.

Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100 Wake up to Daylight SAD Light
Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100 Wake up to Daylight SAD Light
£61 at John Lewis
this works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray (75ml)
this works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray (75ml)
Valkiria Candle
OVEROSE Valkiria Candle
Esteban Ambre Incense Sticks, Pack of 20
Esteban Ambre Incense Sticks, Pack of 20

'Picture yourself as a volcano and imagine your stress levels being the lava,' says modern mindfulness expert Rohan Gunatillake and creater of the meditation app Buddify. 'The aim is to avoid an ‘eruption’; so it is important to manage ‘lava’ levels on a daily basis.'

He recommends using meditation and mindfulness in your everyday routine to teach awareness of your emotions and 'ultimately avoid an overspill of ‘lava’'. One of the best ways to do that is to simply notice and name your emotions as they arise.

'The more we are aware of our difficult emotions and negative mental habits, the less power they have on us,' he says.

5/ Keep a routine

'The basics of managing stress are keeping a sleep routine, and a general, day-to-day routine, which includes pleasurable and soothing activities,' says Dr Windgassen. Aim for seven to nine hours kip a night, including a wind-down, screen-free routine, and factor in time for the things you enjoy.

6/ Consider a supplement

Don't rush to add them to your diet, but it's something to consider. According to research published in the Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, daily supplementation of natural pine bark extract can reduce oxidative stress and anxiety levels. Search for it on the high street under the name of Pycnogenol or simply try out the offering from Holland & Barrett.

7/ Relax

... You'd be forgiven for saying: 'Yuh, no s**t, Sherlock.' But the good news is there are methods that can help:

• Ecotherapy

Not only does being in nature help quash stress symptoms, but simply hearing the sound of it helps too, according to the University of Sussex. Try Nature Sounds, which also works as an insomnia app, for rain on grass or relaxing rustling fields.

• Yoga

Research published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found a consistent yoga practice can not only reduce stress symptoms, but also improve your ability to deal with them in the long-term.

• Sophrology

This breathing/meditation/mindfulness/visualisation/gentle movement combo is deemed so beneficial it’s offered in schools in Switzerland and France. Arianna Huffington is also a fan.

8/ Get appy

Trial the heck out of the current offering of meditation and relaxation apps, which have been proven to help cope with and combat stress symptoms, to see which works best for you. On Buddify, you can choose from Rain, Manage, Fade, Soak and Zap – with no need to purchase the full app.

9/ Balance your blood sugar

'Balancing blood sugar is essential in lowering stress because the crashes in sugar levels which happen through the day (due to going long periods without food and not eating the right foods) stimulates the stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol to be released,' says nutritionist Dr Marilyn Glenville, author of The Natural Health Bible for Women.

Make sure you have a small meal every 2-3 hours that contains protein (eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus a snack mid-morning and one mid-afternoon).

Glenville recommends: 'A hard-boiled egg, 10-12 almonds, a small can of tuna and brown rice to stop those roller-coaster highs and cravings for sweet foods. As your blood sugar stays more steady, and your body will no longer have to ask you for a quick fix, so will your moods – reduced adrenaline levels will automatically make you feel happier, calmer and less stressed.'

You think you're suffering from stress symptoms: What to do next?

Get in contact with:

And remember it’s not only your own stress that can impact your health. Research by the University of Calgary found that if someone close to you is experiencing stress symptoms and meltdown, that can negatively impact your brain on a cellular level too.

It also showed the effects of stress symptoms on the brain could be reversed in women through social interactions, so make sure to speak to someone about what you're experiencing — whether that's your pals, your partner or a professional.

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Headshot of Rebecca Gillam
Rebecca Gillam

Bex is a wellbeing writer, brand consultant and qualified yoga and meditation teacher who likes baths, crystals, running with her pup Gustav and making unboring vegan-ish food.