Do you feel confident in your own skin? According to new research, your answer could have a lot to do with your age.

As part of their ‘Strong in Your Own Skin’ campaign, skincare brand Absolute Collagen conducted research into what makes British women feel strong, and what gives them their biggest confidence boost. The results were pretty surprising...

Absolute Collagen's research showed that 63% of British women over the age of 35 feel confident in their own skin. However, these emotions don’t necessarily translate into mental strength, with 48% of them revealing that a lack of confidence stops them from feeling strong.

The most shocking statistic? The fact that over a third of us are plagued with low self-esteem. 38% revealed that they are inhibited by a lack of self-worth, admitting to avoiding social plans with friends as a result. In fact, it's been reported that British women have some of the lowest levels of body confidence in the world.

‘I was initially really surprised by the amount of women who struggle with their confidence,’ admits Emma Willis, brand ambassador for Absolute Collagen, who spoke to Women’s Health about the results of the survey. ‘But then I realised that I’m someone who also struggles with this, so I asked myself why was I so surprised?

‘I think it’s because you often look at the people around you and think, “they’ve really got it together and are so confident”, but seeing these stats makes you realise that what you see on the outside isn’t always reflective of what they are feeling on the inside.’

absolute collagen shoot london 22022023 emma willis, maxine laceby, darcy laceby, at location house in honor oak, london
Ossi Piispanen - Photographer & Filmmaker
Emma reflects on the moments in her life which have helped her feel strong in her own skin

The 47-year-old television presenter told Women’s Heath about her own confidence issues growing up. ‘When I was a kid, I was incredibly shy and struggled with my self-confidence,’ she reflects. ‘I never really understood what it was possible to achieve, and never dreamed the career I have now is something which would be achievable for someone like me.

‘When I started presenting, I was so riddled with imposter syndrome, which really affected my confidence. It’s taken me years to get to grip with that, and it’s a constant work in progress. I still experience it now at times, especially when I was training on the maternity ward [for Freeview TV series Emma Willis: Delivering Babies]’.

"As I’ve got older, I’ve learned that confidence is just mind over matter"

‘But as I’ve got older, I’ve learned that confidence is just mind over matter – I remind myself I have 20 years of experience at presenting and try to focus on that rather than the nerves.’

The fact that confidence improves with age isn’t something surprising to Dr Lucy Viney. ‘Research has proven if women feel empowered, they have a have a greater sense of self-confidence and self-efficacy - the belief that one can do what one wants to do,’ explains the clinical psychologist.

‘This naturally sometimes can come with age – this is also due to the multitude of accumulated life experiences. As a result, women in control of their own lives feel more confident.’

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The positive effect of life experience is something that Emma herself can relate to, as she credits the birth of her children in helping her feel strong and confident. In fact, 38% of women surveyed said childbirth made them feel like their most empowered selves.

‘I’ve had three babies, so I know birth takes a lot of mental strength and physical perseverance,’ says Emma. ‘Especially when it’s your first – you have no idea what to expect or what’s going to happen, no matter how much you prepare yourself for it.

‘To me, strength is as much physical as it is mental,’ she adds. ‘I think as I’ve got older, I realised that strength really comes from the mind – if you’ve got mental strength, it can get you through anything.’

It’s this wisdom which Emma, like many of the women in Absolute Collagen’s research, hopes to instil into her own children. In fact, 57% of participants said the key lesson they would pass down to their little ones would be to believe in themselves and build strength from within.

57% said they want their children to learn to believe in themselves and build strength from within

The importance of developing confidence from a young age is clearly something which resonates with women today, as 58% of those surveyed saying they feel stronger now than they did when they were a child.

For Emma, that strength manifests itself in her ability to be more open and receptive to trying new things as she gets older, from Reiki to breathwork. One thing she’s recently taken up? Ice baths.

‘My husband, Matt, has got me into them – he has one in the garden,’ she reveals. ‘I always procrastinate getting in, but I always feel so bloody good after. It’s amazing for your energy levels and your confidence – you feel so awake afterwards and in disbelief that you managed it.’

Making time for herself is something which Emma has learned to prioritise with age. ‘I normally put myself at the bottom of every to-do list, but turning 40 made me realise I need to change that if I want to be around for my kids as long as possible.

'So now I schedule time during the day to show up for my body and mind by doing boxing and reformer Pilates. Finding things that work for you and making time for yourself is so important.’ We couldn’t agree more.

Emma has partnered with Absolute Collagen for their ‘Strong in your own skin’ campaign celebrating women’s celebrates women’s natural beauty that’s nurtured through strength and wellness; inside and out. For more information visit

Georgie Lane-Godfrey

Georgie Lane-Godfrey (she/her) is our Features Director, working across those fascinating longer reads you find in Women's Health UK. 

She also acts as Membership Content Editor, overseeing everything that appears on the Women's Health Collective website, and in its weekly newsletter, The Dispatch.  

With over ten years experience in women's lifestyle journalism, Georgie has worked for titles such as Stylist, Glamour, Evening Standard and Marie Claire. 

When she's not at work, you'll most likely find her either walking her rescue lurcher on Wimbledon Common or reading, as she's currently undertaking an MA in Renaissance Studies.