Brain feeling fuzzy? Suffering from an acute lack of motivation? If you live with a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression, are your symptoms feeling sharper?

The current heatwave comes with a slew of effects, existential panic at our rapidly heating planet just one of them. Another you might not be aware of is the toll on your mental health – and that of the people around you.

This is not inconsequential. One 2022 study demonstrated how, in the USA, intense heat is associated with an uptick in visits to emergency departments for mental health treatment.

A piece of 2018 research, meanwhile, indicated that for around every 1℃ increase in monthly average temperature, suicide rates go up by 0.7-2%. Heat is also linked with extreme aggression: a few studies have twinned a gentle rise in temperature with a rise in violent assault.

Heatwaves like this are becoming more extreme and more frequent, as a result of climate change. If you want to join a group to take action, use this tool to find an organisation that's local to you.

To understand how dizzy temperatures are intertwined with how you are feeling, thinking and navigating the world, WH spoke to Dr Laurence Wainwright, Departmental Lecturer at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, who has been deeply researching this sphere of study.

How your brain responds to heat stress

Let's start with the impact of heatwaves on brains, broadly. 'The evidence is clear that key areas of the brain – especially those responsible for solving complex cognitive tasks, such as problem-solving, reasoning and maintaining attention – are impaired by heat stress, which occurs when the body's temperature is elevated beyond its normal resting temperature of around 37℃,' says Dr Wainwright.

This impairment functions on a sliding scale. It can vary depending on factors such as how dramatic the rise in temperature is and how dehydrated you are, as well as on the complexity of the task you are trying to undertake: calculating your 20% tip at a restaurant will be easier than co-ordinating a trip to Barcelona for a group of 12, for example.

As to the mechanism underpinning this? Truth is, it's complicated, and there is much we haven't figured out, yet. There is some evidence which points at a cocktail of factors, though.


'One hypothesis is that, during a heatwave, your body and brain are overloaded with trying to regulate your temperature [this process is known as thermoregulation.] It could be that capacity is taken from brain and used elsewhere, meaning that your cognitive functions are impaired,' Dr Wainwright details.

The limbic system

He notes that the brain's limbic system, home of your emotional regulation, is involved. 'The evidence we have so far points towards that the limbic system is implicated in why heat causes us to not function properly, cognitively.'


Of course, more obvious things are also in this potential mix. Heatwaves, Dr Wainwright notes, play with your sleep. And, as you know all too well, when your slumber is disturbed, you're not your sharpest self the next day.


Dehydration is an issue, as well, he says: 'Your brain doesn’t work as well when it doesn't have enough water, and a couple of key studies have heavily implicated this as to why heat impairs your ability to solve complex cognitive tasks.'

Brain chemicals

The neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline seem to be involved, too. These chemicals are involved in a soup of vital functions, including feeling pleasure, as well as cognitive functions like paying attention and experiencing motivation – and they appear to also have a role in thermoregulation.

The taxing task of maintaining your focus and figuring sticky work problems out, then, could easily be disrupted by swings in these areas.

Why depression and anxiety symptoms can feel sharper, in the heat

Severe weather events have been linked to worsening symptoms and triggering relapses of harder phases of some mental health conditions, such as Depression and Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

When it comes to 'why?', again, it's complicated. 'We don’t fully understand yet,' says Dr Wainwright. 'These are complex interactions between brain and body – there's behaviour, the medication used in these conditions and disruption to sleep and circadian rhythms caused by heat, all at work.'

The evidence that we do have suggests that, again, there are many reasons for worsening of these conditions, when the heat climbs.

Changes to the effects of medication

Heatwaves appear to mess with the efficacy of certain medications prescribed for various mental illnesses. 'The evidence shows us that the effectiveness some of the medications used to treat psychiatric illness can be reduced, and their side effects exacerbated, by the effects of heat,' says Dr Wainwright. For a full break down of why, scroll down to the next section.

Your limbic system

Because it seems that the limbic system (reminder: the home of your emotional responses) is impaired by extreme by heat, meaning that your emotional responses might not be tempered, it's possible that some symptoms that manifest in depression and anxiety could be triggered.

Chemical reactions

Time to circle back to dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline. 'These neurotransmitters are implicated in depression and anxiety, and the medications used to treat them are thought to work on these chemicals,' says Dr Wainwright. This matters because the trio is impacted by heat, and it seems that they are involved in the body’s thermoregulation process.

While academics are yet to unpick precisely how these relationships work, 'there seems to be a complex interplay between the medications we use, the neurotransmitters implicated and the body’s thermoregulation process,' he adds.

Circadian rhythms

'There is strong evidence that, during heatwaves, people don’t sleep as well, and poor sleep is a causal factor in relapses into depressive phases in Major Depressive Disorder,' says Dr Wainwright. 'Plus, we know that poor sleep is a symptom of both this condition and of Generalised Anxiety Disorder.'


The impact of dehydration on mental health conditions can be profound. 'It can change the way that medications work, and has implications for the side effects of medications,' says Dr Wainwright.

Lack of motivation

Being sticky with sweat is not a precursor to nailing your to-do list, and Dr Wainwright notes that this is another potential problem. 'It could be the case that when you're hot and bothered you neglect chores, you don't feel motivated at work, and feelings of worthlessness creep in.' These, it goes without saying, can have a nasty impact on your mental equilibrium.

How the effectiveness of medications can be impacted by heat

Changes to your body temperature

'Some medications cause a rise in body temperature. This can be problematic when the temperature outside is very hot.' This amplified heating of your body can have: 'all sorts of implications in terms of how a medication might work, including reducing its effectiveness,' explains Dr Wainwright.


Heat-provoked dehydration is another factor. 'We know that medications used in Bipolar Disorder, such as Lithium and Lamotrigine, might not work as well when people are dehydrated.' Plus, some medications, including some of the group of antidepressants known as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can reduce or increase levels of sweating – which has implications for your body's ability to eliminate heat.

Other medications have a bearing on your desire to drink fluids. 'There’s a class of drugs called the antipsychotics – Quetiapine is one that is commonly prescribed for Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia, and is sometimes used off-label for depression and insomnia,' explains Dr Wainwright.

'This class of medication can reduce thirst, meaning that people taking it are not drinking as much water as they need. This leads to dehydration, which may worsen symptoms and side effects – and reduce the effectiveness of medications.'

Impacts to neurotransmitters

Again, dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline are affected by heat. This means that medications which work on their availability in the brain, such as SSRIs, could be tempered with, in extremely hot conditions.

Leaving medication out in the sun

One other thing to note: On a practical level, medications left out in the sun can be damaged. If you’ve accidentally done this, let your medical provider know.

How should someone with a mental health condition navigate heatwaves?

Firstly, take advice from your GP, psychologist or psychiatrist. Symptoms are super individual and people can be affected by the heat in different ways. Generally speaking? There are some research-rooted pieces of advice, below.

Minimise alcohol

'Cut back on or eliminate alcohol: it can be dehydrating and it's clear from the research that dehydration is linked to a worsening of symptoms in those with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalised Anxiety Disorder,' advises Dr Wainwright. On that note, drink lots of water to maintain your hydration, and be sure to replace lost electrolytes with a sports drink after exercising.

Focus on your sleep

As you'll know if you live with them, interrupted sleep can have a very real impact on the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder and Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Cool your bedroom down as much as possible, with a fan on similar and leave your blinds down in the day to stop your room heating up.

Be kind to yourself

Try to be self compassionate rather than self critical. 'Heat does have a significant ability on how you perform, so don't compare yourself to how you usually function. Instead of saying to yourself: "I can usually work for 9 hours, why can’t I do this now?" know that severe heat can change what's possible for you,' says Dr Wainwright.

How can we take action on climate change?

To address the massive pink elephant in the room, this heatwave is a result of climate change. If you are able to, here are Dr Wainwright's core tips on taking steps to address the crisis.

  • Put pressure on the government to reduce emissions from fossil fuels.
  • Vote for parties that have a clear policy regarding how to get to net zero and uses strategies that are ambitious – this is a time sensitive issue and the clock is running out.
  • When it comes to big businesses, put pressure on companies to both measure and be accountable for their emissions.
  • Shop conscientiously. As consumers, our decisions matter, so ask yourself what the environmental impact is of the things you buy. This means thinking about what carbon emissions were generated by making the product, and getting it to your doorstep.
Headshot of Claudia Canavan
Claudia Canavan
Health + Wellness Director

Claudia is Health + Wellness Director at Women's Health and Men's Health. She commissions, edits and writes about topics including the happiness potential of less conventional relationships, what the latest wave of psychedelic research means for women and how to thrive through each stage of your life. She regularly hosts and participates in panel talks about how we live now and is frequently asked to provide expert comment for national radio.