He might have a cool 4.6 million Instagram followers, 2.7 million YouTube subscribers and be athleisure brand lululemon's new ambassador, but Joe Wicks feels anxiety the same as any of us normies. In fact, it's one of the experiences he believes is most important to share with his ginormous audience.

'I've always been quite good at communicating my feelings, even as a young kid I've been able to talk,' Wicks shares with WH. 'So I felt like it was a positive thing to show that I get upset and I'm emotional, I'm sensitive and that it's okay for a man to cry. It's not embarrassing and you've got nothing to be ashamed of. It's like I'm letting out a bit of stress and emotion and energy that has to be released.'

When he feels that way, Wicks has a number of strategies to bring himself back to a place of balance. Here's how he does it. (We're planning on borrowing a few for ourselves!)

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1. Move more

It might come as no surprise that The Body Coach likes to move when he feels unsettled. But, for all his high energy workouts, he doesn't champion one type of exercise over another – all of it is good.

'The quickest way for me to calm down is through exercise. It could be a really intense workout, a HIIT session or a spin class, but it could also be a walk. Sometimes I go for a nice walk in nature with my kids and leave my phone at home to get some fresh air.'

'I've started to see all movement as good. It doesn't have to be sweaty or a million miles an hour,' he says.

2. Make time for meditation

As someone who felt a year ago he would never sit down to meditate, Wicks approach has drastically changed during the pandemic. Now, he sits for 10 to 15 minutes, first thing in the morning and allows his thoughts to settle themselves.

'Sometimes I do it indoors, sometimes I sit in the garden. I've also got an ice bath so now I use that as a way to really focus on my breathing, count my breaths and think about the present moment,' Wicks shares.

An ice bath, hey? Rather you than us...

3. Focus on quality sleep

'Another thing is a good night's sleep,' advises Wicks. 'Getting to bed and having a really good night's sleep can be transformative to the way you feel. If you're overtraining and not eating right, as well as not sleeping properly, everything starts to seem a lot more challenging. A good night's sleep is a good reset for me.'

Struggling to wake up? A sunrise alarm clock is the secret weapon of many celebs and wellness aficionados. It helps your body wake up "naturally" with sunlight rather than the classic iPhone blare.

4. Fuel up with nutrient-dense foods

'Food's a massive indicator of if I'm feeling stressed or down. I can sometimes start to lean more towards chocolate and cheese, marmalade on toast or cereal before bed. Basically, just grazing and snacking,' he says. 'I don't have any guilty around the actual eating of it or the food but I feel bloated and wake up feeling lethargic and tired.'

'For me, there's a massive link between my food and my energy and mood. I'm way more grump and snappy when I'm putting junk food in my body. Whereas, when I'm exercising and combining that with healthy food, I'm on a nice level and my energy is consistent. I'm not up and down.'

However you feel, anxious or otherwise, know that there's no shame in opening up to a trusted person or friend about it. Or, contact Mind – the mental health charity on 0300 123 3393 or email them at info@mind.org.uk.

    In partnership with lululemon, Joe Wicks is launching a new three-episode YouTube series, ‘The Year That Changed Me’, on Monday 26th July to celebrate his recent ambassadorship with lululemon, touching on themes of meditation and movement.

    Headshot of Morgan Fargo
    Morgan Fargo

    Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.