Turquoise, Aqua, Physical fitness, Logo, Yoga, Turquoise, Graphics, Circle, Meditation,

In these Strange Times, we all find ourselves seeking solace in some of the things knocking about our homes. Aside from the obvious essentials – the box of eggs you finally managed to buy yesterday; a pack of loo roll at long last – you might have a luxury item that's wound up being worth its weight in gold.

In new series Keep Calm Kit, staffers at WH share the one thing that's helping them out. Here, in honour of Mental Health Awareness Week, Production Editor Victoria Rudland delivers her Headspace app review – and details how it's soothing her heightened health anxiety.

Headspace review: I use the app to calm my racing mind

When you have health anxiety, a global pandemic and government-enforced lockdown are more than just inconvenient and unnerving – they can lead to a rapid deterioration of your mental health.

I’ve suffered from anxiety to a greater or lesser extent since my late teens, but in recent weeks it’s tightened its grip, leaving me with a perpetual feeling of unease. My brain is on near-constant alert for bodily sensations that could herald the onset of the virus. When it detects any potentially Covid-y symptoms (even if they’re likely just seasonal allergies – thanks, brain), it fixates on and magnifies them.

If you need help with your mental health, call the MIND infoline, on 0300 123 3393, and speak to your GP

My mind jumps to the most frightening eventuality, skipping forward two weeks into the future, visualising myself on a ventilator in hospital, saying goodbye to loved ones over FaceTime. This type of thinking is called catastrophising, where you focus on the worst case scenario – and it’s one of my brain’s favourite pastimes. If you’ve ever experienced a panic attack, you’ll know how all-consuming, distressing and debilitating it can be.

As your mind careers off into terrifying alternate realities, the body’s alarm signals are set off by the imagined threat, plunging you into fight-or-flight mode and triggering symptoms like a racing heart, tight chest, nausea, dizziness and difficulty breathing.

These physical symptoms become a further source of anxiety, causing you to panic even more, and suddenly you’re spiralling to the point where you’re wondering if you’re having a heart attack and should be calling an ambulance.

Welcome to the mind of an anxious person. I’d offer you a cup of tea but you won’t want to stay: it’s exhausting here.

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Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100 Wake up to Daylight SAD Light
£61 at John Lewis
this works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray (75ml)
this works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray (75ml)
Valkiria Candle
OVEROSE Valkiria Candle
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Esteban Ambre Incense Sticks, Pack of 20

In an effort to temper my anxiety during lockdown, I’ve been doing all I can to bolster my mental health: sticking to a routine, avoiding the news, going to bed early, doing yoga, eating healthily, taking daily exercise (ironically, my Apple Watch rings have never looked healthier).

Yet despite my efforts, one night I find myself pacing my small London flat in tears in the small hours. In the midst of a three-hour full-blown panic attack, I’m unable to keep still without being overcome by the tsunami in my mind.

Does Headspace actually work?

Not knowing what else to do, I seek solace in the arms of my long-neglected Headspace app. It takes an hour of consecutive meditations, but eventually my overactive brain chills out enough for me to drift off to sleep.

Since that late-night panic, I’ve made an effort to keep up a twice-daily practice. I start each day with a morning meditation, lighting a scented candle and getting comfy on my mat with a cushion under my bum and a fluffy blanket on my lap. At bedtime (somewhat to my partner’s chagrin), I listen to a wind-down meditation, relaxing soundscape or storytelling ’sleepcast’, while my Lumie lamp simulates a sunset to lull my body gently into sleep.

These new rituals have become a valued part of my daily routine, for the sensory pleasure of them as much as the mental benefits they bring. Mindful meditation is helping me learn how to sit in the discomfort of anxiety, bring my thoughts back to the here and now, focus on what’s true and what isn’t, breathe deeply and be present.

As soon as ‘Headspace man’ (co-founder Andy Puddicombe) starts talking, I feel my shoulders drop, my face relax and the fist around my heart ease its grip. His voice has come to feel like a friend of sorts, its soothing rhythms bringing my mind back to a place of calm in these #unprecedentedtimes.

Is paying for Headspace worth it?

For me, yes. There’s loads of content to choose from if you’re a subscriber SOS sessions, mindful movement, music and soundscapes, and courses on everything from letting go of stress and transforming anger, to relationships, acceptance and productivity.

Even if you don’t have a subscription, Headspace has unlocked a free, specially curated ‘weathering the storm’ collection during the coronavirus pandemic, offering mindfulness content on topics like navigating change and reframing anxiety, as well as at-home workouts, focus and advice for tough times.

Well worth a try if you find your mind unsure of its footing as we navigate this new normal.

  • Headspace subscriptions are £9.99 a month, or £49.99 a year. You can download the app on via the App Store and Google Play.

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