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Your February 2024 sex horoscope is here, and your valentine might be hidden in plain sight

A professional astrologer breaks down what every zodiac sign can expect.

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Aya Kakeda

If you feel like Cupid’s arrow has left you a bit overwhelmed this month, don’t worry! Mercury, the planet of communication, is whizzing through the sky this February—and it's bringing with it exciting, sensual new connections, ideas, and conversations, says Donna Page, an Atlanta-based astrologer with a graduate degree in counselling psychology.

Everything is moving fast this month, especially when it comes to romantic connections. If you’re single, this might mean a bounty of suitors, but for all the boo-ed up folks, this applies to you, too. Communication is key in any relationship, so use this time to get clear, and tell your partner(s) what you want.

'When Mercury moves very quickly, we can be thinking a lot of thoughts,' says Page. 'The world is overwhelming us with information and messages, and all our mind can do is bounce between them.'

As you bounce between those thoughts, ideas, and even crushes this month, remember that sharing what is on your mind (and in your heart) is crucial, especially during this month of love. Mercury begins the month in Capricorn, emphasizing the need for serious thinking and strategic planning. On the 5th, the planet moves into free-thinking Aquarius, sparking endless ideas and inspiration. The planet ends the month in deep intuitive Pisces, prompting a shift inward… and making your dating life a bit of a rollercoaster this month.

Some other astrological happenings to keep on your radar, per Page: the new moon in Aquarius on the 9th is a time for new beginnings, and breaking free from old patterns. Then, the sun enters psychic water sign Pisces on the 18th, bringing the collective’s intuition out in full strength. The full moon in earth sign Virgo on the 24th also dials up the opportunity for communication and connection with a fun-loving energy perfect for date night or a weekend away!

Wondering what all this means for your sign? Ahead is Page’s analysis for the zodiac:


aries february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: If things have been feeling a little stale at home, this month is the perfect time to mix things up. Throw a dinner party, or plan a fun date night for you and bae. A little romance and attention is just what you need to bring the spark back. Then, the full moon in Virgo on the 24th will bring a sense of balance, where you can really see and appreciate the mutual love and support you and your S.O. provide to one another. Bask in this energy and your powerful connection!

Single: Single Aries, your social circle holds the key to romance in February. The New Moon in Aquarius on the 9th will really remind you that you're sparking some exciting connections through your friends IRL, or even online. Make sure to be social this month, and perhaps even download that dating app that you’ve been avoiding. Small shifts in your routine can lead to big outcomes in your love life, Aries! Embrace the go-with-the-flow energy of Aquarius season, and expect the unexpected.


taurus february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: Embrace adventure and quality time this February, Taurus! Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, is moving into Aquarius this month, making it an ideal time to get away and have a little fun with your S.O. Venus' placement in Aquarius will also deepen your relationship on an intellectual level, allowing for the passion and fun to continue throughout 2024. And finally, the full moon in Virgo on the 24th has an air of romance about it, too, so take some time to plan a date night or some other fun activity for you and bae. Creating these lasting memories will only strengthen your relationship.

Single: An adventurous and open-minded approach to relationships will be your key to success this month, Taurus. Venus begins the month in stoic Capricorn, and ends in fun-loving Aquarius. So, expect to spend the first half of the month laying the foundation for love and finding your prospects, and the second half of the month enjoying them. Make sure you're pairing off with people who align with your values and beliefs, especially if you are looking for a deeper connection over time. Then, the full moon in Virgo on the 24th turns up the romantic vibes, making that weekend a prime opportunity for an excellent date with an interesting suitor.


gemini february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: This February is all about the heart-to-hearts between you and your Valentine. Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, and Mars, the planet of action, make a powerful alignment in fellow air sign Aquarius. This harmonious energy encourages connection, making it an excellent time to get on the same page as your partner. While sparks may fly, the focus is on deepening your understanding of each other's thoughts and beliefs. Embrace the intellectual aspect of your relationship. And if you have been experiencing anxiety around commitment, take the full moon in Virgo on the 24th as a time to explore these feelings and go deep inward.

Single: Single Gemini, now is the perfect time for romance. Thanks to airy Aquarius' placement in Venus and Mars, you might just meet someone this month who becomes an instant best friend. Intellect is the most attractive thing to you right now, Gem, so vet any partners with those deep philosophical questions you love so much. Then, the full moon in Virgo on the 24th allows you some time for self-exploration. Take this time to really check in with yourself and your needs before you open yourself up to a potential new partner.

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cancer february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: With work on your mind this month, you and your partner are focused on balance. Reflect together on the spoken and unspoken agreements you have in your relationship. If you need more support, speak up, Cancer! Frank conversations about fairness are key, and will only enhance your intimacy. Lean on your friends for advice, too: You don’t have to navigate your relationship entirely by yourselves! When the full moon in Virgo arrives on the 24th, it encourages you to be even clearer about your needs and expectations. Be specific in your language to avoid any misunderstandings, and embrace the opportunity for mutual growth.

Single: You're laser-focused on work this month, but don’t count out love; life is all about balance. Consider whether you want a relationship this month and, if so, what it might look like. Getting specific about what you’re looking for in a partner can help draw that person into your life. Venus, the planet of love, spends the first half of the month in Capricorn, meaning you may have a secret admirer this Valentine’s Day. (Nice!) Finally, when the full moon in Virgo arrives on the 24th, it encourages clear and direct communication. So keep speaking what you want into the universe, Cancer. People are listening.


leo february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: The first half of February emphasizes daily routines and shared responsibilities. So, collaborate with your significant other on practical tasks, and leave any bickering about chores behind. As Venus enters Aquarius in the second half of the month, the focus shifts to shared experiences and fun times out. Plan activities with your friends, and remember why you and bae love spending time together so much. Finally, the full moon on the 24th prompts a financial review. Dun dun dun. But before you panic, remember: discussions about expenses and shared financial responsibilities will bring you closer together, and only strengthen the bond and foundation you're building for the future.

Single: Single Leo, February begins with a focus on daily routines and health, with Venus and Mars both in Capricorn. While chores and responsibilities aren't the sexiest thing in the world, having some patterns in place will serve you when life becomes far more social in the second half of February. As Venus and Mars align in Aquarius for the second part of the month, your social charm is at a fever pitch, opening new avenues to meet someone special. Just make sure you're connecting with people who align with your vibrant vision for life.


virgo february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: Virgo, this month starts with a focus on shared responsibilities. (You can thank Venus' placement in practical Capricorn for this.) Collaborate with bae to strengthen your bond. Then, as Venus enters Aquarius, be receptive to any opportunities that might allow you to bring novelty into your relationship. Surprising the person you love with flowers or a treat during the day can go a long way in helping them feeling appreciated and loved. Finally, the Virgo full moon on the 24th encourages emotional self-care and setting healthy boundaries, fostering a deeper connection. Use this harmonious time for heart-to-heart conversations, and make sure you truly understand each other’s needs and desires.

Single: Romantic possibilities are high this February, with Venus in steady and ambitious Capricorn. Look for creative ways to meet someone new, especially doing activities you love. (If you’re in your pottery girl era, perhaps you'll check out a new exhibit at a local museum, and bam, you bump into a cutie walking between pots.) Stay open to changes in your usual schedule and embrace the potential for spontaneous encounters. Then, the Virgo full moon weekend primes you for meaningful connections, so pay attention to subtle signals and enjoy all the romance flowing your way this month!

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libra february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: This February encourages you and your partner to focus on shared enjoyment and romantic endeavors, which is perfect with all that Valentine’s Day energy in the air. The new moon in Aquarius infuses your relationship with creative and joyful energy, through fun and unexpected dates. Plan special moments to escape the routine, celebrate your connection, and stay open to spontaneous adventures. When Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of action, converge mid-month in fellow air sign Aquarius, you'll want to deepen your bond further through shared activities. It's going to be a dreamy month!

Single: Single Libra, February promises romance, especially around the exciting new moon in Aquarius on the 9th. The air sign energy is flowing and leading you right to an interesting new person. Embrace the opportunity to truly start fresh with someone and enjoy moments of romance, pleasure, and play in your life. Mid-month, Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, and Mars, the planet of action, align in your romance sector, turning the heat up even more. Lean into your spontaneous side, and be open to new adventures this month!


scorpio february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: February begins with a very practical energy. With Venus and Mars in Capricorn, you and bae are both focused on matters of communication and shared work in your relationship. This doesn't have to be boring, though. In fact, just the opposite—this will pave the way for more exciting and, yes, sensual conversations and bonding in the second half of the month. When the sun enters fellow water sign Pisces on the 18th, you can expect a lot of romance. Plan a fun date night around this time, or perhaps the full moon in Virgo on the 24th. Balance the important and practical details with some excitement and spontaneity this month, and you can’t lose!

Single: Single Scorpio, February prompts you to turn inward. Mars, the planet of action, is in determined and ambitious Capricorn until the 13th, helping you clear up any misaligned dating patterns and get really clear on what and who you want. When Mars and Venus both move into spontaneous Aquarius mid-month, you can expect a lot of people and social opportunities to come rushing into your life. Use the boundaries and reflections you arrived at earlier in the month to help you find your way to new, healthy romances!


sagittarius february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: Make sure the most significant relationship in your life isn’t with your laptop this month, Sagittarius. While work is taking up a lot of your attention and time lately, it’s important to show your partner some love, too. Take time to go for a walk through your neighborhood, or plan a date night at the new spot you keep seeing on Instagram. Taking time out of your busy schedule will allow you to relax, and help your partner to feel important. A win-win! Then, when the full moon in Virgo arrives on the 24th, you’ll want to turn up. Make plans with bae, and let loose.

Single: While your career is taking up a lot of your focus this month, don’t forget to stay open to any possible ~connections~, too: keep your eyes peeled at your next networking event or work meet-up. When the sun enters Pisces, a psychic water sign, your intuition will be dialed all the way up, bringing you to the right place and the right people at the right time. Embrace spontaneity and enjoy yourself, Sag. Then, the full moon in Virgo on the 24th is the perfect time to hit the bars with your girls, or do whatever it is that lights you up.

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capricorn february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: You could not ask for a better Valentine’s Day vibe, Capricorn! With Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, in your sign for the first half of the month, passion is high between you and bae. You might feel like it's the honeymoon phase all over again as you stay up for hours talking and sharing things you’ve never said out loud before. This is also a great time to plan a getaway and really spend some quality time together, particularly around the full moon in Virgo on the 24th.

Single: With Venus, the planet of love, hanging out in your sign, you can treat the first half of February like your own personal season of the Bachelor franchise. Go on dates, allow yourself to be pampered and admired, and stay open to true love. Then, the new moon in Aquarius on the 9th makes room for expansive conversations that may not usually arise. Perhaps you bring a question game on a date and really turn up the emotional heat. The ball is in your court this month, single Capricorn, so enjoy it!


aquarius february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: Aquarius, things are getting hot this month. With Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of action, both in your sign, your sense of passion has never been more potent. Enjoy this time with your lover, and share what’s in your heart and on your mind. If you can, plan a weekend away during the full moon in Virgo on the 24th, which will highlight the partnerships in your life. Using this time to share any of your goals will only lead to more intimacy in your relationship. Taking this time to reconnect is crucial, and the planetary vibes are definitely in your favor.

Single: This month is all about you! Venus and Mars are both in your sign, making this the perfect moment to step it up in your love life. Be bold as you're chatting people up on dating apps, and be clear about what you want. The same goes for any in-person meetings, too: If you see someone who catches your eye, shoot your shot, Aquarius. You have nothing to lose. When the full moon in Virgo arrives at the end of the month, it’ll bring much-needed clarity to any confusing situationships. Know that the universe has your back in all areas, even your love life.


pisces february 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: The first half of this month is all about your friends, Pisces, which is good. Embrace Galentine’s Day with gusto, and enjoy the downtime with people you love. Just make sure you also pay attention to bae. Venus moves from Capricorn to Aquarius on the 16th, revealing any hidden aspects of your relationship—keep your eyes open, and consider this an invitation to go deeper. Your bond will only grow with more honesty and communication. Consider getting away with your lover, particularly around the full moon in Virgo on the 24th. This will emphasize partnerships in your life, and provide excellent energy for a romantic trip.

Single: The LOYL may be closer than you think... possibly even in your social circle. Venus is in your house of friendship for the first half of February, suggesting that friends will play a key role in your romantic life. Make sure to RSVP yes to any group outings, and stay open to new encounters. Then, Venus enters Aquarius, a sign known for its unconventional view of the world, on the 16th. So it’s possible you may begin to see someone in a new light around this time.

From: Women's Health US
Jacqueline Tempera

Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning writer and reporter living in New Jersey with her many pets. She is a business owner and a double Scorpio who loves all things astrology and reality television. She is passionate about body diversity and representation, mental health, and the fight to end sexual assault and harassment. To learn more about Jackie, follow her on Instagram @jacktemp or visit her website at

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