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What to expect from your love life this January, according to your zodiac sign

A professional astrologer breaks down what every zodiac sign can expect.

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If your love life felt a bit dry in 2023, you can expect the new year to spice things TF up. So grab your best lingerie, conjure up some sexy fantasies, and prepare for a fun, sexy start to 2024.

Venus, the planet of love, spends most of January in fun-loving, spicy Sagittarius but moves into introspective Capricorn on the 23rd, prompting the zodiac to turn inward, says Donna Page, an Atlanta-based astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology.

'We start the month with very "make me happy" and "let’s find my love" Venus energy, and then on the 23rd, it shifts into practical Capricorn,' says Page. The fun and flirty vibes will turn more serious and analytical—which could, yes, lead to long-lasting romance.

As always, there are a few key dates to note. On January 1, Mercury (the planet of communication, which has been retrograde for the last month), will go direct, allowing the collective to dream big and create the perfect vision for their future. Mars, the planet of action, enters driven Capricorn on the 4th, adding even more to the go-get-’em vibes this month. The new moon in Capricorn is on the 11th; and then, on the 20th, the sun and Pluto, a planet of transformation, enter Aquarius, the wild card of the zodiac. Finally, the month ends on a high note with the full moon in Leo, a fire sign known for its love of life and heart-driven nature.

But what does all of this mean for you, specifically? Here's what each sign can expect from their love and sex life this month, according to Page:



aries january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: While your mind may be caught up in work this month, Aries, don’t forget to make some time for bae. Mars, the planet of action, and Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, are both in Capricorn, in the part of your chart that deals with how you’re seen in the world. So, what better time to step out in style with your loved one? Plan a date night where you can both throw on your new favorite 'fits and really celebrate all that you have coming up in 2024! Then, the Leo full moon on the 25th will help infuse some fun into your routine.

Single: Single Aries, is it possible the person of your dreams is staring you right in the face? Sometimes, you have a tendency not to notice what's in front of you. This month begins with Venus, the planet of love, pleasure, and desire, in the fiery sign of Sagittarius, making a potential ~romance~ likely. When the full moon in Aries arrives on the 25th, this high-vibrational energy asks you to focus on activities you love and stay open to new connections. Even if your dating life has been lackluster, paying a little attention and fostering a positive attitude will go a long way!



taurus january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: Venus, your ruling planet, is in spicy Sagittarius at the start of this month. So, if you find you and bae can’t keep your hands off each other, that's why! As Venus shifts into practical, grounded Capricorn, it may be time to take stock of how things are going. Do you feel there is an equal give-and-take between you and your partner, or are you constantly running around cleaning after your boo? Perhaps it’s time to recalibrate. The same goes for your boundaries and expectations, in general. If you want more words of affirmation or need more support, speak up!

Single: If you’ve been searching for the relationship of your dreams, January is here to answer your prayers, Taurus! Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moves direct in your sign. This intense energy empowers you to find the relationship you want—all you have to do is put yourself out there. With Venus in fiery Sagittarius, the flirtatious energy will be at an all-time high. Then, when the sun moves into fun-loving Aquarius, the stars point to a getaway. So gather up the gals and plan a weekend trip, ideally around the full moon in Leo on the 25th. You’ll be irresistible, making the odds of a winter romance as high as the chance of snow in Antarctica.



gemini january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: For Geminis in relationships, Venus in fiery Sagittarius is turning up the joy and pleasure until the 23rd. Take this time to flirt with your S.O. Whether you’ve been together for five months or five years, having the people you love lavish you with a little extra attention always feels good. Then, the moon in Leo on the 25th will make you feel more open and vulnerable than usual. Listen to your heart, and share your desires with your love. It will definitely strengthen your bond.

Single: It’s time to get your flirt on, Gemini! Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, is in Sagittarius until the 23rd, making for a flirty, fun month. Use this time to have light-hearted conversations and explore connections. Who are you vibing with on an energetic level? Trust your instincts, Gem; they will lead you to the right people. Whether you’re meant to go on one date or be together for ten years, listen to your heart and tap into your intuition. When the sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th, you'll feel even more playful and ready for fun with friends! Hit the town and keep your eyes peeled for any cuties.

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cancer january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: If your relationship has been feeling a bit stale, January will bring new, vibrant energy. The new moon in Capricorn on the 11th signals a fresh start for you in romance. So make sure to hash out any lingering unknowns so you can step into 2024 together stronger than ever. But beware of Mars, the planet of action, in super-driven Capricorn, as it can cause a bit of tension to arise as you discuss your future with your S.O. Don’t let a small disagreement deter you, though: Be open with your partner, and ask for the support you need. Together, you can hold each other accountable and reach your biggest goals.

Single: If you’ve been feeling a little off your game, Cancer, January will help you connect back to your daily routine. Whatever you need to do to stay balanced—whether that’s meditation, hot yoga, or just some chill time on the couch with your bestie—make time for it this month! Filling up your cup is important, especially if you seek partnership. You have to love yourself first and foremost, after all. Mars, the planet of action, is also in hardworking Capricorn, signifying a big shake-up in your life, particularly when it comes to romance. So buckle up, and keep your eyes and heart open.



leo january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: Mars, the planet of action, is butting heads with your desire to have fun this month, Leo. This leads to a bit of push-and-pull energy, especially in your relationship. You find yourself wanting to go all out on vacations and elaborate date nights, but Mars is pushing you to stick to your routine. You will find a balance and, together with your partner, you can harness this energy to carve out healthy habits together. When the full moon illuminates your sign on the 25th, you’ll find that harmony you’ve been craving. And with Venus, the planet of love, landing in your house of romance this month, January will end on a high note!

Single: Single Leo, you want to keep the fun holiday energy going, which is great. But don’t ignore your work obligations and self-care. As important as it is to get out there and have fun (and possibly flirt it up a bit!), you must ensure you care for yourself first. Mars and the new moon enter driven Capricorn mid-month, giving you a much-needed boost of productivity at work and in your love life. Set up some dates and get yourself out there, just in time for fun-loving, unpredictable Aquarius season.



virgo january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: January brings a focus on home and family, particularly the one you’re creating with your partner. With Mercury, the planet of communication, direct in Sagittarius, you and bae would benefit from a bit of shared self-care. Bust out the journals or vision boards, and allow yourselves to dream big. When the new moon in Capricorn arrives on the 11th, the two of you will be planning for the future; enjoy the dreaminess of imagining your perfect life together, whatever that looks like. You have to believe in it to achieve it, Virgo, and this month is a powerful one for manifestation.

Single: There's potential for big opportunities when it comes to your personal growth and your love life this month. Mercury, the planet of action, moves direct in Sagittarius after a few weeks in retrograde. This forward momentum encourages you to reflect on your goals for the upcoming year: what has and hasn’t worked, especially in your love life? Dating is hard, no doubt about it, but it’s a lot more challenging when you don’t know what you’re looking for. So, take some time to make a list of qualities you want in a partner and keep those in mind as you navigate this month. Venus, the planet of love, is also in fiery Sag, pointing to a potential love connection. Be open to social events, and let the sparks fly!

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libra january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: With murky Mercury retrograde and all of its associated communication problems in the rearview, now is the month to speak up, Libra. January is all about meaningful conversations for you, particularly in your relationship. This is the perfect time to plan for the future and plot out all of those 2024 excursions you have on your bucket list. When the new moon in Capricorn arrives on the 11th, it encourages you to go deeper with your partner. Venus, your ruling planet, is also in a part of your chart that deals with communication, making now an ideal time to hash things out with bae and get on the same page!

Single: January is all about self-discovery, Libra. So, check in with yourself regarding what you want in your romantic life. Hoping to meet ~the one~ in 2024? Well, get clear on what you want that person to be like. If you’re looking for a world-traveling, rock-climbing, adventure buddy, put yourself in situations where you’ll likely meet that person. Open yourself up to opportunities by getting out and spending time with friends. The signs point to a spontaneous but potent love opportunity this month!



scorpio january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: Scorpio, sometimes less is more with your relationships. While you and your partner may be committed to each other and invested in your future, don’t take it personally if you don’t spend every waking moment together. Venus, the planet of love, is in your house of values, paving the way for you to analyze what you seek in this partnership. Communicate this to your partner, and make sure the time you do get to spend together during this busy month is meaningful. Put the phones away and enjoy each other’s company.

Single: It’s time to narrow down the dating pool, Scorp. While swiping right on everyone on Tinder can help you cast a wide net of potential dates, it may not always yield the most fruitful results. Be discerning with whom you open up to, and give your energy to. Your time is precious, after all, and it shouldn’t be wasted on people who don’t see all you bring to the table! Beware of love-bombing and keep your eye on the prize: sustainable love.



sagittarius january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: It’s a great month to be in love, Sagittarius. Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign until the 23rd, making you positively irresistible. If you’ve been looking to have some tough convos with your partner, use your charms to your advantage this month. Your alluring nature might just make you more persuasive. Conversations are a theme this month as you plan for your future together, but the vibrant energy of Venus makes these conversations fun rather than stressful. Remember why you’re together in the first place, and that bond will carry you through any uncomfortable discussions.

Single: Single Sag, things are heating up this month! Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, is in your sign until the 23rd. This is basically the planet’s way of telling you to get out there and shake what your mama gave you! You’re more charming and effervescent than ever with Venus on your side, and people are taking notice. Take advantage of this period to share your thoughts openly, paving the way for potential connections that align with your visions and aspirations.

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capricorn january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: You’re craving alone time this month, Capricorn, and that’s okay. With Venus, the planet of love and desire, in your sign until the 23rd, now is your chance to relax and indulge in the pleasures of life with your lover. Book a vacation away (perhaps a beach trip is in order!). When you’re away from the world, you and your love can take the time to connect on a deeper level and dream about the future. This period will allow you to connect more fully and truly see each other for all the growing you’ve been doing this year.

Single: Is there a friend in your life that you hope might turn into something more? This may be the month to take the plunge, single Cap. With Venus in Sagittarius, it’s possible you’re feeling butterflies for a friend you never quite caught feels for before. Explore this connection; it may be just what you’ve been searching for. Venus enters your sign on the 23rd, turning the romantic vibes all the way up, so if you’re looking to plan an epic date night, mark your calendar!



aquarius january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: This month is about balance for you, Aquarius. While your social calendar is filled to the max, it’s important to make time for you and bae, too. Enjoy your time alone out with your friends, but make sure you put that same effort into planning fun times for you and your love. And make sure you communicate throughout the month, as well, and you’ll enter your birthday season with ease. The full moon in Leo on the 25th only brings you two closer, allowing for free-flowing, deep conversation.

Single: The month offers a powerful blend of social opportunities and introspection for single Aquarians. Going out with friends gives you the opportunity to meet someone of interest... but don’t panic if it’s someone you haven’t quite seen in that light before. It’s possible that somebody you previously saw as a friend might be lighting a desire in you. Lean into this connection, but take your time. Get to know this person on a different level and see if you align. The full moon in Leo on the 25th will clear up any confusion and set you on the right path for 2024!



pisces january 2024 sex horoscope

In a relationship: Pisces, it’s time to hit the town! Venus in Sagittarius has you energized and ready to be seen; allow this to be your and bae’s Taylor and Travis era. While there’s always time for a cozy night in, push yourselves to step outside your comfort zone and strengthen your bond with new experiences. Then, you can both expand your social circle with the new moon in Capricorn. This month is all about embracing a sense of partnership and supporting each other's individual growth.

Single: Pisces, you are feeling yourself this month, and with good reason! Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, is pushing you into the spotlight. And guess what? People are definitely noticing your good vibes. If you’ve been looking to meet someone interesting, now is prime time. Use your connections with friends and work to expand your social circle and meet new people. When you enter Aquarius season, the fun, playful energy will become even more heightened. You’ll feel more confident than ever during this time, making it the perfect moment to meet a special someone!

From: Women's Health US
Jacqueline Tempera

Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning writer and reporter living in New Jersey with her many pets. She is a business owner and a double Scorpio who loves all things astrology and reality television. She is passionate about body diversity and representation, mental health, and the fight to end sexual assault and harassment. To learn more about Jackie, follow her on Instagram @jacktemp or visit her website at

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